4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 709: Guerrilla

"General... It is possible to appear in any city.:"

Here is a place called the battle hall. The generals of the imaginary people are watching with their group of subordinates a three-dimensional picture displayed in the center of the hall.

There are quite a few red dots in the picture. The positions of these red dots are not dense, but they are very scattered.

In fact, most of them represent the location of many coastal cities, and the coastal cities with red spots are clearly the places that have been attacked.

Now, the new war has been going on for a while...

After the deep sea beast raided the first city, it released a large amount of dust to infect the city, but it did not go too far into the city itself, but withdrew the sea before the large-scale arrival of the virtual air force.

Then, it did not appear on the coast again. It seemed to be hidden in the deep sea. When the general sent the submarine force to search for it, it received news that another city was attacked.

This time, the general knew the plan of this behemoth... It simply did not intend to go deep into the land, but used its own advantages in the sea to repeatedly attack coastal cities around the country.

After all, on land, its huge figure can be said to be the live target of the Air Force, but in the water is different, the submarine in the water can not catch it, and it is difficult to grasp its position, so it is impossible to know the next time. Which city will appear in it.

Moreover, the military has to deal with the city it is infected with, as it was before, once a city has a large-scale fungal infection, it means that the city is almost unsuccessful.

All citizens must evacuate the city quickly, and these fungi are not something that can be easily dealt with. They seem to have a stronger adhesive capacity and often attach to the aircraft with the citizens fleeing.

Moreover, they have created a large number of infected virtual people in a short period of time, and these infected people are more strengthened than before.

In the movies of the virtual people, there are often virtual people who infect various viruses, and then in turn bite the stories of the same kind.

However, most of the infected people in the movie are slow-moving, and the virtual people with fungal infections are completely different. They can rush at the speed of catching up with the means of transportation. It can also crawl on the wall like an arthropod. If you kill them in the usual way, a lot of dust will burst out.

Even if there are no monsters, it is quite troublesome to solve the fungus and these infected people. Moreover, now the behemoth actually began to swim to other cities to attack.

"What should I do..."

In the face of this situation, the general actually found that there is no way, the giant beasts sneaked into several cities, and now the fungus of those cities began to spread wildly.

Now, is it only for the residents of all coastal cities to squeeze into it? Or build a large number of defense facilities on the coast of each city?

The first one is not easy for a large number of people with huge numbers of people. And the second one is not so fast to achieve... and the generals can hardly say what level of defense can withstand the behemoth.

Now every city has defensive forces, and they will attack the monsters when they come out, and they can do some damage every time.

But once the monster reappears, its injury will definitely recover, and it will always retreat before it is hurt too much.

Therefore, the general believes that... a more direct approach should be used to solve the problem.

That was the moment when it came ashore, it was completely shattered with huge firepower.

However, this seems to be somewhat difficult.

Because according to research, the behemoth's outer shell is an extremely strong scale, its performance in defense has been stronger than the alloy made by the latest technology.

And this is just the outer layer. According to the research report, there is more protection in the inner layer below the scales, which makes it difficult for most of the current types of missiles to effectively damage it.

Unless there are a large number of missiles hitting the target at one time, it is very difficult. The behemoths will not only interfere with their signals, but also know how to use various methods to avoid attacks.

Moreover, accidental local damage is not enough to kill the behemoth. It is not like ordinary creatures. If some internal organs are damaged, they can no longer stand up, and the giant beast does not seem to have any special weakness. Whether it is the head, it may be the heart, or the respiratory organs.

The general's troops had successfully blown up the eyes of the behemoth, but it was better when it came out next time. It seems that there has been no injury at all.

"Only use that to solve it."

Thinking of this, the general said to the imaginary people present: "We are going to dispatch the warships... spread all the warships and keep them in every coastal city. If they encounter the monster, they will bomb it. You can use any weapon. You must take it down!"

The general issued such an order, and the imaginary people present knew what it meant, and they might cause considerable damage to the city to solve the creature...

However, this is also a last resort. If you do not use this method, they may never be able to solve this monster.

Therefore, time flows slowly, and a few nights and nights pass in the blink of an eye.

"Why don't it come out!" In the previous combat room, the general slammed the table hard: "It should be out at this time!"

"I don't know... the submarine force is searching all the way, but..." A virtual person answered, but its answer does not satisfy the general.

There are not many submarines, and it would be hard to find a big target on land, but it is extremely difficult in the sea.

The behemoths attacked the city when they were the only chance to attack, but now the behemoth does not appear... While being anxious about this, the generals have to pay attention to the colors of the changes in the stereoscopic picture.

In the cities where the behemoths attacked, their infections have begun to spread rapidly. Although there are many 'flame units' in the city, they are unable to save the city.

They can only temporarily block some of the fungus spread, and then the city will eventually be covered by a lot of dust.

"It may know..."

The generals only have this idea. The monsters know their tactics, so they don’t show up. Now it’s quite troublesome to deal with the fungus that is spreading. Coupled with the potential threat of behemoths, the generals even feel that they might ... It is difficult to survive this time.

Although the situation is extremely troublesome, the generals have to deal with it first, mainly fungi, and it is ordered to prepare a large amount of salt water for all urban residents who may be infected.

The spread of fungi is much faster than any virus known to the public. The dust is like a seed that drifts in the wind. It can quickly germinate when it is in any nutritious place. If the fungus is afraid of sea water, the world has long been The fungus has invaded it.

The general also issued an order to let the Air Force begin to clean up the areas that have been infected. In the end, the fungus must be stopped first, and the giant beast will continue to wait for it to come out.

In this way, several days and nights have passed...


The general looked silently at the three-dimensional image in front of him.

The virtual people around it are the same expression.

The fungus... seems to be unable to use the previous method to suppress it.

It’s common practice to let the residents retreat and then let the fighters bomb, but now... the general has found that this practice has such a problem.

These are the fighters. After they have returned to the mission, the air bases where the fighters are located will immediately explode the fungus. For the first time, a large number of people in the base are infected.

There was no such thing before...

Like the general ground forces, such as the Flame Force, they will use the high temperature of the flames to complete the 'cleansing' of the armor before returning.

After the bombing of the warplane mission, it will not be 'cleaned' because the height of their flight is considered to be unreachable by the dust.

But now it seems to have changed. Even if the fighters fly high, they will stick a lot of dust, and returning directly to the base will lead to a lot of infection.

Later, the generals increased the flight height of the fighters, which did not lead to another infection.

However, even if the infection has only occurred a few times, it is already enough trouble, they will spread rapidly near the base, and then start attacking nearby cities, because some of the bases of the fighters are inland, and their return actions also lead to The dust began to spread inland.

The stereoscopic image in front of me is like a pot of dye. The red dye called fungus is slowly making the whole pot of dyes start to change color. This process seems to be irreversible because it is surrounded by dense people and fungi. Expand at high speed.

"You should use missile bombing instead of using fighters from the beginning..." A imaginary person beside the general said: "General, now, not too late, we must hurry to bomb all areas..."

"It is too late now." The general said: "The spread cannot be stopped, we must... retreat."

"Retreat?" Other false people heard a big alarm: "Do you want to withdraw the fighting troops?"

"No, all of us must retreat. We must stay away from any infections before we can clean up."


The generals understand very well that mobilizing large-scale people is extremely difficult, no matter where it is mobilized, and it is not only a space issue, but also many other problems.

However, if many virtual people are sent to the void, then at least the problem of space can be solved... However, it is very difficult to let a large number of virtual people go to the void, so...

The general remembered the new world before. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~15984567854~ Who is the bat tiger~The reflection of the dark~27994391~The moon-like ticket~

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