4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 261: What is the purpose of the treasure?

Treasure... I don't know the treasures used to do it.

Because of this, scholars can only watch them in a daze.

The beautiful stones that shine with the stars and the spheres that store the nuclear information, if these things are on the virtual ball of the virtual people, it will certainly sell high prices.

Stone can be sold to gems, and then the ball has a huge role in biological research, but here, scholars really don't know what to do with them.

And because there are so many people, the scholar can't take it away. It only took a stone and a ball. Now, the scholar is inside a small pyramid. It has blocked the door and prepared to rest, but before that, It took out the stone that he took away and looked at it...

This kind of ball is smaller than the one seen in the data. The diameter is only about ten centimeters, and the stone is smaller. When the scholar looks at the stone, he feels that he will be sucked in by the luster inside. I don’t know why there is a kind. The feeling of 'longing'.

At the same time, another feeling makes the brave doubts, that is, these mushrooms.

The scholar discovered the small pyramid near the treasure. This pyramid, like the previous one, is full of delicious mushrooms.

Scholars have noticed that this mushroom only feels more than 80% of its mouth in its mouth, it will feel the 'delicious' feeling, and the debris left in the mouth after swallowing will not have a slight taste. So there is no way to 'relive'.

This strange phenomenon makes scholars feel incredible, but it can basically judge what is going on. Maybe the mushroom itself has no taste, but the fungus is working to make it feel delicious. But this effect only takes effect when most of the mushrooms are in the mouth.

Why do fungi make scholars feel that mushrooms are delicious. Because this is obvious...

Scholars have discovered. As long as you eat more mushrooms, it will dream of...the environment.

"You're back."

Scholars have found that it is already in the fog, there are a lot of odd cloths, and there are creatures that will float.

"You have done what I want you to do." The creatures flying in the air said to scholars: "You have done very well, and you have succeeded in acquiring their 'treasures'."

“The last time you just wanted me to go to the ‘treasure’?” The scholar questioned: “But why not explain it?”

"Because I haven't finished, you wake up."

"...in short..." The scholar said: "What do you want to do? Use the information in the treasure?"

"You seem to know a lot of things...but not what you think." Biology said: "We just want a place to live, a new home."

The scholar questioned: "Residential? Is this related to the treasure?"

"Of course it matters. If you can bring the treasure to that place, that place will become a place suitable for us." The creature said: "Look at them, they are quite dissatisfied with the place where they live now, so I hope you go. Guide them."

"why me?"

When the scholar just asked this sentence, it woke up again.

“Isn't the mushroom enough to eat?” The scholar looked at the mushroom around him and had already been eaten by it. There are no more mushrooms in the place.

Forget it, it says that you want to find a place or something, and you don’t know where it is... maybe not here? Scholars believe that this is a place that is very suitable for the living of Chibu.

However, it is not safe to have a brain in the sloshing place... then you should leave. To explore without a brain-creating place, scholars have the confidence to avoid other creatures.

Thinking about it. The scholar walked to the entrance of the pyramid and pushed open the stone that blocked the entrance.

"Found you." And at the moment of pushing away, it saw a creature standing in front of it.

"Why..." The scholar looked at him in surprise... making a brain, a trace of rotten skin on the brain, and traces of being vines, apparently it was the brain-making monster.

"You think that kind of thing can entangle me, I bite it." The brains sent a message to the scholar: "Then, have you found the treasure?"

"Looking for..." Scholars hesitated at this moment, should they say that they found it, or did they find it? Or didn't you look for it?

Scholars believe that among these answers, there should be one that will make the brain do not attack it. This kind of creature has strange thinking, they may not necessarily...

"It turned out that you found it." But before the scholars said, the brain-creating person noticed that behind the scholar, there was a gleaming stone on the ground inside the pyramid.

"This one……"

What the scholar is going to say, the brain-creating monster continues to say: "Do you like this thing? Do you think this thing is interesting? Then go and find it."

After sending out this information, the brainsman turned and left.

"..." Looking at the back of the brain, the scholars sighed, and the behavior of these creatures was hard to guess.

However, scholars will try to guess why this brain-killing monster does not attack it? There may be some reasons, such as making a brain blame that scholars do not have any threats, and the brain-creating may not be clear that scholars have brought it into the trap.

Why do you want to make it look for treasure? Are they not quite protecting their treasures?

Now it looks like it doesn't care.

These brains and scholars look at the information as if the character has changed a lot.

In short, I will leave this place quickly, I don’t know when the brain-building monster will change his mood and run back.

Speaking of it, do you have a heart organ?

Scholars have found that there are many creatures in the world that rely on the distributed 'vascular pump' to deliver blood. It feels like a wonderful thing.

Then, next, you should go back to the sun...

Is it going back the original way, or is it taking another route? The scholar took out the video device and looked at it, and then made a decision.

It is better to take a new route, because scholars still want to see the environment here, and scholars know that there should be another exit, for example, just ahead.

Scholars turned on the light of the image device, illuminating the large area in front, in front of the scholar is the wall of the cave, and on the wall there is a huge hole.

The inner layer of the hole is covered by crystals so that the cave looks like a crystalline passage.

"Here, it should be the gateway to the original city."

The scholar walked into this crystal channel, and as he moved deeper, the scenery in front of him slowly showed up...

This is an old city. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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