4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 271: What are they thinking about?

'boom--! ’

The black ground was hit by a strong blow, and the slammed even cracked on the ground.

However, its goal is no longer in the position of being hit.

"This thing seems to be very powerful..."

The lord, still in its alloy spider, this spider is very useful, but sometimes there are things that it can't deal with, such as the creature in front of it.

This creature looks like a big tree, a big tree with large limbs. It is three meters tall and has two arms composed of thick trunks. What is more conspicuous is the back of the tree. Root crystals.

It looks like it's stuck in, not growing on it, but the tree has no opinion on the crystals on its back, and it has more opinions on the Master.

'boom! The tree once again waved its limbs and slammed into the spider of the Master, and the Master jumped back in the first second to escape the attack.

"This thing is very strange." The instructor kept polluting the moving tree in the brainwaves. This tree is obviously a kind of moving plant, and it is closer to the type of 'yield tree'.

However, the crystals on its back are very weird, and the crystallization will respond to it with a special feeling every time the instructor detects it.

This may be the crystallization that the Master wants to find.

Thinking, the Master's operation of the alloy spider climbed over. Although the tree had no eyes, it could accurately locate the position of the instructor, and the two trunks slammed down.

'boom! 'The moment the trunk hits the ground. The alloy spider jumped into the air and climbed onto the big tree, while the bottom of the spider extended the forelimb with a circular saw. The rapidly rotating serrated saw is on a crystal that is inserted into the tree.

Along with the sound of circular saws, countless crystal fragments were scattered around, the crystals had been cut in half by the spiders, and the big trees were constantly struggling, trying to smash the captain's spider from it.

However, it is not so easy to smash the godfather's spider, and there are special barbs on the alloy feet. Make it able to grab any surface.

‘嗡...’ But the sound suddenly sounded inside the big tree. Suddenly, countless bugs were drilled from the tree hole in it, and instantly surrounded the godfather's alloy spider.

“Is there such a thing?” The instructor felt a little unbelievable, although it knew that there were many worms living with such moving trees. But they rarely help trees fight.

But now, the crystallization has been sawed by the leader. It picks up this piece of crystal and jumps to the side. These worms are not chasing the leader, but fly back into the tree hole.

However, the trees seemed to be quite angry at the crystallization of the Master who took it away. It rushed to the past, but the Master ran away before it caught up.

"Run here."

The godfather's spider is much faster, and soon he can't see the tree. At the same time, the patriarch also took the crystallization and studied it carefully.

There are some research features on the spider, including microscopic functions. The brain wave transmits a needle, etc., which can carefully observe the structural composition of the crystal.

"It turns out that..." The instructor looked at the crystal structure and used a small needle to **** into the crystal for research. Soon he understood the crystal.

This thing... It should be the kind of brainwave that the Master has been looking for. They are very special and can store brain waves. But this structure may be a little different than before, in short, the brains are made out. They may use this crystallization to influence the behavior of that tree.

Although the plants do not have the brains of the usual creatures, they are still nerved, and the crystals are inserted into the bark, causing a constant impact on the tree, causing it to constantly attack the instructor.

Because the method of emitting brain waves generally does not affect trees, is this method used?

The instructor thought that this method is very good. Now that you have found the crystal, let's see where they have more quantities.

The chief is mainly trying to make something to deal with the brain, so the more the better.

"You have not been bitten?"

When the instructor was thinking about it, there was a ‘sound’ behind it. He turned and looked at it. He saw that the three brain-creating monsters were more than ten meters behind the leader.

"I said that it is not so easy to be bitten." "The trees won't bite, they will only kill." "No, I have seen them biting, just a long time ago."

The three brain-creating people seem to be discussing each other, but their eyes are all staring at the instructor. As soon as the leader moves a little, they immediately guard.

"Why do you want to kill me?" The instructor tentatively sent out the message.

"It asks us why?" "Don't tell it better." "Yes, we have to bite it and tell it."

The three brains seem to have reached an agreement. They looked at the instructor and then... turned and escaped.


In the dark cave, the godfather's spider is running at the fastest speed, and in front of it there are three brains running at the fastest speed...

The reason why the Master is chasing them is mainly to "ask" where the crystallization is made, and why the brains are running away...

Maybe only they know it.

"Forget it."

After running for a while, the instructor stopped, and the three brain-killing monsters ran past the corner of a cave in front of them and disappeared.

The reason why the Master did not chase is mainly... It has found a lot of crystallized places.

Here is a special cave, which is covered with various crystals on the surrounding ground. It also includes the kind of the teacher's mind.

This crystallization responds to certain sensations as long as it is detected, which makes them easy to distinguish.

Now that it has been found, the next step is to mine it here.

But what should I do if I can’t go back now?

"It should be bitten to kill it." "It won't bite." "Then it will smash and then bite."

The few brains that ran away before, once again appeared...

But this time there are more than a few of them, and there are five trees in the previous big tree, but they are all small, only about one meter, and there is only one crystal in the body, which feels like a cub. No, it should be a seedling...

"This group of things..." The Master found that they spread slowly, as if trying to surround it, but the Master did not try to escape, but looked at the three brains...

"Don't you plan to escape?" The painter's alloy spider raised the circular saw of the forelegs, and the sergeant also sent a message: "If this is the case, let you tell me how to leave." )r655


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