4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 459: Primitive

"This is the original thing in the legend..."

The worm is also staring at the picture that the scholar sees, because it is in the scholar's helmet, and its tone is getting more and more excited.

"This is the goal they seek, the root of their fear..."

"But, we found it first! Wow!"

"Ah! Don't yell!" The scholar took a helmet and the robbers quieted down. Although it was small, it was very loud.

“Do you need to be so excited?” the scholar said: “These creatures are very special. They are like some... multi-cellular creatures with brains.”

"They have a strong physique and spirit." The robbers said: "It is very late, you should continue to observe them carefully, until you fully understand them, you start yourself."

The scholar questioned: "Start? What are you talking about?"

"Start that function." The robbers pressed a few times inside the scholar's helmet, and the picture in front of the scholar suddenly popped up a lot of information.

It says: "If you find something useful and want to return quickly, do the following, so that the armor will activate the emergency injection system, allowing you to return to the institute in a very short time."

Under this passage, there are a series of action icons that seem to teach dance.

"Does this armor still have this function?" The scholar looked a little bit worried: "The instructions have not been written... and this is a strange action, it is too difficult... even if it is a dance master, I guess it will be dozens. Stay up late to learn."

"Complex, only valuable." The robbers said: "Learn first, then practice."

"Research... Then continue to look at them... ah." Scholars continue to get it. It accidentally dropped some mud from the bottle onto the ground.

‘嗡——! ! ! ‘In this moment. It suddenly heard a strange sound around it. It turned around and found that the operation block of the center of the ship popped up a picture that read some Atlanic language and was still flashing.

When the robbers saw these languages, they immediately said to the scholars: "Get out of the way! It's like the fastest brainworm!"

"Roll..." The scholar stunned for a second or so, and it understood what was going on. The ship should be sending signals to let Atlan of other seas come here. Because it detected the microbes in the mud...

Although I don't know if those Atlan are still alive, I still have to escape.

It immediately took the microbial soil from the small disc back into the bottle, wiped the mud off the ground, and then stuffed the bottle into his armor, then immediately ran to the entrance of the vessel and clicked to open the door. Button.

However, the door did not open, but instead prompted the Atlan language.

"It is forbidden to escape from the sample, prohibit anything from leaving, no matter what danger. You must make every effort to protect the sample. Remember that your life is far from being important, even if you are completely extinct, protect the sample."

This passage is translated by the robbers to the scholars.

"Exploration team please answer, here is the rescue force! Here is the rescue force, we are going to you, I heard that you found the sample, you must protect it with the cost of life!"

Then, the scholar heard the sound coming out of the box. It seems that there was already a certain Atlantis force receiving a signal and rushing to the side...

"This door!" The scholar looked at the cabin door that could not be opened, and reached out to the leggings where there were some weapons: "If this is the case, then only use..."

"Only use the secret number."

“The secret number?” At the moment the scholar questioned, the robbers climbed to the ‘microphone’ in the helmet and shouted a language that the scholar could not understand.

‘Hey! At this time, the door actually made a sound and slowly opened.

"What is this secret number?" The scholar entered the door while questioning, and the outer door began to open slowly, but...

‘Hey! Hey! The door kept rising, but it could not rise because it was stuck.

The scholar thinks that the door in this position was the one that was previously damaged by the fog worm. The ship has many exits, but inadvertently, it ran to the broken exit...

The scholar immediately wanted to turn around, but it found that the entrance to the back was closed.

"Quickly open!" The scholar slammed the button to open the door, but the sound of the buzzing bug was told to tell it: "Do not open the door until the outside door is completely closed."

"There should be a cipher to let it open!" The scholar immediately asked the worm, and the worm said: "The system is stupid and cannot be opened."

"...What should I do?" The scholar looked at the stuck door. The door could not be raised now and could not be lowered. It was in a state of no movement. Before it wanted to blow the door, it was only enough in the cabin. In the case of space, if the aisle between the door and the door is now blown up, it is likely to spread to itself.

At the same time, the scholars also heard the sounds in the cabin. The Atlantic troops who came to the 'rescue' seemed to be getting closer and closer, and they might be discovered by them...

"Forget it, no matter how much, try it directly!" The scholar pulled out a rounded object with a barb from the armor. It pressed the round object on the hooked door and then Set the time to detonate above...

‘Hey! Suddenly the door returned to normal, it rose, and the garden object also hit the scholar's head, and a sentence came out: "Detonation after ten seconds."

"Ah!" The scholar slammed the thing down and threw it away, then it quickly swam out of the open door.

'boom--! ! ! 'It took less than five seconds to swim out of it. There was a violent roar behind it. The whole ship retreated with this force, and the scholars were blown out and slammed into the trench in front. On the rock wall.

"Call..." The scholar sighed with relief: "Really..."

“It’s not perfect,” said the robber.

"What? Is it..." The scholar was shocked. It suddenly remembered that it was possible that the mud on the floor did not seem to be completely wiped clean, although it was not clear what the microbes were, but scholars knew that they could not let Atlan or Brain spirit gets them.

The robbers continued: "You didn't roll when you escaped, it's not perfect."

“What?” The scholar said with a sigh of relief: “Just this...”

The scholar’s ​​words have not been finished, and its mouth is closed because it has found a bright light in the faraway of the trench...

That light is not like a creature, it should be... Atlan's ‘rescue’ unit. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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