4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 560: Expansion

"They react very quickly."

"That is of course, they are already... used to it."

"The extremely dense quantity, as well as the convenient transportation that extends to the whole world, means that the whole world is sharing all the ... viruses and fungi."

"Although they can destroy all the big creatures, but they can't affect the micro-organisms... So, the world of this imaginary people occasionally has a large-scale variant virus infection."

“Therefore, countries and cities have a very rapid ability to deal with highly infectious microbes, not to mention the fact that the general is also watching the scene, and it has the right to immediately issue any order to deal with the threat...”

"This infection level is set to 'highest', below which they block the city and isolate or directly kill those infected."

“Although they have never seen plague fungi, their knowledge allows them to know how dangerous fungi are when they first see this creature...”

"The general quickly set the right judgment, but..."

“Can they be handled in a way that avoids this danger?”

"However, you should also feel it after seeing the picture. Here the fungus spreads "the speed is slower than usual..."

"Of course, I noticed, Maya, because of the air in this world, the air in the virtual world is mixed with huge amounts of dust, in a heavily polluted environment, which makes the fungus grow at a slower rate than before... ..."

"But the fungus will adapt, and it doesn't take a few days and nights. They are different from this group of random strangers from the beginning. They... are not random things."

"And random things. How do you compete with them?"


"Come on, go to the nearest shelter! There are inspection equipment, and you can leave if you check that you have no problem!"

The Flame Force is a huge force composed of thousands of people. Under the carrying of the aircraft, they have landed in various parts of the city. They use the assembled burning weapons to stop the spread of fungi and drive the people to the 'shelter'. .

Although the inspection center was established on the edge of the city, it was not enough. They have opened up a lot of huge aircraft for testing, because the name of the test is not good, so it is called a shelter.

These 'shelters' are generally located on plazas throughout the city, and the squares are now crowded with people, queued one after another into these square-shaped aircraft called shelters.

"There are no problems in this batch!"

Under the protection of the Flame Force, a full-fledged square-shaped aircraft slammed into the air, and the people gathered around the square quickly asked: "When is the next one coming?" "How long do we have to wait?" what--!"

Suddenly a scream in the crowd made all the people startled. A member of the Flame Force immediately stepped forward and said: "Hurry up!"

A group of people suddenly gave up a circle. In the center of the circle, there was a virtual person who fell to the ground. It looked very ugly.

"No!" Suddenly a small virtual man ran out: "My father, it is just..."


A raging fire emerged from the weapons in the hands of the Flame Force. The figure of one big, one small and two imaginary people was instantly submerged by the flame.

"Attention! There is no way to cure the infection! Even if there is something that will happen in the future!" The flamesman said: "If you don't want to die, you are farther away from those infected."

It also has a saying that killing infected people is much cheaper than curing them.

and. The fungus looks like it is quite difficult to be cured.

"What? To clean up the whole house..." Suddenly, the Flames seemed to be surprised to hear the conversation in the helmet, and after looking at the virtual people around them, they changed their minds and said, "All things are normal here, don't worry."

Then it adjusted the sound in the helmet to 'the outside world is inaudible' and then said aloud: "Hey! What is going on to clean the whole city?"

"I just said it is possible!" The voice over the helmet said: "Because I heard something... In short, I have not decided, I think it is unlikely. After all, there are millions of people here, and I will talk to you later. ""


At this point, the sky rang a roar, only to see a new aircraft slowly landed on the square.

"What is it, just a rumor. I don't need to make a fuss about it. I don't know how many similar incidents have been handled."

This team member did not care much. It came to the entrance of the aircraft and said: "Okay! The rear of the line is a good team, this aircraft can sit five hundred people at a time, and continue to wait for more... Don't jump in the queue! If the movement is not normal, it will be considered to be infected with the brain to kill on the spot!"

After saying this sentence, the original crowded virtual people suddenly seemed to be a lot of peace, and began to queue up.

Followed by. The Flames opened the entrance to the aircraft...

‘Hey! ’

At the moment the entrance opened, a white powder suddenly sprinkled on it and dyed it all white.

"This..." The team member snorted and quickly cried back: "Hurry up and let go! All spread out!" He said that he rushed into the aircraft with the body powder and closed the door.

"Why is there here..."

Because he was wearing armor and the team member was not infected, it carefully entered the cabin. When he stepped into the cabin, he found several skeletons covered with hyphae on the ground, and the seats in the cabin, the walls, Almost every place has climbed the hyphae...

“Is there an infected person coming in? And the driver didn’t notice it?”

The team member immediately ran to the cab. The cab should be completely isolated from the cabin, so the driver would not be infected, but it should also be aware of the conditions in the cabin.


Before going to the cab, the team found that the entrance was open. In the cab, only the covered hyphae, a corpse of a driver who had become a cheekbones, and a three-dimensional image that was shattered on the operation panel were seen.

"Because there was an infection in the cabin... they made me have to fly back, those bastards, I obviously have isolated the infected person, and there should be a cure, so let us come back and wait for death... well, since Then all die together..."

This is the content in the stereo image, there is a number that continues to count down, it is the self-destruction countdown, and it is time. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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