4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 489: this moment

It seems that the alien class has turned off the transmission barrier of the first layer of the mainland. 》

Lin looked at the stellar sky on the stellar bus and felt the feeling of the mainland in the distance...

Now, the transfer is ready.

However, it has not yet arrived, although these constantly bombarded light groups have already consumed all the energy of the star bus.

However, Lynn believes that these things can be done before they are all exhausted... Now, just deploy these things.

'Snapped! With the brilliance of the transmission, something appeared on the first floor of the continent where the transmission obstruction was cancelled.

Because the aliens only turned off the transmission barriers of the three continents, Lin could only transfer to these three seats, but it was already enough.

These things are all spherical in shape and have a diameter of about 30 meters.

Because there is no brain-mind force on the first floor of the continent, they can appear in this place without being discovered after being hidden.

These things can be said to be the last weapons used by Lin to destroy the core. They are purely devastating and have no other role, but they also need to find opportunities to get close to the core.

And this opportunity is...

Thinking, Lin returned to the dream of the disc, the disc is still in the core of the dream, and Lin found that the creator has disappeared.

I don't know where it went? Forget it, don't worry so much.

The disc slowly landed on the sea of ​​boiling water like the surface of the star, and then... slowly sneaked into the sea of ​​fire.

There is really no temperature here, but nothing can be seen inside. But... Lynn can feel it.

This core... has a special energy. But what is it? It is also difficult to say clearly.

Lin can take advantage of this core special mechanism, which is to release the 'dreams of shock' here, but unlike the reality, the 'shocks' here will not affect the brain, but it will lead to another An effect.

Let Lin's thoughts... release from the core.

This will have an effect...

Thinking, Lin asked the disc to 'start' the vibration here. Through this disc, Lin passed her thoughts into this dream.

Because Lin's thoughts and dreams are very similar, in this way, Lin can 'release' her thoughts, thus affecting the core of reality.

At the moment that affected success... Lin could feel a very surprised mood.

This sentiment comes from the brains of the brain, although they seem to have no movement on the outside, but in fact they are now stunned.

Because Lin's thoughts spread out in the core, they would think that Lin had reached the core, but because the core did not appear abnormal, they did not dare to act rashly. Do not dare to attack their own core.

Then... is now.

"The whole army is on the front... full shot."

When the brain was surprised, Lin gave orders to the fleet. After they shot aside for a few seconds, Lin immediately re-transmitted.

'Snapped! In an instant, all the fleets were transported to the location of the first continent, and together with the various attacks they launched, they appeared on the continent.

The explosives that had been flying at a rapid speed madly flew to the brain-mind army that surrounded the core. Lin’s sphere above the mainland also flew out at this moment, following the explosives and rushing to the brains. .

The brain suddenly responded, and countless bombs exploded at the time of flight. As they turned into ruined light, a large number of light groups rushed to the fleet.

At this moment, Lin once again released a strong thought through the disc. Lin felt that the brain-minded troops were a little bit stunned. The frequency of their launching lights was rapidly reduced in an instant. Lin noticed that there were many brain-minded islands. The 'turret' on the top is aimed at its core.

Sure enough, they are also very concerned about the core... Lin's thoughts.

Therefore, they are now in a state of confusion...

'boom--! ! ! ’

So, waiting for them is a dazzling explosion.

A few kilometers of islands outside the core of the brain, together with the huge squares around them, disappeared into the brilliant light at this moment, and many of the surrounding troops were also hurt, large cracks. It continues to spread on the metal creations of the surrounding brains.

This power... is lower than originally thought.

But it doesn't matter. Now I can see the core after being protected by layers. The surrounding brain spirits immediately gathered in the past. They tried to block the blown gap and attacked Lin’s fleet. .

'Snapped! On the occasion of their attack, Lin immediately sent the fleet to another continent next to it, avoiding all the attacks, while the fleet's firepower continued.

The ball on this continent also flew out with a large number of missiles, but this time the sphere did not fly out of the mainland.

It was hit by what attack, and it exploded first.


Under the glory, the edge of the continent instantly fell apart and quickly spread to the entire continent.

However, before Lin had sent the fleet to the third continent, this continent...s should be the last chance.

At the same time, Brain Spirit responded by intercepting the bombs fired by the fleet of the mainland.

This time, Lin’s ball on the mainland also flew out quickly...

However, at the moment when it flew out, Lin used the disc again to release a strong thought.

This kind of thought contains some information, including the effect of the explosion just now, which will make the brain think...

Their core has exploded.

At the moment when the thoughts spread out, Lin once again felt the emotion of the brain being extremely surprised. Their large number of weapons immediately aimed at the core position, and the large number of squares floating around were also flying like crazy.

At the moment when their alertness weakened, Lin's sphere flew rapidly and rushed to the brain-blocking army of the blockade...

Lynn didn't simulate the sound of the explosion.

But this explosion is more perfect than before, tearing the brain's blockade out of a gap that can directly see the core.

The brain spirit's troops immediately wanted to block the gap, but the stellar bus had already aimed at it. The stellar bus had the last weapon facing the brain, but Lin did not know how strong the core protection ability...

And if this attack fails, then Lin’s fleet will also be destroyed...

The other may be... brain creatures may disappear.

Success or not, it depends on this moment... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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