4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 710: this world……


The screams are spreading wildly with fear. Oh,

For the generals and various commanders in the battle room, the change in the battlefield is only the color on the stereo image.

However, this is not the case for those on the battlefield.

Fungi are like floods that sweep the earth in the city, covering all the roads, buildings, and all the people who are rushing to escape...

These fungi have expanded much faster than ever before, and they have fully adapted to the turbid air of the world and have adapted to the various means of attack by the imaginary.

"Oh, help!"

In the streets of a city, a large group of imaginary people are running wild, behind them are a piece of white, the ground is dyed with a thick 'carpet', and the air is swirling with fungal dust storms. Between the imaginary virtual creatures and the fungus, a group of virtual people wearing alloy armor are standing.

The 'flame' sign on their chest means they will fight this horrible fungal storm.


When the fire spewed out of the weapons in their hands, the fungus on the ground suddenly screamed, but in addition to the piece being burned, the surrounding fungus continued to spread, and the dust of the sky flew to the sky. They drowned the body of this unit.

"The captain... can't see the front!" When the helmets of the players covered a layer of white, they found that the blur was not just a view.

"Captain? Captain!" The voice in the communicator became abnormal. The player could not hear the captain's voice. It could only hear... a strange rustling.

"How is this going……"

When the flame in its hand was sprayed, it found that it was in the midst of a surging fungus storm. Its feet were deeply immersed in the carpet of fungi, and a large number of hyphae were following it. Legs climb up...

"Ah!" The frightened team tried to open the armor's propulsion device, but it didn't feel like it was off the ground as usual, but the sound of mechanical damage was echoing in its hearing.

It has not escaped.

Now, it only wants to run wild. But it took a step, and its figure fell on the white carpet.

Countless dust spattered and then slowly landed on it, drowning it slowly...

The situation encountered by other players is almost the same. They are lost in the fog created by the fungus, a force that once burned countless fungi, and now finds it hard to resist fungi.


"Help! Don't leave me!" The people who were protected by them didn't care so much. They didn't look back, but they continued to run wild.

In front of them is a transport aircraft. Countless people around have tried to squeeze there, trying to escape from the place where it turned into white purgatory.

There is an increasing red color at the entrance of the aircraft. The imaginary people know that when the red is full, it means that the aircraft is full and they can no longer enter there.

So they are screaming forward in horror, desperate...

A white figure suddenly descended from the sky. It landed on the aircraft and looked at the intensive virtual people in front of him. This white thing opened its mouth.

‘Hey! ! ! ’

A burst of white dust sprayed from its mouth with a burst of noise. Sprinkled in the group of virtual people.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The screams, as if the shock wave of the explosion generally spread among the groups of the imaginary people.


Most of the cities are now in this landscape, and the white ‘hell’ is spreading across cities.

The imaginary forces were able to resist at first, but now because of the further increase in the scope of infection, they have no way to take care of all areas.

After all, the number of troops is too small compared to the number of ordinary people. They can only hold parts of the area, and there will be some unstoppable situations.

The fungus-infected organisms are getting stronger and stronger, and the fungi re-constructed the previous creatures in some deeply infected cities.

The creatures they constructed this time are not as fragile and fragile as they used to be, they have been strengthened a lot... and it is quite difficult to kill.

The general has been looking at the red area on the map with a dignified increase. It has no way.

It knows that relying on the weapons of the virtual people now can't stop the spread of fungi...

Unless... desperate.

But they can't do this... So the general decided to leave the world. It ordered the entire world to launch the largest evacuation plan ever.

Let all the people move to the new world.

The general did not contact the pompoms, but the patriarch has been in constant contact with it, and the sergeant also said that there is a way for them to go to the new world through a new door.

This was actually before the behemoth attacked the land, and the instructor said it to the general, so the general would have this idea.

This is the case. I can only give up this world, but it doesn't really matter, because the world...has nothing left.

Other virtual people seem to most disapprove of the general's ideas. They always think that the current state of affairs is still a rescue. They can also find ways to deal with fungi. After all, giving up the world seems to be very simple, but there are countless complicated things...

But the generals have already begun to prepare, and the commander has allowed the troops to transport the food stored in each city.

Each city is stocked with huge amounts of food, which are mainly prepared for emergency times, and they can even provide a full-fledged period of time for the entire city.

Therefore, transportation is also particularly difficult.

However, the general has now felt how much it can be transported, not only the troops, but also all the people to carry out operations, including various transportation companies, transportation companies or something.

They all begin to ship resources that will be concentrated to the farthest distance from the fungal infection area, where they will begin to travel to the New World.

At the same time, the general also began to communicate with the Master and began to prepare for the construction of a new star gate.

The new door needs a lot of work, and it takes a lot of troops to be transported at once. The general says they can promise anything they can do, as long as the captain helps them build the door.

But the instructor said that they don't need to do anything, but the door is not built so quickly, so it's fine to prepare.

The instructor said so.

The general is worried.

But it can only be prepared quickly, and at the same time pray that the fungus can spread more slowly... (to be continued.)

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