4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 272: Declining country

"This is... the legendary..."

The creature named Scholar is looking at the scenery in front of him with amazement.

It is in front of a rock-made land, and various plants sprout out of the cracks in the rock, dyeing the ground green.

But they have not completely concealed the original appearance of this place. Among these plants, there are various round buildings, and scholars are very much looking forward to seeing inside.

Because this is the top of the castle of the White Dragon, this place is a huge platform with many buildings on it, and a huge pool that used to raise empty jellyfish.

Nowadays, the pool has dried up and the building is covered with cracks and clumps of plants, but this can't hide its past glory. Scholars can see the sights here, and it is imagined that it used to be a prosperous medieval empire.

However, this medieval period was not slowly produced. It is said that the creators promoted the evolution of the white dragons in order to make them their own admirers.

The Yate population is also produced here, and they have always tried to obstruct the creator's plan.

In the end, the population of Bai Xiaolong still died, leaving the country they once had.

Scholars have always wanted to come to this place to see, I did not expect an empty jellyfish to catch it in this place, the empty jellyfish is no longer here.

However, scholars are not yet able to view those buildings.

Because scholars are trapped in this place.

The scholar is now in the huge pool that used to be. Now the pool water has dried up, but it is not empty, and there are many biological wrecks. There are also some strange ‘buildings’.

For example... the tower that the bones piled up.

Some towers are almost as tall as the pool, and the scholar is now on a bone tower in the center of the pool, where the empty jellyfish flies after it is placed here.

And this tower, scholars also know what creatures come out.

Gnomes... This ruins of the white dragons live in a lot of dwarfs, they are quite a lot here, they are one of the creatures that scholars don't want to encounter.

However, scholars now believe that. It should be possible to have some way to communicate with the gnomes if they encounter them. It is necessary to find a way to escape from them before they starve to death.

So now just wait for them to come out...

However, the strange thing is, why does the empty jellyfish catch it here for the gnome? Did the gnomes tame the empty jellyfish to capture their prey?

This should be unlikely. Because gnomes...

‘哗...’ When the scholar thought about it, he suddenly heard a sound of running water.

"How is this going?"

Scholars suddenly found a large amount of water pouring around the dry pool, which washed away the debris on the ground and slowly gathered into shallow water in the pool.

In the water, scholars have discovered that a large number of creatures appear out of thin air. They move slowly in shallow water, and all gather under the bone tower where the scholars are located.

No, they don't appear out of thin air. They should have been in a state of discoloration in the dry pool water. So the scholars didn't see it, and when they got the water they turned white, so they were quite conspicuous.

These creatures... are ancient times.

Why is Gu Yu here? And all are hiding in the dry pool. But obviously they have a certain connection with the empty jellyfish.

These ancient scorpions are not tentacles, the body length is thirty centimeters, which is a relatively large one, and they are all gathered under the tower now, as if several people still want to climb up.

This tower should not be built by ancients because they don't like bones.

but. The tower may have been used by them, and they climbed up the tower. Scholars can't jump now, and they can't jump to the bank. Because the tower is in the center of the pool, there are still tens of meters away from the shore. What should I do?

Scholars don't confirm what the ancient scorpion will do for it, but it should be better to avoid it. Now it can't escape, then it's impossible to look at this method.

The scholar took out the imaging device and turned on a special mode against the ancient pipa below.

This mode will change its color rapidly, which should have an effect on the ancient cockroaches, but the effect will not be determined, but many ancient scorpions regard continuous color change as a threat signal, and may use this to scare Run them.

“It seems to be effective...?” When the scholars released the stereoscopic images of the ever-changing colors on the tower, the ancient rafts that climbed under the tower stopped, they looked at the images released by the scholars, and then they started themselves. Constantly changing colors.

Are they ‘communicating’ with images?

Scholars were wonderful about this phenomenon, and the scholar suddenly thought of a method, which took the imaging device and climbed down the tower.

There are many prominent parts of the bone tower. It is quite easy to climb up, and as the scholars climb down, the colors of the ancient cockroaches are changing closer and closer, and they are also going backwards.

