4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 559: Hatred of the month

"This is... their revenge."

"A long time ago, the stars were rolling...that is, the moon, living with many creators."

"These creators gathered together to attack the moon bus. They killed the moon's nervous system and they lived there."

"Until some time, a group of imaginary people came to the moon. They originally wanted to colonize this blue world with a beautiful environment, but they later discovered that the surface is full of creators, such large creatures, so they I left a lot of Type 78 bombs and left."

"What do you think? Why don't they leave directly, but throw a bunch of bombs? Are they afraid that the creators will chase them into the void?"

“There seems to be another saying... these imaginary people try to clean up the creator and create a safe colony, but the pollution of the bombs makes the world no longer inhabitable.”

"This group of imaginary people left, thinking that the creators can no longer pursue them..."

"And now, the creator did, but it happened that the virtual people had thrown the bomb at the beginning."

“The creator of death has grown a lot on the wreckage, like the structure of hyphae.”

△ "These structures are confirmed to send signals, which are considered to be used to contact distant counterparts and tell them about the relevant death information."

"But it seems that these signals are more than that. It may also have some of the functions of the creatures created by the contact creators..."

"They can let those creatures avenge them, for example...the plague fungus. It is one of the creators' creations."

“Why? Is it difficult for plague fungi to be controlled by creators?”

“This is not clear. Perhaps the core of the fungus still retains the 'features' that receive creator death information.”

"Everything they do now. They are moving toward this goal..."

"Infecting, spreading, growing, controlling, and then building brain-minded squares trying to transmit to distant places, the target location they transmit is... the world of the virtual people."

"Although their transmission was blocked by me, it did not completely disappear..."

"The metal fragments left by the brain squares are not completely destroyed. They can still be activated again, and Atlan's armor also has brain-structured metal structure materials..."

"Atlan, infected with fungi, has also been affected by fungal revenge, it has become more and more crazy, and more and more want to approach the world of virtual people..."

"There was no chance to achieve it, but it was captured by the imaginary people and was captured as a strange creature in the institute, and its armor was used as a material for building new doors..."

"And when a certain virtual person in the virtual world built a new door, the transmission energy of the gate and the metal fragments of the plague fungus produced a 'resonance'."

"At that moment. The two worlds are connected together, and this group of imaginary people has opened a door for themselves... the door to death!"


"Yes! Destroy! Let the world fly out in fear and screams. Ah hahaha..."

Atlan, who was locked up in the institute, opened his arms and laughed wildly. His language was unspeakable, but now there are no virtual people listening to it.

Because this institute is not far from the square of the Gate of the Stars.

The powder of the fungus floated in the air, and the square that originally gathered in the folk mountains and seas is now empty.

The ground is covered with a thin fungus carpet, and the metal-plastic building is covered with fungal structures such as mushrooms...

The imaginary bones, which have almost been sucked up and dried, fell to the ground, and numerous mycelia entangled them. It seems that they intend to extract the nutrients in the bone marrow.

The doctor was the first virtual person to be sprinkled by fungi. Its body, bones and brain spirit in the brain... have long since dissipated in the dust...

However, this is only the beginning.

"Ah! Ah! Help! Let us get out of here!"

The fungus that emerged from the square is spreading, and the imaginary people in countless cities are madly squeezing to the nearest transportation site, including stations, train stations, or aircraft parking lots.

They were crowded in horror, trying to leave the city, and there were also many imaginary people who took their own vehicles to the edge of the city, and their behavior made the whole city unblocked.

However, as the world's highest general, it has issued orders to deal with this situation.

"The command has been received."

In the sky, a huge black shadow flew over, and with the roar of the air bursting, this new type of fighter flew to its target while watching the imaginary people on the ground who feared to escape.

- The door to the stars on the square.

"The target has been confirmed." Looking at the square covered by the fungus's white, and the door that is entangled with hyphae, the driver's hand has been placed on the button of the launch, and its mouth is also spoken. The tone of the question: "Do you want to shoot?"



