4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 270: Unexpected exploration

It was a blue sky, the vast earth was covered with broken stones and wood, and there was a huge creature above it.

"If you have a chance, I really want to sit up and see."

A creature named Scholar is lying in the grass, and its eyes are always staring ahead.

Not long ago, scholars fell from their own aircraft to the ground, because it has come to where it wants to be, a place that used to be a battlefield...

The three dragons used to fight here, but now there are only broken pyramid ruins.

Although scholars have been looking forward to seeing things here, in fact... there is nothing to look at here.

There are only a lot of broken stones, and there is no historical record. Although it is said that there is a large crystal mine in the ground, scholars no longer want to go underground.

However, although there are no interesting buildings, scholars have seen interesting creatures.

In front of it, a huge creature is slowly floating.

It is an empty jellyfish, and it is... a rather large empty jellyfish. It is more than 30 meters long and is a rather huge species.

Many empty jellyfish are not long, and some can grow to be quite large. Scholars have seen them in the materials. Bai Yulong used to ride these jellyfish. For example, the legendary 'Crystal Mania' has repeatedly used jellyfish to escape. .

Scholars have seen many stories about ‘crystal madness’, which it believes if crystal madness was born in the world of imaginary people. May have great achievements.

However, the achievements of Crystal Mad have a great connection with the empty jellyfish, so scholars are very interested in this creature.

The huge jellyfish is now floating in front of scholars. It used the tentacles underneath to roll up the stones in the ruins of the ground, looking like it was looking for food, but didn't roll anything up to eat.

The scholar tried to get closer and saw this huge creature more closely. It walked behind a stone more than 20 meters away from the empty jellyfish, where it was carefully observed.

"If you look at it, it feels bigger... It's really hard to imagine this creature flying."

Scholars are carefully watching. It reached out and took out the imaging device, taking pictures and recording the creature...

‘Hey! 'suddenly. When the scholar just took out the device, it made a sound.

“What?” The scholar was shocked and quickly turned on the device, which showed ‘received a message’.

"Why is there information? Is it..." The scholar opened the above message and found that there was a lot of strange symbols in the message.

These symbols are called 'garbled' and are mainly found at the wrong time.

“Why is this information happening?” Although there are mistakes, scholars know what information is definitely received.

If you can send information to scholars, there should be only a teacher in the vicinity, but why is this strange error in the information of the Master?


‘咕...’ When the scholar was thinking about it, it suddenly found a large black shadow underneath.

The scholar quickly turned his head and found that the empty jellyfish floated behind it, only a few meters away.

"Ah!" accompanied by a scream. The scholar looked at himself farther and farther from the ground, and his body was caught by a tentacle and flew high...


at the same time. On the other side.

"I don't seem to receive a signal here?"

This is the depths of the ground, in the dark caves, the instructor is sending signals to the outside inside its alloy spider.

"After coming here, I have not found crystals, but I have lost my way..."

The instructor looked behind him and thought it was hard to go back.

Under normal circumstances, the brain worms are absolutely not ‘get lost’. Because they can easily record all the details on the road.

However, it must be in the case that the road will not change.

The instructor came here. After I didn't find the crystal, I wanted to go to another place to look for it, but when it was going back, I found that the road had changed.

The road that should have been able to pass was blocked with huge stones. After the leader opened the stone, he found that the road behind it also changed. There were many objects that were not originally there, and the passage behind it was also blocked. It is.

The instructor tried to keep getting open the obstacles, but found that the passage had changed, and the passage back to the place now leads to a completely strange place.

The instructor believes that this should be caused by a certain kind of creature, and may be some large worms, only they have the ability to transform tunnels.

However, the instructor felt that this might not be a wild random event, but an attack against it, and some things wanted to trap it here.

What is it done? There is a great possibility of making brains, and they may use brain waves to affect some creatures to do this kind of thing.

"They obviously have something to protect." The instructor is operating inside the alloy spider, which has tools for contacting the outside. The instructor is trying to contact the flying ship outside, and there are some useful things in the boat.

