4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 260: Underground night

"These creatures... are all gathered here."

There is a huge building, made entirely of trees, which resembles a hemispherical shape with a diameter of tens of meters.

On the building, a creature is looking down at the surrounding environment, this creature... is called the brave.

It is now looking at the surroundings on the building. There are a large group of creatures around the building. They are called ‘鼹’. They are gathered here not because of the brave, but...

"They are eating?"

The brave man looked down from the building and found that these cockroaches were all surrounded by a small circle, not knowing what was being eaten.

"Ah-!" However, the brave can hear the things they eat will make a sharp scream, and there is blood on the ground, which makes the brave feel very strange.

However, the brave person cares more about what it should do.

It wants to catch a single order to get information, but there are too many flaws here. If you attack, you will be besieged. If you do, then just wait for the opportunity, leave here first.

But how should you leave?

Just use this method!

The brave stood up, it looked at the sky, and then violently jumped to the sky, and its feet also spurted a raging fire at the moment of jumping!

All the cockroaches looked at the sky at this moment. Among them, only one thing shining with flames rushed to the top of the cave...but it was in the air when it was not at the top of the cave. I turned a few laps and then slammed into the ground.

"Oh!!" He screamed and they quickly hid to the side. The brave man who rushed down hit the ground with a bang.

The shackles that were scared away gathered again. They ran to the place where the brave man came to see it.

Let's look at the brave who pulled the ground out of a small pit. Although the impact was large, it did not seem to be hurt.

“Hey?” A donkey walked to the brave and smelled his body with his nose...

Suddenly, the brave hand stretched out and grabbed the nose of this dragonfly!

"Hey!" suddenly struggled and screamed, and the nearby cockroaches began to scream, and at this moment, the brave stood up again...

"Ah... this is the first time. Control is not good..."

Touching some of the dizzy heads, the brave looked around and said: "What should I do now?"

The brave body structure is now somewhat special, not so easy to die, but it also feels the pain of the impact, and now it is no longer flexible.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a slammed slammed up, and it slammed the brave out and stopped after a few laps on the ground.

"These things seem to have a lot of hostility to everything..."

The surrounding cockroaches are all surrounded. They seem to be ready to attack at any time.

The brave stood up again, and he jerked his sword and looked at them. The brave man has already made plans to use all his strength.

'boom--! ! ! ’

Suddenly, there was a burst of roaring sound in the distance. The brave watched a small 'sun' hanging from the top of the cave suddenly exploding. The glowing liquid inside it spattered like raindrops and spilled below. The acupuncture forest disappeared.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

At the same time, all of these illuminates on the top of the cave blasted. Under the roar of the roar, all the cockroaches were screaming and frightened. Soon, there was no cockroach around the brave.

At the same time, the entire underground world has become dark.

"How is this going?"

Through the light from the fire bee on the sword, the brave looked at the dark surroundings. It seemed that the fear was not only a slap in the face, but the brave found that the nearby plants began to tremble.

"The trees... are shaking?"

Every a few seconds of acupuncture plants tremble violently... it looks like trees are scared.

The entire jungle was in constant tremors, and it was learned that the sound of Sosso echoed in the forest, and the needles of many plants fell off and were absorbed by the lichens on the ground.

In the face of this weird situation, the corresponding method chosen by the brave is... not moving in place.

However, it is not that it does not want to move. It will feel pain when it is moved all over. It can only slowly recover its strength in place, but the brave body has a strong recovery ability.

“Is this the 'evening night' here?”

When the body recovers, the brave is also paying attention to the changes in the surrounding environment. The plants continue to tremble for a while and then no longer tremble, and the acupunctures on them all fall a lot and look like bald.

And those who are embarrassed, do not know where to go, the brave only know that they certainly did not run into the next building, it seems that the building may not be able to hide.

There is definitely danger in this jungle. The brave man can now hear it in this jungle, and there will be some strange sounds coming from time to time.


