4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 269: Wake it up

So, this happened...

Here is an environment deep underground, which is the only place that can be reached by following the caves excavated by monsters.

Although deep underground, it is very beautiful. The white, tree-like structure protrudes from the wall of the cave and is covered with the ground. These roots have small dots that emit fluorescence, which makes the entire cave look Beautiful and beautiful.

In this place, Lynn witnessed some things, some history, and...

The development of a world.

This world is indeed alive, and... it has recorded many things.

This tree root is what it uses for recording, and some are like brain memories.

Lin's pompom is now lying on a tree root, and Lynn accidentally discovered that this pom-pom will be brought into a special dream as long as she is 'sleeping' here.

Lynn thinks that this is the same for Atlan. If an Atlan is sleeping here, he can dream of something. This is the development of the world.

What I first dreamed of was the beginning of the world. It seems that from the beginning of the record, the world is so huge, as if it was not grown from the Void Bus.

Or the process of growing up is not recorded here, but it doesn't matter.

All in all, the world has been observing all sorts of things in yourself.

In this dream, you can use imagination to jump to any time period to observe what happened in each era. Lin found that it seems to be observed with a certain plant as an 'eye', so the perspective is not comprehensive, but I can also know a lot of things...

It looks at the changes in its own world. Atlan's arrival, and the latter, Lin found that most of the time he was paying attention to his own creatures.

These creatures are like tiny parasites, but they are very concerned about their state and various situations.

Lynn feels that the world itself has a special connection with the creatures living on it. It's like an ordinary creature, like Atlan. Most large organisms are extremely dependent on their symbiotic bacteria, and organisms without commensal bacteria cannot survive.

And this huge world may have a symbiotic connection with the creatures it lives in?

For the time being, Lin hasn't seen it yet.

Mainly the relationship is not complete enough. So there is no way to judge, but Lin also saw the changes in the world...

The emergence of Atlan, the war with the brain and so on.

When Atlan first appeared, the world was very disgusted with them, but Lynn found that it did not directly drive Atlan, but tried to let Atlan into the world.

The release of poison gas is also the result.

When watching in a dream, I can feel the emotion of this creature. So basically know what it is thinking.

Because the alien species brought by Atlan squeezed out the original species of the world, it tried to release the poison and let Atlan replant the creatures of the world.

This seems to have been successful. But there has been a situation later.

It is the brain spirit thing... The brain spirit has caused great damage to it. After the war ended, the world also fled the original place because of the injury and reached a void space.

Where it was originally, the place where the Atlan space stood, the space station did not come along at that location.

This is the whole development.

There is also the development of Atlan and Hey. In fact, only a part of the records can be seen here, and the situation in some places is inferred by Lin.

In short. If it is not a brain-minded relationship, maybe Atlan can live in this world very well.

And the world now seems to be hurt because of the injury, the 'mental state' has become less stable, not only into the slumber, but also regularly to initiate the elimination.

This ability to exclude should be considered a certain immunity, to remove those used by foreign objects.

But whether it is trying to remove those defects or not want to remove them is not very clear, but this ability is obviously started because the underground environment is threatened.

Lin sees those plants that are full of acupuncture, the original creatures of the world, while the monks and monks are alien species, so they will be attacked...

Well, Lin thinks that what she has to do now is to completely wake it up.

Maybe you can communicate with it to figure out more things...

At one time, Atlan also tried to communicate with the world. The place where he can communicate with it is not here. It is just a place to watch records.

The location of the exchange, Lin has seen from the record, there was once an Atlantan expedition team arrived there, and the captain was subjected to its ‘guidance’ to do a lot of things.

And it seems that a lot of technology is related to the captain, like the technology of detecting transmission...

Now, the pompoms fly away from the cave and continue to fly deeper.

The walls here are all root-like structures, but they have no cell structure, although the composition of the material is the same, it feels like some atmospheric creatures.

But Lynn feels that this creature may be a mixture of different structures like a virtual bus. It has a rock-like structure and a cell-like structure. Different structures are located in different places to maintain the whole body.

And Lynn confirmed that it is definitely capable of transmission, so it is very likely that it is a void bus.

Just find it... you will know.

... is this position.

Before the pom-pom flies to a wall, it highlights a large number of roots, which are quite different from other places.

This should be the place where the captain came to explore, and it communicated with it here.

However, it is different now than that time, because communication must be awake, otherwise it will be useless. If it wakes up, it needs a very strong stimulation.

But you can't attack it with an explosion...

Lin feels that she can try it out by awakening the creator, so she needs some special crystallization.

These crystals just happened to be found by the leader.

However, it seems to have not been found... and it is not connected, and Lin has not been watching it all the time. Generally speaking, the Master should not encounter any problems.

Or... Is there anything special?

All in all, Lynn intends to make a bigger brain here to do some excitement. If you can wake up this creature, there should be something interesting. (To be continued)


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