4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 700: Another new world

"This is the place where we red burst! No! Our Golden Sands is the first to come here, here is ours! What do you say? Do you want to be an enemy of our rolling group?"

The hot light illuminates the earth, here is a new world, a new world in the new world. ◎,

A large number of imaginary people set foot on the ground of the world not long ago. They quickly printed countless traces of the light green ground under their feet. At the same time, they have already made troubles in order to compete for this place. Some people even want to Look like a big shot.

"Don't make trouble!" A loud voice interrupted all the people's disputes. Among these surprised people's eyes, a heavily armed people came to them.

Wearing a full-faced black armor, he painted a smiling face on his breastplate, carrying a huge cylinder on his back, and hanging on his shoulders... many false people skull.

Armor is very rare among the robbers. They are basically a helmet. The armor specially decorated by the imaginary people is even more surprising to the robbers.

This makes them all quiet.

"I am the leader of this coalition... Let me decide the ownership of this place." The imaginary person wearing armor obviously has a higher status than other imaginary people. It said loudly: "In this battle No matter which thieves have a lot of power, I think we must choose an answer that will satisfy all the people."

"Yes... this place belongs to..." The leader glanced at the people around him who watched it nervously. It showed a smile: "This place should belong to us 'smiley group'! Except our members In addition, other weak thieves will hurry out from here! Otherwise, don't blame my anger to crush you!"

"Hey!" At this time, many of the imaginary people here cheered up, and most of them had a smile on their heads or heads.

And those who are not cheering are obviously other thieves, but they dare not argue as before, but they are silent in the same place.

This is mainly because the members of the ‘smiley group’ account for more than half of the total number of imaginary people here, and their weapons are more sophisticated. Other small thieves did not dare to compete with them.

"Why don't you still roll? Do you want me to teach you how to roll?" The leader said with a weapon: "My patience..."

'boom! The ground suddenly trembled.

"What?" The leader turned to look to one side, only to see a huge stone 30 meters away, and then rolled over here.

"Ah!" This 30-meter-diameter open space has already been filled with dense people, so many people are under the stone. When they saw the stone moving, they suddenly fled in horror, but they were pressed down by the stone without running two steps.

"Put the stone away!" The leader immediately took out a weapon, and other smiling members of the group also acted. When the various small thieves fled in horror, the firepower of the smiling group was sprinkled on the stone. Above.

‘Hey...! ’

The continuous impact made countless cracks on the stone. But the size and speed of the stone did not change. It rolled down in the group of the imaginary people, leaving a bright red mark behind it.

"In this case...the only way!" The leader suddenly screamed, standing in front of the rolling stone and taking the cylindrical weapon on his back.

"Wait, the leader! It won't be used..."

A smiley group member immediately tried to stop, but it seems to be too late.

‘Hey! ! ! ’

A raging fire erupted from the cylinder in the hands of the leader and directly hit the rolling boulder. At this moment, the whole stone instantly burst. Countless gravels spread with the storm-like shock waves.

And countless screams also rang in the surrounding virtual community, and even the leader itself was blown out by shock.

But because it was wearing armor, it climbed up a few laps on the ground. When it got up, it found that the original boulder had turned into pieces of the ground, and could not help but laugh.

Of course, it ignores the people who are affected by it, and there are many members of its team.


"These random thieves have some problems with their spirits."

On another stone in the distance, a metal spider of the Master looked at the explosion. This spider is specifically placed here to observe what these people will do.

The other nine spiders have begun to explore in this world. The main goal now is to find the birthplace of that brainwave. See if there is a third meat group here.

Therefore, they are rapidly hopping between large stones one after another.

Most of these stones are spherical, and they are filled with a very wide area, except for the 30-meter-diameter open space where the gate of the astral gate comes out. Other areas are covered by these stones.

Why are there so many spherical stones?

Most of these stones are densely weeded like weeds, some are like fluff, and some are like moss. In short, these dense things are spread over the whole stone.

The Master thinks they are creatures, but is this stone a creature?

The stone just moved to the virtual people and said that these stones would move by themselves... but the stones are not necessarily creatures.

Although the Master has seen a lot of stone creatures.

Another problem is the ground here, although it feels crunchy at first. It's easier to dig than dirt, but it's not the case. The ground can withstand heavy things.

When the Master was thinking about it, its metal spider stopped because there was another open space in front of it.

In that open space, the instructor saw the goal that was releasing the brainwaves...

However, it is completely different from the appearance of the previous two meatballs. This thing looks more like... a mushroom?

Yes, this is a mushroom, it has a height of ten meters, and the mushroom umbrella has a lot of silver spots, which reflect the sun and look very dazzling.

Although it is still not confirmed whether the sun shines on the sun, because the instructor has always let the metal spiders look into the sky when they come, although they can see the light, they can't see the 'sun'.

And here... Why is the source of the brainwave released as a mushroom?

I thought it was another meat group... Forget it, no matter how much, let's do research. (To be continued.)

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