Sure enough!

The scholar immediately speeded up to the bottom of the tower. When the scholar climbed down the tower, the ancients retreated to one side. They kept swinging their tentacles and changing the color of the body.

Watching them retreat, the scholar immediately ran in the direction of the pool wall, and the scholars had seen the ladder that could climb the pool.

The ancient crickets did not catch up. Although they kept changing color in place, they did not seem to want to attack.

The scholar quickly ran to the place where he could climb up. A bone ladder consisting of a large number of bones inserted into the wall. The scholar tried the hardness of the ladder and confirmed that it was enough to bear its weight. Then he climbed up...

"...call, finally come up."

After climbing up, the scholar looked at the pool behind his eyes. The ancient cockroaches still changed color underneath, but they did not catch up.

Then, don't worry about them.

The scholar closed the imaging device and turned to the place where he had always wanted to go... the location of the Bailulong building.

The scholar went to the largest building. The building is a domed stone building. Although it is surrounded by vines, the gorgeous carvings on it are not damaged. They are beautifully carved on both sides of the gate. There are dinosaur patterns, and there are all kinds of beautiful paintings on the floor. Scholars think that this should be regarded as the palace of the king.

"This is..." The moment the scholar entered the building, he was attracted by a thing in front of him. It lowered his body and smashed it.

This is the ‘shell’.

What the scholar picks up is a semi-circular object. This small object is engraved with a very fine pattern. Presumably this is the 'currency' of the white dragon, which belongs to a kind of shellfish shell. They use this kind of thing to Trading.

"But there seems to be no difference in denominations." The scholars found that the above pattern does not symbolize the number.

There are a lot of shells scattered on the ground here, which seems to be the feeling of a white dragon when it flees, and the whole room is almost the same.

They are scattered all over the floor, but almost no damage, scholars can carefully investigate these things.


“It’s like this, almost all of them are luxury accessories...”

Scholars are now studying carefully with a 'scepter' and a gorgeous stone, and the result of the study is... these things are not useful.

But it is definitely worth the shell.

Because there are gorgeous carvings on the top, and the materials of these things are very rare, at least for the island, the carvings should be those skilled masters.

Sure enough, like the virtual people, these creatures like luxury goods and the like, their only use is to show their ‘identity’.

Identity is a very important thing in a personal life... Scholars have been very concerned about it before, but now... it has a feeling of ethereal emptiness for previous memories, as if everything that was previously careless has no meaning.

The final effect of these things is to be left in this place and to describe the history of the past to new arrivals.

Scholars have turned out a lot of similar things. After reading, the scholar left the building and continued to walk into other buildings.

Scholars believe that if you go inside the castle, you can see more things, but still look at the buildings on the castle.

At the same time, scholars are also hungry. It wants to find something to eat... I don't know if there are delicious fungi to eat.

... at the same time, on the other side...

"I will never tell you unless you turn around and turn three times!"

Here is a dark, cave filled with crystals.

The Master's alloy spider is now on a brain-creating body, with many pieces of wood and a large tree lying on the ground.

Not long ago, they experienced a fierce battle, and although they had a huge number of advantages, they all fell in front of the Master's alloy spider.

Because this spider is equipped with a lot of weapons, it allows it to deal with many targets.

However, the godfather's spider has also been damaged, it has to leave here for repair and supplement energy, but...

It seems that the brains will not tell how it should leave.

"You can't know, you won't know..."

The brain-creating continually sent a meaningless message, which made the Master feel a little... want to kill it.

However, the Master is not going to do this. It feels that new methods should be used to make the brains open.

Thinking, the godfather's spider turned to one side, it pulled up a crystal from the ground, and then turned back to make a brainstorm: "If you don't tell me, then pour this crystal into your brain.

"..." The brains seem to hesitate.

After hesitating, it gives the answer: "I will tell you." (To be continued)

Ps: Thank you ~ God's reward under the sun~

Thanks ~hgfchg~ lazy dragon in the moon~~


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