But now it seems that I can't get in touch. The Master has sent a lot of signals, but I haven't received it outside.

"We should create some troops that can be directly controlled."

The Master has hardly 'produced' his own troops, and it uses controlled mechanical items.

However, now I should think about how to get out of here. The instructor currently has two channels to choose from, one is behind the channel, when it comes, it has become another way.

There is also a channel in front that can continue deep into the cave without knowing where it is.

After thinking about it, the instructor went forward... It thought it might be better to continue deeper, and the environment here seems to be worth investigating.

Because the environment is still very beautiful, for example around the gods. There are many strange crystals, and there are many wonderful creatures, although the Master has been at the Institute. But what it finds out is also of interest to things outside.

Moreover, if you go inside, you can find something that the Master can feel. If you use brain waves to detect it, you can feel some special feelings. This feeling is somewhat like a feeling of being stimulated... ...very special.

"It is that direction."

Thinking about it. The Master operated the alloy spider to accelerate forward, as it grew faster and faster. The feeling in front is getting stronger and stronger.

"That is..." The instructor stopped and found a huge thing in front of him.

Is this something that changes the structure of the tunnel?

............ At the same time, on the other side.

"Where is it going?"

Scholars are now in the sky, and below it is a jungle. The jungle was swept back at a very fast speed because the scholar was caught in the sky by a huge empty jellyfish.

"I shouldn't want to eat me..."

Scholars have read the information, the empty jellyfish will immediately eat the food, and will not take it away, the large empty jellyfish has similar personality, so it thinks it should be no danger now.

Unless... the empty jellyfish changed the habit.

‘Call-’ suddenly, the scholar felt that a colder wind blew his body, and it saw a huge rift in front of it.

"Is it already here in the Rift Valley? Is it going to fly out of the mainland?"

The empty jellyfish flew over the rift with scholars, and the cold wind under the rift allowed scholars to tremble. The dark area seems to be swallowing it up, and scholars have found that the empty jellyfish catching it is not particularly tight, it can fall into it at any time...

Think of this. Scholars quickly grasped the tentacles of the empty jellyfish.

Fortunately, the rift is not very long. Only about ten kilometers away, the empty jellyfish quickly flew to the other side of the rift and reached a wilderness.

Originally, the outer sides of the rift valley of the western continent were all wasteland. But now there has been a big change, although there is no dense jungle here. But it is also full of various plants, forming a vast meadow, and many dinosaurs live on it.

These creatures have attracted the attention of scholars, but scholars still remember that it is now being held, so it should find a way to let yourself go.

Scholars have been thinking of ways... but unfortunately, it has found that it has almost no way to go, it can only stay in the sky.

Because the altitude of the empty jellyfish is too high.

While looking at the scenery below, the scholars discovered that the empty jellyfish had already flown to the beach, and there were many marine life gathered on the beach. The empty jellyfish completely ignored the creatures, and it flew over the ocean with scholars.

Scholars began to worry that empty jellyfish will fly into the water...

However, after a while, the scholars found that it did not need to worry about this problem, because the empty jellyfish is still moving forward, and its goal is...

An island.

"Is that the island of Bailong?"

Scholars have seen a lot of things about the island in the information. It has always thought of the island to see, and did not expect to reach this place so soon.

Here, there must be a lot of interesting things...

But how can we go on?

The empty jellyfish has already flown over the island. After flying over the beach, the scholars saw a huge jungle. Half of the island was once a jungle, but now the whole island has been covered by the jungle, but You can still see those buildings that have been left behind.

The most conspicuous of these buildings is the legendary...the castle of the White Dragon.

The castle is so large that it is hard for a scholar to imagine that it was made by a group of relatively primitive creatures, but it is indeed there, and it seems to be the target of an empty jellyfish. (To be continued)

Ps: Thanks to the 11000~~~~ of e107~! ! !

Thank you ~ 1000 miles ~ ~ ~!

Thanks ~ book friend 141101212354315 ~ sinful heart 625 ~ excited e107 ~ month under the lamp ~ the monthly ticket ~


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