4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 488: negotiation?

Starlight... is still shining. 》

The roar of the stellar bus... has been 'shielded' by Lin.

Because even if you don't listen to these sounds, you can see very clearly... The world is constantly being bombed.

The endless flash is constantly cutting the surface of the stellar bus, and its solid ground seems to be getting weaker and weaker.

Fortunately, only the stellar bus is used to withstand this attack, other fleets are now hidden, they are waiting for an opportunity to attack.

But what should I do next?

Looking at the brain around the crazy attack, Lynn decided to use that method, only that method can support... the aliens turn off the transmission obstruction, and there are other things that need to wait.

The aliens are still flying, and the brain does not stop them. Lin believes that the brain is very eager to solve them, but it is in a dilemma.

And those heterogeneous, although knowing that their companions are likely to save them, but if possible, they still want to rely on their own strength to leave here faster.

"Hurry up and leave..."

Suddenly, Lynn heard some...sounds.

"Don't get close... we have to do something..."

This voice seems to be some kind of information, and it is mixed in the light group of the brain. It seems that as the light group explodes, the information will be released.

However, this information is very vague and feels like some information about 'random popping'.

What does this mean?

Regardless of what it stands for, Lynne is about to start acting now, under the surface of the stellar bus. Lynn started something.

'Snapped! ’

Suddenly. The sky shone brightly. Although the sky was originally bright because of the myriad of light, the flash was a bit different.

There are many light groups... they disappeared into the air before falling to the surface.

This is a way of 'transmission interception', but Lynn does not send away those light groups, but instead transmits some of the bombs from the stellar bus reserve directly to the light group and intercepts them.

Although there is no way to intercept all of them, intercepting a part can make the pressure of the stellar bus much less, but it takes a part of the transmission energy.

During this time, Lynne must continue to do other things... now. There is already a disc flying away from the star bus.

It is looking for opportunities near the mainland on the first floor, and it is now flying below the first continent.

The first layer of the continent has many sharp boulders that feel like structures called ‘stalactites’.

However, most of the stalagmites here are hundreds of meters in length. As for the use of this structure, it is still unclear, even the memory of the heterogeneous.

However, it seems to be a good hiding place. The 10-meter-diameter disc slowly flies across the first layer of the continent between the stalagmites, close to the core of the brain.

Just go ahead. It is possible to see the huge forces around the core, and their number has been densely formed into a wall. The core is completely protected, and they are not involved in the attack on the stellar bus, but aim the weapon at the first level of the continent.

Presumably, as long as Lin sends the troops to the first floor, they will immediately attack and destroy them, and even if they are alien, they will attack.

These brains have reached a point of madness, and they are swearing to protect their dreams.

In addition to them, there is another kind of creature that is swearing to protect the dream.

That kind of creature...that is, the protector, they may be better than the brain to 'talk' some.

Thinking, Lin let the disc emit a special message.

This special disc allows Lin to connect into the dream at this location, and can be directly connected to the ... core location.

It seems... already connected.

The scenery in front of Lin is a sea of ​​fire that is tumbling fiercely. This place like the surface of a star is the core of dreams.

There is only one purpose for Lynne to come here, and some negotiations with those ‘guarders’.

Although Lin feels that the brain is unconvincing, the protector should be able to accept some of the "proposals" of Lin to destroy the brain.

It is not possible to negotiate them at the beginning, but now it has reached the core of the brain, so only this last step is needed.

However, there is a problem now... Lin did not see the nucleator.

Generally speaking, foreign bodies appear in the core, and the protectors will appear immediately, but now there is no such situation. Where did they go?

Maybe that thing? Here, Lin found something that is incompatible with the stellar environment. In the air, there is an image that looks like a stereoscopic picture.

In the image, it seems to be a vast wilderness...

"Fleece..." Suddenly, Lynn heard a familiar voice, this voice is... the creator?

Lin found that it was floating above the sea of ​​fire, it would actually... come here?

"I came here, but I was not hindered." The creator said to Lin: "Why? Because they are fearing, they are running away..."

"I know that you are fluffy." The creator looked into the sky, and now Lin is in the form of a disc, but it seems to recognize it.

"What happened in the end? Fluffy, why are these creatures so fearful, are they about to face death?" The creator said to the disc: "Why don't you tell me?"

"Why don't you directly control the world? Since it has not been hindered." Lin said to the creator: "Like the last time."

"I know now." The creator said: "The world is hard to be directly controlled. To control it, you must..."

"what is that?"

The creator seems to have noticed now that there is a three-dimensional image floating in the air.

"The core creatures are here." Before the disc flew to the image, and then touched the screen, Lin found that... the picture seemed to be able to go in.

Sure enough, this is not a picture, but a place like a door, a door leading to a place.

Thinking, Lin flew in. Now the stellar bus is under attack and there is not much time to stay here.

Flying into the door, Lin found that this side is a very wide place, with a huge rocky land, while running a lot of creatures on the rock.

Where is this dream? In a heterogeneous memory, Lynn searched for a record about the place.

This seems to be a place called ‘Different Dreams’, but the aliens don’t know the details, because this is where the protectors themselves studied.

Although the heterogeneous observations of their research, they can not explore too much.

Lin quickly discovered the goal to be found, and those who were protecting the nucleus were floating far away. They had a total of ten, as if they were looking for something.

Lin immediately flew over, and during the flight, the group of nuclear protectors suddenly accelerated and flew farther.

Lin followed them and Lin found that this group of aliens seemed to be chasing a creature.

This creature looks a lot like... What kind of creature is this?

Lynn saw this creature seem to be a pile of metal fragments stuck together, some like the living environment of the crystal larvae previously seen.

In short, it is a pile of metal parts that are grouped together. It consists of a worm-like shape with a length of more than 30 meters. There are also many calves protruding around and use these calves to run on the ground.

Those nucleators are catching up with this creature in the air... No, it should be tracking it, because the protector can be faster than this creature, but they maintain a certain speed and don't attack it.

And they were all focused, and they didn't react until Lynn approached them.

"You are..." The protector noticed the disc, and they all stopped in the air. A protector showed a surprised emotion: "Why is it here?"

During the time they spoke, the creature of the metal on the ground seemed to notice something, and it plunged into the ground and drilled in.

"Ah! It escaped!" said a nucleus guard: "Hurry up and catch up with it!"

At the end of it, five nucleators flew to the hole drilled by the creature, but five remained in place to look at Lin.

"Why are you here?"

And they repeatedly ask a question.

"Do you want to guard the core?" Lin asked them: "If you want, you can keep your core, but... you have to do something."

"You intend to 'negotiate' with us?"

A nucleus guard said: "This is impossible."

The disc asked: "Do you want to give dreams a better biological control than brain spirit?"

"You seem to understand a lot about us." Another nucleus said: "The brain is really not suitable for this dream, they should not live here, so we have to get rid of them."

"But at the same time, we don't want any creature to control the dream. It is a mistake in itself to live in a dream outside of us."

"Yes, and, you are more dangerous than the brain, you are more difficult... To deal with, we will not let you replace the brain, we must also ... get rid of you!"

At the moment of the end, these guardians disappeared, and everything around them became the surface of the star on the surface of the dream.

... It seems that the disc left the strange place called the strange dream.

And can't find a way to go back, then it seems that negotiations are impossible, because they feel that Lin is more dangerous than brain.

However, the negotiations were originally just one of the plans.

The disc can also do something else at the core of this dream.

Since they are not willing to negotiate, they can only ruin it here. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thank you ~ 缈 117 ~ fake face gunner ~ monthly ticket ~

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