4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 558: Open the door

"Everyone, we will have our own transmission technology now! We can choose another world as a colony...not the place that will make the people crazy into robbers!"

Under the gray sky, countless imaginary people gathered around the square of the Gate of the Stars. Many of the imaginary people saw the news today. It is said that the technology of the Gate of the Stars has been solved, a legendary Dr. A team has been led to create a new gateway to the stars. [ads: This site has a new website, shorthand method:,]

This incident shocked the whole world, and all the media are reporting this thing madly because it is enough to change the whole world.

Because the robbers have never been resolved, the virtual people basically think that the new world is not suitable as a colony. They all agree that there is something to make them go crazy, and even some people think that there is an 'addiction stone' in the air. ingredient.

If you can choose a new world by yourself, then all the problems will be solved, and the history of the virtual people will open a new chapter. Their journey is an endless void!

Most people think so.

The general has also been paying attention to the construction of the new Stargate. It is worried about the pompon. It is afraid of when the pompon will suddenly appear, telling them that it cannot be built...

However, the pompon has never appeared. In fact, after the war against the brain spirit ended, the pompoms built the door for them and there was no more appearance. Later, the general contacted the pompoms and the pompoms. In the words, there is no news about pompoms at any other time.

The general believes that pompons may not have been going to pay attention to them, and that is just right, there will be no biological obstacles to the development of the virtual people.

Now, when the new gate is built.

The Void Dr., known as the genius of the present world, is guiding the team to the final step of bringing something like a pipe to the old door.

“Very good!” Dr. Void stood on a high platform in the square and said to the construction team: “Now, start the device!”

The following virtual people immediately ran to the middle of the pipeline. An operating device is attached to the pipe.

A virtual person poked a few times on the operating device, and the pipe suddenly made a strange sound, and the pipe began to wriggle...

"Now is transforming energy..."

Looking at the squirming pipe, the doctor became more and more excited. For the brain spirit in its brain, it will soon be able to meet with their companions.

‘嗡——! Suddenly, the new door swayed and made a sound.

"It's been successful now! When the old door handles energy to the new door, the new door can be activated..." The doctor immediately took out a portable imaging device and adjusted it. It adjusts and says: "Now I am determining the coordinates of this door. This coordinate will set the goal of the door as one... suitable for our world."

‘Hey! Dr. slammed the three-dimensional image, and suddenly the new door gave a dazzling brilliance.

"Is it... has it been opened?"

All the imaginary people present, as well as the imaginary people who watched the scene in various ways around the world, stared at the door nervously until the doctor said: "It is now open."

"Detecting troops!"

After the doctor finished this sentence, ten fully armed and imaginary people stood in front of the door and then walked into the door under the eyes of the public.

This team is responsible for the first post-exploration environment. Even the brain spirit in the doctor's mind can't completely determine whether the location it transmits is absolutely accurate, so an exploration force must be explored.

All the virtual people. Including the doctor, they all looked at the door nervously and looked forward to the return of this exploration force.


However, after hundreds of seconds, the door still has no movement.

The expedition team should be to detect the air environment there, and then report back, but why has it not responded? Even if they are in the void, they can fly back with armor.

It is also impossible to open in a very dangerous place, such as inside a star, in which case the door will be directly destroyed.

The brain spirit in the doctor's mind is to open the door to the place where the nearest companion is located. It is reasonable that they should not be in a dangerous place. At the same time, it is also doing some ‘hands and feet’ on the armor of the team. These armor will send out signals to let other brain spirit companions know not to attack them.

Then, they have encountered other dangers...

The expedition team has passed almost 10,000 seconds. The imaginary people who were waiting nervously now seem boring. They start chatting with each other or doing something else, only the doctor is there.

"...alternate exploration team!"

Hesitated for a long time, it made a sound again, and another team of people stood in front of the big facade.

No matter what, the doctor is definitely not going to explore on his own. Therefore, other imaginary people must go, but this team did not go in person. They took out a number of remote control machines and then remotely drove them in.

In general, the remote control machine will easily fail after flying through the door, so this method is generally not used, but now I don't know what the opposite is possible.

"What is this?"

But this time it seems that the remote control machine has not failed. The doctor can see the received picture, but it finds that the picture is white, as if there is a lot of dust on it.

"That... I can't see it at all, it seems like there is a lot of dust!"

The virtual team of the expedition team said that while controlling the remote control machine, suddenly a virtual person said: "I bumped into something, this thing..."

'boom--! ! ! ’

Suddenly, a thrilling roar rang in the door, and the surrounding ground shook a little, and a huge amount of white powder was sprayed at the same time.

"what is this……"

The doctor, who was just in front of the door, was just spilled by the powder. He looked at the dust in his hand in confusion and smelled it a little.

"This taste... ah!"

Suddenly, it felt a needle-like feeling all over the body. This kind of pain caused it to roll to the ground. It wanted to scream, but it couldn’t make a sound.

In the surroundings, other imaginary people also screamed at the same time, and the horrified emotions spread throughout the square. All the imaginary people sprinkled by these powders struggled to fall to the ground, and other imaginary people feared. I want to escape this place...

“Hey...” In a research center, Atlan, who was locked in the isolation room, saw the scene through the video screen outside the window. It suddenly gave a burst of laughter: “It’s finally... "(To be continued.) xh118


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