4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 268: The last of the world

As the earth and the ocean were frozen, the creatures on the surface disappeared.

However, there are many creatures in the depths of the underground... but they are slowly dying...

It wants to protect the creatures here, it wants them to live.

Although these tiny creatures are like parasitic microorganisms, they want to protect them.

Life here... needs warmth to live.

It is to know this.

However, warmth is a luxury for a wandering world without stars.

So, it thought of a way to raise the temperature in the ground, so that some of the creatures there could survive.

However, no matter how much it is upgraded, there is no way to raise it to its original temperature, so the creatures that survived are not many, but... it is enough.

It believes that these creatures can still be restored, just like... before.

In this way, the creatures here lived here, they slowly recovered their populations, and the world itself entered a state of sleep.

It suffered some damage, so it needed to sleep to recover... And after it fell asleep, Atlan was slowly waking up.

Atlan lived in the underground refuge built before their war. The exploration captain who originally proposed the construction of the shelter blocked the exits of all shelters, but they were not used to staying in narrow places. Landu is trying to find a way to leave.

Some Atlan found a way. They successfully opened the entrance to the shelter and then explored the outside environment.

However, the Atlantis found out. They can no longer return to the ground, because the road to the ground has been blocked by a lot of ice and snow, and it is almost impossible to dig.

So they went deep underground.

However, the depths of the underground are also ... there are quite a few dangers.

Many Atlan are missing in the process of exploration, and they find that exploration is quite difficult.

However, some Atlan have found a special place... such as the warm environment of the underground. And went there to live, but they did not contact the companions of the refuge.

And Atlan in those shelters. I also stopped to go out to explore, but hope to look forward to a group of special Atlan.

Because many Atlan knows a special plan for the 'ecological restoration' program.

The 'No. 109 Refuge' was born for this purpose.

In fact, there are some shelters like the 109. The equipment in this refuge is relatively 'higher' and is specially made for some special researchers.

They are known as the 'ecological recovery team' and are responsible for restoring the ruined surface environment after the war.

Therefore, all they have to do is to create creatures that adapt quickly to the ground.

From the beginning of their entry into the refuge, they began their research, studying a variety of animals and plants, but the organisms they used in research were basically their own, and did not use the original products here.

Because Atlan knows more about the creatures he brings. It is also easier to conduct research.

They have produced many creatures, and these researchers have been through generations in the course of research. However, their descendants have also inherited their knowledge, so they can continue to conduct research.

They also left the refuge, and they tried to explore underground.

But they didn't want to go out on their own, so Atlan found a creature instead of exploring it...

This creature is ‘鼹’.

鼹 is a creature that is very suitable for living in an underground environment, and their skin can keep warm. You can even eat some underground plants, which are perfect for living in the ground.

initial. Atlan used these cockroaches to begin exploration in the underground environment, and they also carried out research on new varieties of cockroaches, trying to create higher intelligence shackles for more complex tasks.

The general task is to wear equipment for the cockroaches, and then let them enter the environment that Atlan does not want to enter to shoot and detect the environment.

Initially, the process went very smoothly, and many areas were explored, while Atlan also allowed them to bring some fungi or plant seeds to the depths.

Some plants grow without the need for light, and they use this plant to improve the environment in the cave.

And this process has gone too far, so something strange happened later...

There are two main types of cockroaches, but they are all the same kind of creatures. They were originally called ‘fruit 鼹’, but then they don’t know why they are called without the word fruit.

One type of cockroaches is grounded on the four limbs, while the other is a standing type. They can perform different tasks, but the intelligence is the same.

Researchers first discovered that their embarrassment became more obedient and more and more able to understand their commands. Initially they thought it was good, and then gave them more orders.

And soon, the researchers found that these cockroaches seem to be getting smarter.

From the beginning, Atlan thought that you only need to have a certain amount of intelligence, and you don't need to be too smart, otherwise they might do strange things.

However, even if Atlan did not continue to try to improve his intelligence, their intelligence continued to grow.

Moreover, this problem was actually noticed very late.

Because in the intelligence test, 鼹 already knows to be deliberately stupid, it is difficult for Atlan to detect their intelligence, and they are secretly doing something.

For example, after entering the depths of the underground, Atlan will be demolished for their exploration equipment, etc., and they will deliberately image the accident.

Those who got rid of the exploration equipment went into the deep underground and began to breed.

Originally, Atlan firmly controlled the breeding of the donkey, but as long as it was breeding outside, Atlan would not notice.

Later, these cockroaches multiplied to a certain amount, and they began to try to deal with the race that made them - Atlan.

The cockroaches that were multiplied outside, as well as the cockroaches in the institute, began to use ‘thinking outside,’ and they used ‘strategy’ to break into the refuge and launched an attack on the refuge’s Atlan.

The battle is a success... for you.

Atlanta's researchers were almost killed by them, and they succeeded in saving the same kind of people trapped in the refuge.

And he did not return to the shelter, they went to a new place to breed...

That is the space they found in the depths of the earth that suits them well.

Of course, there are not only flaws, but there are many creatures in the shelter. They also left the shelter and followed the 鼹 to live in that place.

This place is very beautiful, with all kinds of creatures, and the little sun illuminates the whole place in the sky and has the right warmth.

Here is the world... The environment built for the rest of the life, now, I have joined this place and become a member of it.

鼹 The first life... It should be said that it was very smooth.

They built their own communities underground, they are like a group of primitive creatures that use a variety of things to make simple tools.

Why are they not using the tools of the refuge Atlan? Maybe the intelligence hasn't reached that level, or it's just purely unwilling to use it.

In short, they did not take anything when they left the shelter, they built their own population.

Like a group of primitive creatures, you start with simple tools and slowly build stone buildings. They are usually dominated by lords and live with food plants and hunting as the main source of food. .

As they developed, their communities grew larger and began to have a significant impact on the underground environment.

Because the creatures in the underground environment are almost all native creatures, and the expansion of the cockroaches begins to oppress these creatures, and slowly they are getting fewer and fewer.

At the same time, it is not only awkward to oppress them.

There are also some creatures that have left the refuge together with 鼹, such as ‘Mengqi’. These creatures are small, but they are very competitive.

In addition to this, there are other creatures that slowly encroach on the whole place.

And just at this time...

The world has awakened.

But it is not a complete awakening, but only a part of the 'consciousness' wakes up. This part of the consciousness will check the foreign objects in the underground environment and exclude them.

Only the original species will be considered not to be foreign bodies, other things... including Atlan and 鼹, and the creatures brought by Atlan, all of which belong to foreign bodies.

They are counted in the 'extinction list'.

With the awakening of this exclusion function, this underground environment will also begin to change.

This environment will suddenly darken, and then there will be countless horrible creatures.

This creature only targets ‘foreign species’ and kills them.

This phenomenon does not only occur once, it becomes a cycle, every other period, the terrorist creature will appear again, this place will also darken...

But in fact this creature is an organ of the world, they have extinct many creatures, including one kind of cockroaches, because this cockroach runs unhappy.

They have almost wiped out most of the alien creatures... only a few have stayed and struggled to survive within a regular cycle.

And I also found that these monsters have a certain fear of light, although the light will not hurt them, but they can avoid them by going to the bright environment...

After that, the structures of the villages, buildings, etc. that were established before the collapse of the villages have fallen apart. They can only live a life that avoids them everywhere. Their reproduction speed is not fast, so the number is getting less and less...

Until now. (To be continued)

Ps: Thanks ~ sluggish eyes ~ small book pet ~ monthly ticket ~


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