4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 460: Detected

'Snapped! Along with the shining light, a huge object appeared in the sky above a snowfield. ↗

Slowly... all sent over.

Here is the stellar bus. Lin's pompom is watching the sky on the white ground. Now, every few hundred seconds, there will be a huge battleship in front of Lynn.

They are all Lin's troops. They fly to the transfer point of the virtual people, then send them to the star bus twice by two transmissions, and then slowly land on the ground.

At the time of the battleship's landing, countless pompoms swarmed and carried all the various resources inside and took them to the stars bus. Most of these resources were used to repair the star bus, except for repairs. Some resources are also used to strengthen the star bus.

Lin has been planning this for a long time, but it can be said that it will not be implemented until the troops can be transferred.

Lin plans to transform the stellar bus into a multi-layer structure. The outermost layer is the surface. Although it is covered with snow and ice, there are still a lot of cracks, but Lynn decided to transform it back to its original state.

Let this land once again fill the jungle, and let the creatures living on the original star bus once again form a huge environment, and Lin wants to use some methods to create an environment full of ... powerful creatures.

This is the main structure of the outer layer, and the second layer is below the surface. Here, Lin wants to build a lot of bases and put a variety of attacking objects inside, so that they can be stretched out at critical moments. At the same time, these bases can also place a large number of troops. As a base for the reserve forces.

The outer shell of the stellar bus...that is, the structure of the stratum is quite strong. It can be said that the stellar bus is much stronger than the ordinary tumbling. But Lynn also found another way to mix a large amount of another substance into the shell to make it stronger, which allows it to protect against many attacks, including brainstorming.

And the next level... It should be almost to the location of the refuge.

In this position, Lin intends to place more ‘organs’.

There are many organs in the stellar bus, and many of them are damaged. When repairing them, Lin felt that some organs could expand even larger. For more uses, Lynn feels that they can use them to fill the inner layers of the Star Bus and regenerate this Star Bus into a complete ... arms.

Just as Lin had long since revived the creatures he had eaten, and Lin had to turn the stellar bus into his own arms, and then he could use it to swim in the void, which is also the key to destroying the brain. arms.

At the same time, it is not only a base, but also a life-rich environment. Lin will create a special environment to continuously observe their evolution and growth.

Transforming a world generally takes a long time, but now resources are constantly being sent. Lin feels that it takes only a short period of time to complete the transformation, probably only... dozens of days and nights.

Lin looked at a lot of pompons and kept moving. While they are taking out the things in the battleship, they are also modifying the structure of the ground. At the same time, in the underground, the pompons are cleaning up the refuge in Atlan.

Inside these shelters... there seems to be a lot of stories about Atlan, so Lynn didn’t destroy them, but collected the useful things inside, and then built a 'warehouse’ somewhere. They are all thrown in.

At the same time, Lin also gathered the bodies of various creatures inside. They should all have... the possibility of resurrection, and... Lin found that there are quite a lot of non-multicellular creatures in the body of the Star Bus.

Including rock creatures, there are some very special creatures that can flourish in the inner layers of the Star Bus...

However, it is actually used as a bastion, so the creatures living on the fortress should be quite powerful. Most of the creatures living here should have the ability to destroy the small mechanical forces like the Atlan squad alone. Use them as an immune system to prevent other things from sneaking into the Star Bus.

After the renovation, the warships built by the virtual people will almost be built. At that time, a full-scale attack will be launched.

During this period, Lin is observing the environment around the core of the brain.

Lin sent a large number of 'observation stones' to the brain around the brain for detection. Lin thought that these places were more common, but they found that they are actually not simple.

There are six galaxies around the core of the brain. These galaxies basically have a characteristic...that is, there is no tumbling.

Except for a galaxy with a gas tumbling, other galaxies can be said to have only one star, plus a small amount of 'gravel'.