A violent scream came into the hearing of the brave, and the brave quickly looked at the screaming place.

I saw a small creature breaking into the range of its blade radiance, this creature is...

Is it the kind of creature that you eat?

The brave was not very clear on the building before, but he could barely see the shape of this creature. It is a small creature with a height of more than 30 centimeters, four limbs, and fast movement. Then I ran to the brave, as if I was not afraid of the brave.

No, it may be too fearful of the darkness. When the brave is shining, it will run.

When it came closer, take a closer look, the brave found that this creature is like a creature it has seen before...

The brave thought for a moment, it remembered the previous things, it used to be a pure brave man, and has been fighting against the devil...

It didn’t know how it was in the town where it used to live...

And this creature, like the creature that the brave often sees in the town, is called 'Monkey', a creature similar to Moss, especially a special hand.

It's also very similar here, but because of the cold relationship here, they have a lot of hair, but they look exactly the same, but why is there such a creature here? According to the description of the Red Velvet Devil, this place should be quite a distant world, and they seem to be a prey.


Suddenly, the brave heard another scream. In the surrounding jungle, more ‘Monkey’ ran out of the woods. They all gathered under the sword of the brave.

'Boom! ’

At the same time, the brave felt the earth tremble.

It seems that there are huge objects moving, these monks are gathered under the sword of the brave, the brave can clearly see that they are constantly shaking, really what horrible things will appear in the night?


The two trees in front were suddenly pressed against both sides by a huge force, and a huge creature appeared in the eyes of the brave.

"What is this?"

This creature looks like a huge worm, but it is transparent all over the body. Under the light, you can see all kinds of things in its transparent body.

These include the spikes of plants, the broken stones, and the skeletal bones of the creatures.

The brave can confirm that it is probably a skeleton bone. The light of the sword is not very bright, and the whole picture of the worm is not visible, but the brave guess that it may have a length of about two meters, and the width of its body... In about two meters.


Those monks sent out like tortured screams, all of them climbed onto the brave sword, but in this way they covered the light, and the companions behind them immediately gave it to the sword. Kneeling down, then hug yourself, and those who are smashed down repeat the previous movements and kneel down the companion who is carrying the sword.

Looking at their actions, the brave felt that this was more noticeable than the worm.

However, the worm is obviously very dangerous. If it is full of strength, even if it challenges this giant creature, the brave has certain confidence, but now it is not good, so the brave thought of a way.

Meng Qi should follow the light of the sword. The brave thinks about lifting the sword and then throwing it out hard.

At the moment the sword landed, all the Monsters rushed to the direction of the sword's landing, and then continued to be surrounded by the sword.

And the worm, also staring at the sword and the surrounding Monch...

However, this only lasted for a few seconds, and suddenly the worm turned his head to the brave man in the darkness, and slammed into the past.

"What? Does it say..."

The brave did not care about the injury on his body. He rolled away from the worm that rushed over and ran to the direction of the sword.


But when it just ran two steps, it felt something caught its leg and pulled it back.

The brave turned his head and found that the transparent mouth of the worm was in front of it! It hurriedly tapped on the helmet, and a hot light hit the worm's 'lips'.

The worm suddenly made a strange scream, and the brave felt that the thing that grabbed his leg was loosened. It quickly ran into the illumination range of the sword.

"Oh..." The worm stared at the glowing place, but it was no longer close. The brave could confirm that the creature should not want to approach the light, but... why?

And the worm did not leave, it has been staring at the brave and the surrounding Monch, as if than patient, to see who moved first.

The brave believes that since there is night here, there must be a day, so it feels that as long as the day is gone, the worm will leave from here.

But... How long does it take to get to the day? The brave remembers how long before the day has lasted for a long time, will it be as long as night? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 剑 剑 君 ~ 688~

Thank you ~ Sanpi Kid 0258~ for the reward~

Thanks to ~xzxz520cs~ wave s-fiy~ monthly ticket~


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