"Hey! What are you doing?"

The gray sky, the hot air, and the sound of the waves hitting the land...

This is a world of imaginary people. A huge coastal city is located here. Although there have been many things in this world, the lively scene in the city remains unchanged. ¥f,.

The imaginary people and vehicles that come and go are still working in the muddy air today, and constantly working for their own future...

But there are also some people who are not working hard. In the city’s seaport, a imaginary people are sitting on the edge of the pier, looking at the sea that is flowing in front of it, holding a stick with a rope tied at the end, and then Throw a rope and throw the rope to the surface.

Its move caused doubts from its friends, and another imaginary came from behind him and looked at the things in his hand and asked, "What are these used for?"

"This is a kind of sport called 'fishing'." The virtual people replied: "I have recently studied the various popular sports and found a lot of fun things, and I am particularly interested in this... this is A very simple exercise, tying a 'bait' to the rope, throwing it into the water, waiting for something to bite, and then catching the creature can cook it."

"Haha, that is to say that sitting in this daze can wait for food to eat? The previous people's life is really good." Another virtual person said: "If there is such a convenient thing now, then I can give the daily meal money. Saved, you know that the fusion omelet has started to rise in price recently... but you are not moving in this motion, and you are not tied to the bait."

"Now there is a creature biting the bait, the whole piece of the sea is empty." The imaginary fisherman laughed and said: "This is said to be a brain-oriented movement. If you sit here and do not move, you can relax the whole body, then It is also helpful to relieve stress...and spirit."

"It’s just here to wait for the food to be hooked." The imaginary people sat next to the imaginary people fishing and looked at the sea. "But sometimes I really want to go back and look at it. It is said that the roadside is still there. Planting plants, and smelling a smell of 'sweet' on the beach. It is amazing."

"Yeah... I want to go back to the era when this sport was popular in the past... eh?"

The imaginary words of fishing have not been finished yet. It suddenly found that the sea water not far away fluctuated. It saw that a lot of air bubbles floated on the water and exploded, as if there was something below.

"Don't you have fish in this sea?" The imaginary fishermen saw the rope and pulled it back. Then he tied a hook on the rope and then on the hook... It asked the imaginary next to him: "Hey, is there any leftover for the omelette you eat?"

"Oh, it seems to be some."

The virtual people opened the lunch box that they carried with them, and saw that there were many food slags inside. The fishing imaginary immediately took a relatively large hook on the hook and then forced the hook out.

All of these movements were learned in the materials. The virtual people watched their hooks accurately thrown into the position where the bubbles came out, and immediately excitedly said: "Is maybe something I can catch."

"Yes! There is something in it." The virtual person next to it also carefully watched the bubbles in the sea, the number of bubbles growing and growing.

‘咕...咚! ’

When a bubble with a diameter of several meters blasted on the surface of the water, the two virtual people at the dock seemed to feel something, which made them unable to back a few steps...

‘Hey! ! ! ’

Just as they took the first step, the water that came out of the bubble suddenly exploded, and the gushing water column suddenly reached a height of several tens of meters. When the raindrops poured into the dock, a huge figure rushed out of the sea. It was a monster like a warship. Even if the world's sunshine is not strong, its body is still shining silver. The light.


At this moment, the heart of their bodies trembles madly, and the rushing blood circulates rapidly in their bodies. The muscles of the legs also explode at the same time, because the unprecedented extreme fear makes their physical strength far beyond the ordinary people at this moment. At this time, the sharp increase in their body can even make them Lift a small car! Or let them run faster than the world champion.

'boom! ’

then. They are squashed.

After the behemoth rushed out of the sea, its body quickly fell forward and then pressed heavily on the dock in front of it.

The pier built in the sea is shattered under pressure under pressure, and it also includes the imaginary people who fled above. No matter how they erupt, there is no speed at which the monsters can be pressed down.

"Oh..." The behemoth now raised his head. Looking at the bustling city in front of it, the vehicles on the road come and go, most of them seem to have not noticed here, and some vehicles have noticed this, they have turned around or hit the place without exception.