These gravel move around the stars like tumbling, but their maximum diameter is only about ten kilometers, and those small are only a few meters, of course there are many centimeters and finer debris, those are not included. .

In these places, Lin called them the gravel galaxies, although I don't know why these galaxies are like this, but they are all brains of the storage force.

Lin had previously observed one of the 'crushed galaxies', where the gravel area contained huge amounts of micro-mechanical troops. It is estimated that at a critical time, the brain will use them to fight, because it is too small, this unit can They form a very terrifying force, and at the same time they are also used as a defense for the brain-minded warships, preventing the enemy from invading them with tiny things.

These tiny machines, Lin felt that they should all be controlled by the brain spirit, but because there are too many, Lin thinks that it may be a brain to control a group of such things, instead of each having a single brain control.

The other few gravel galaxies are more obvious armaments. Now, Lin's observation stone is flying around these gravel areas. It pretends to be an ordinary gravel and observes the surrounding environment...

But in general, they don't see the brains. They are all hidden in the stone, but occasionally they can see that the 'shell' of these stones will slowly open, revealing the ... metal channel inside.

It can be seen from these channels that the inside should be a structure such as a base, with many squares flying in and out, and occasionally a square will fly out.

The flying out squares will disappear instantly, and will not stay in the gravel area for too long, then the channels will merge again.

Lin did not let the observation stone enter the passage, because it is still possible to be discovered. Although Lin believes that this observation stone is more concealed than the previously used pompom, it was not found in the past. Now you have to make them discoverable.

The brain spirits are usually in a large stone with a diameter of one kilometer. The small stones do not seem to be there, because Lin never saw them open, but there may be other weapons or something.

All in all... Except for the galaxies with huge tiny mechanical forces, the remaining five galaxies are 'normal forces', which are basically composed of squares.

There is a blue gas tumbling in a galaxy. Lin occasionally sees the brain spirits flying into the box and flies out. It may be going in there to get the material inside, but they don’t have a base in it. .

Lin’s piece of observation stone is now floating in the void, staring at the direction of the gas tumbling.

Gas tumbling is not only much bigger, but there is always a huge storm inside. There should be a lot of energy suitable for various purposes...

However, Lin recently stared at this tumbling person and had a new feeling.

They are like a creature - a whirlwind.

Lin suddenly found that the whirlwind is very close to the gas tumbling, they should have the core, and the body is surrounded by the airflow... those whirlwinds can grow into very large bodies, maybe these gas tumblings are also with the stellar bus or Like the Void Bus, there are some 'live' types among them.

If there are such creatures, they may be bigger than the stellar bus. The whirlwinds that Lin found in the creator prison are not infinite growth, but there may be some kinds of them that can grow.

If there is that kind, it may really grow so big...

Although I think so, it seems to have nothing to do with the current situation.

Except for these gravel galaxies, the core is surrounded by voids, and those voids should have nothing, and these galaxies should have the ability to immediately reinforce the core.

Therefore, Lynn feels that they should be targeted first... first of all, to isolate their transmission.

After isolating the surrounding 'protection', it will directly attack the core of the brain.

However, the brain spirit itself may also think of this, they may have a corresponding method, and Lin needs to attack in another way that they do not understand.

Yes, maybe that method can...

this is……

As Lin thought about it, Lynn received some signals.

Now, Lin can't get back to the pompom completely, but she can feel something more clear there.

It seems that the brain spirit's aggression has not completely ended... They are still 'planning' some special things, these things... seem to have something to do with the previous cells.

Although it has been a long time, Lin still remembers some things that happened before, especially about the crystallization of vision. Now, it seems that the thing has been discovered again, although it cannot be fully confirmed.

Lin had thought that the crystallization might come from the void, so I couldn't find any related minerals on the pompom, but... after receiving this signal... Can it be said that there is a lot of crystal... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ Liu Yan ~ Thousands of Liquor Township ~ Guanshu Zhixing ~ Wang Ahua ~ monthly ticket ~

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