A missile flew out with a fiery tail flame, rushing to the new gate that was once considered by all virtual people to be hope.

'boom! The bursting brilliance flashed in the pilot's eyes, and when it was about to say a few words from the mouth, the abnormal phenomenon swallowed its words.

‘咕...’ I saw only a large object at the entrance to the gate, like the upper body of something. This huge object was just between the gate and the missile when it was extended.

The missile's explosion almost completely shattered the object, but its rear body was still moving forward. Under the pilot's amazed gaze, the half of the body of the thing was removed under the movement of the two legs.

Its outer skin is like a fungus, with a large number of bulging lumps, half of its body is also more than ten meters long, and in its section that is blown up, it is constantly flowing outside with strange colors. .

Although it was still moving forward, it was completely unmoved after climbing out of the door.

"What is this..." The pilot did not respond, and he heard the general's voice: "Don't worry so much, blow up the door!"

"I... I know!"

When the fighter turned around in the air and once again aimed at the gate, the pilot simultaneously pressed several missile launch buttons.


Among the smog of the explosion, the door and the creature and the door that climbed out were dying.

"Good, then the task of the Flame Force."

After the fighter completed the mission, he flew away from the distance and left the place. At the same time, another larger aircraft appeared in the sky.

The aircraft's wingspan is close to seventy meters, with huge shadows covering the fungus on the ground, and when the pilot presses the launch button, the shadow of the shadowing fungus disappears.

Instead, there are countless lights.

The rain of the barrage of the flame descended from the sky. They hit the ground, the fungus in the building, everywhere in the square, and the flame spread rapidly on the fungus. For a moment, the city was covered by flames.

The burning fire screamed, the weird smell spread in the air, the heavenly fighters did not fly away, but flew in the direction of the crowds.

"Help me... help!"

Even though the fungus near the square has been burned by flames, fungi in other parts of the city are difficult to handle.

On a street, a large group of imaginary people are madly huddled together, and behind them is a slowly growing fungus carpet.

As soon as they look over their heads, they can see the screaming companions fall to the ground, the body slowly filled with hyphae, and the imaginary people behind can only madly push forward, for fear of falling into the same kind of tragic The end.

"Give it to us here!"

Suddenly, in the sky, their hopes of voice rang.

The huge warplanes roared and left, leaving a few shadows descending from the sky. These are... the role of the ‘flame unit’.

They wore sturdy armor and carried a huge metal bucket behind them, which fell directly between the spreading fungus and the crowded virtual people, who aimed the weapon in the direction of the fungus.


The dazzling flames gush from their hands, and the fungus sprayed by the flames stopped spreading. A thick smoke emerged from the fungus carpet, and the hyphae on the ground began to shrink under the strange smell.

"Save... save me!"

Seeing the troops is like seeing a savior. There are many people who have grown mycelium and they are rushing to the troops.

"Burn them together!"

And waiting for them is a fiery but ruthless flame.

Under the high temperature, these imaginary people did not even scream, their skin with fungus quickly melted with the skeleton under the fire...

"All the people pay attention!" The captain of the Flame Force opened the megaphone in the armor and shouted to the already crowded team of virtual people: "Don't touch any people who have grown up 'hair', even if it is you Relatives! We have initially determined that this is a very infectious and aggressive creature. Now the city is completely closed. Please do not try to leave here by any means of transportation! All trains and the like are now Has stopped working!"

"What?" "Do you want so many people in the city to die together?"

As soon as the captain’s words came out, the group of imaginary people surged again, and the captain continued to say, “Please go to the high-speed exits around the city for inspection. We have set up multiple checkpoints around the edge of the city. After the inspection, it is considered The security person can leave!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ 澹澹水兮~'s reward~

Thanks ~ Destroyed 镰~wori1994~Engineering Technician~ Monthly Pass~


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