The imaginary people who went back and forth on both sides of the driveway also forgot what they were doing, all looking at the direction of the behemoth.

This kind of viewing lasted for a few seconds... Then in the imaginary group, I don’t know who broke out the first scream. In an instant, all the people on the street rushed like an explosion.

The ravages of plague fungi are known to most people in the world, but this deep-sea behemoth is almost unknown to the people. The news has not yet spread. Only a few people and generals’ submarine forces know that there is such a creature. .

Looking at the imaginary people who are running wild on the street, the beast's mouth has slowly swelled up...

"Hey!" A water polo shot out, passing directly over the imaginary group and hitting a building on the side of the road.

The building suddenly swayed, and the water polo exploded on the wall, which turned into a torrential rain and sprinkled on the virtual people below.


The painful screams sounded in the imaginary group. They fell down on the ground one by one. They were covered with mad fungus. Many of the imaginary people who had not been sprinkled saw the same kind of horror.

"It's a fungus! There is a monster that can spray fungus!"

Their voices spread quickly in this area, and the vehicles on the road hurriedly turned, and they bumped together one after another, or slammed into the smoky crowd.

Fear, let all the imaginary people here try to stay away from the coast, but their actions have caused them to all huddle together and become difficult to move forward.

‘Hey! 'Another water polo burst out, it blew directly in the imaginary group, those who were hit by the imaginary high flying high, or directly crushed the whole body, no matter which one, they become The nutrients of the fungus.

The unscrupulous imaginary people were horrified to circumvent the position of the water polo, which made them more crowded, and each imaginary person pushed each other, making them unable to move forward, including the vehicles on the road. The group can't move.

It is much more lively than the underwater city.

Looking at the lively scene here, the behemoth once again prepared a water polo in his mouth, this time it aimed a little further away.

However, this water polo did not launch.

Feeling behind the movement, the behemoth immediately receded back and instantly plunged back into the water. Then, a missile that spurted the flames followed, hitting the original position of the behemoth and igniting endless smoke.

"Report! It hides in the sea! Repeat it..."

A fighter jet swept through the sky at high speed, the driver stared at the sea tightly, and the behemoth under the sea also stared at the thing flying on the sea.

However, unlike the intense surveillance of the air fighters, the behemoth only watched the fighters for a while, then turned around and ignored it, but swam in the direction of the city.

Seeing the huge black shadow under the sea began to move, the driver of the fighter suddenly became nervous. Not only did it continue to yell at the communication device, but it also pressed the button of the missile launch.

‘Hey! ’

The two mounted missiles fired out, although they did not directly aim at the target, but when the missile flew to the position of the behemoth, it suddenly turned down and flew into the sea to blow up two beautiful water columns.

The shape of the behemoth did not stop, it swam to the edge of the city, its shape once again rushed out of the sea, the huge forelimbs heavily stepped on the road.

‘Hey! ’

When the road was stepped on, two deep pits suddenly appeared. Numerous cracks climbed around, and the behemoth lifted the limb again and walked forward.

"Report! It is climbing to the city!" The fighters swept over the back of the behemoth and watched the action of the behemoth. The driver nervously called out: "Request reinforcements! Location? Location is... Ah!"

When the driver's words were not finished, it suddenly felt the whole aircraft tremble fiercely, and then its control was like a malfunction. The fighter flew down uncontrollably and slammed into the urban area.

'boom! ! ! ’

Before it burst into the sky, some of the imaginary people saw that the fighter had been wrapped in white matter for most of the place.

Just as the original attack on the submarine city, the giant beast took its steps and embarked on the city.

Each step of it leaves a deep mark on the ground, but it does not completely smash the road, which allows it to move quickly here.

It aims at the imaginary people who are running away from the panic. This time, it believes that this place will not be flooded like the previous submarine city.

Fungi will spread rapidly in this world, devour all creatures, this time, it will not be blocked.


However, a figure... is in front of the giant bead that is moving forward. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ 10000! ! !

Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ 1000!

Thanks ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ Uncle Bamboo ~ Taiyuan Era ~ monthly ticket ~

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