4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 729: That's what I think

From the very beginning, they participated in this battle. If you have already read this chapter, please go to: Chinese. Read the latest chapter

It can be said that the fungus is very familiar with the weapons of the virtual people, and it will also use some of the ‘responsibility’ of the brain.

Even the city under the sea suffered a sneak attack, because the brain told the location of the fungal underwater city.

These brain spirits want to push the virtual people to a dead end, and then they rule the remaining virtual people themselves, so they can't let the fungus kill all the virtual people, and they have to leave enough quantity.

Most of the brains of this plan are known, so they are all executed quickly. In addition to the rule of the virtual people, their most important goal is to recover themselves.

To do this, they want to start the box, and then try to use these blocks to go somewhere and gather more brains, but there are a lot of problems with the startup block.

Initially they searched for the beetles carrying the wonderful stones among the fungi, grabbed them and dissected them to dig out the stones with that wonderful dream energy.

However, for a while, the mind suddenly could not find the beetle, so their number of stones could not grow, and with the problem that energy would leak, the brain could not start large squares.

However, there is a special idea for a brain-minded person who can go to another world to connect the world to find substances that can restore them.

It has been adjusting the boundaries of the astral world in the New World since the invasion of the fungus, trying to connect it to the connected world and using special methods to connect with the brains of the virtual mother ball.

It believes that connecting the world has substances that allow them to restore the 'group sense', while also having many things that store the energy of dreams.

So going to that place is the most appropriate.

However, its idea is not endorsed, because it is easy to find the door of the astral, and connecting the world is just a 'legend'.

Because the brains are no longer as united as they used to be, they will become somewhat unintelligible.

This brain spirit did not care, it continued to try to adjust the door of the astral, and did not expect to really connect to the 'connected world'.

After connecting, it felt extremely excited and excited. But it also found that it could not contact the companion in the virtual ball, and did not know how to adjust it back, but it happened to find that a mixture of microorganisms and fungi connecting the world would make the fungus produce 'brain'. Kind of arms.

later. It captured some signals and found the door of another small star that the Master used to contact the virtual ball.

The small door couldn't make it connect to the same kind, but it could use these microbes to let the fungus produce a brain over there, and then let the brain send a signal to the same kind in the virtual ball.

Moreover, let the fungus produce the words of the brain. It also makes it easier for the cubs to communicate with their peers and fungi.

So, this brain began a new way, it first created a fungal brain through experiments, this brain is in the new world, and has not been placed on the cue ball.

Later, it tried to make a second one. The second one was not directly created in the new world. Instead, it sent some 'raw materials' to the cue ball and made the fungus in the cue ball itself.

According to its plan, when the brain is created, it will send signals like all the brain spirit companions of the cue ball. Let them know that they are connected to the 'Connecting the World' and let them come over quickly.

This plan was not successful because the headmaster found out the brain.

But is this really unsuccessful?

It doesn't seem like this.

... In the brain of the virtual mother ball, after the brain was generated, they received a signal, and Maya found the brain after that.

Therefore, the brains on the cue ball quickly changed their plans, and they decided to connect the world.

Although I did not believe it before. But that's just based on not confirming that the connected world is real, but now it's confirmed, of course, going there because there are more opportunities.

and so. Brain Spirit began to try to reach more agreements with fungi, and fungi seemed to have become 'smart' a lot, and they seemed to respond more quickly to fungal requirements.

The cooperation between fungi and brain spirit has become more simple, and the brain continues to provide the fungus with a lot of things about the virtual people. For a while, the fungus's behemoth has been able to avoid the air force and submarine attack of the virtual people. And the attacks on cities everywhere are mainly related to the intelligence provided by Brain Spirit.

In the end, the brain spirit tells the fungus that the virtual people want to escape from here, they will tell the fungus the new star gate, and then let the fungus attack them.

At the same time, Brain Spirit also sent a square to help the fungus to attack, which is the square of the airdrop egg.

This box is the biggest one in the box that Brain Spirit has recently launched. It can also do a lot of things, but it can't be transmitted, so it can't leave with brains.

After the brain provides this to the fungus, there are of course some 'requests'. This requirement is to let the fungus not attack the underground world for the time being.

So those underground cities are currently safe, even after the ground is occupied by fungi. Some underground cities do have strong gates and sufficient defense capabilities, but many underground cities have many 'holes'.

These vulnerable areas were also not attacked, indicating that the fungus did agree to the brain.

However, all of this has not been communicated in person, but after the brain has finished speaking, it has started to act on its own. Generally, the fungus has produced the desired reaction, which means that the fungus is willing to accept it.

However, the brain is also clear that all the promises of the fungus are only temporary. For example, the brain does not let the fungus attack the city. They will temporarily ignore the city, but will attack after a while.

This temporary time is still uncertain, which makes the brain inspiration to some hurts, but it always ensures that there is no attack for a period of time, probably... dozens of days and nights.

Therefore, the brain spirit thinks this way. They intend to control the underground world after killing the virtual people who are trying to leave, and then let the people of the underground world migrate to the 'connected world'.

Then use these virtual people to carry out actions in the connected world. This is the specific plan of the brain.

However, this plan has suffered a lot of obstacles. For example, the teacher, it can be regarded as a 'blacklisted' role among the mind-minded people.

From very early on, it kept killing the brains and imagining the people, killing a considerable part of them, and constantly carrying out various 'tortures' on them to cover all the information.

Because the patriarch often communicates with the generals, the plan to kill the generals has not been successful. In fact, the plan has been reserved since very early, but the patriarch gave the general some new equipment that can directly discover the brain. .

In order to deal with this kind of equipment, Brain Spirit had to find a way to make a better way of hiding, so that there was no way to approach the general.

Of course, the brain spirit is also instructing those ordinary virtual people to act, but this has not been successful. After all, the guards around the generals are very strict, and it wears armor all day long.

The new armor is considered to be a masterpiece of ‘most of the individual weapons can’t be penetrated’, and even if the brain learns how to hide under that kind of identification device, it can’t kill the general.

But then the general changed to an old armor at the start of the Astral Gate.

At that time, the brain spirit started.

However, it was not because the old armor of the general was deceived, just because there was no time at that time.

So even if you try it, you have to kill it once. Of course, there is no success, because the armor worn by the general is only superficially old, in order to attract potential brains.

Next, the brain squares were discovered, and their plans entered the stage of failure.

This does not matter to the fungus. After all, the fungus can occupy the world regardless of the group of virtual people, but for the brain spirit... the problem is great.

They were originally intended to transform the door of a large astral world directly after the fungus killed and fled, making it a gateway to the world.

But now it is obviously impossible...

Everything was unsuccessful and even found their hiding place in the void.

But brains are not so easy to give up, they are still doing 'dying struggle'.

‘Hey! ’

Here is a spacious room that belongs to the interior of a brain square.

In this place, there are many brain-minded people who are armed with weapons and madly shooting things in front of them.

The entrance to the room in front of them is constantly pouring in a lot of small ice hockey.

These pucks are very fragile, they are easily broken by the warheads, but those 'ice cubes' that fall on the ground will grow as worm-like limbs and continue to crawl.

In the face of these weird things, the brains and imaginary people reacted only to ... crazy shooting on the ground.

‘Hey! ! ! ’

But no matter how awkward they are, a lot of 'ice cubes' on the ground climbed into front of them and climbed up along their bodies, wrapping them in groups.

The fierce screams of the encircled brain-minded people made their companions horrified, and several even the weapons in their hands fell to the ground.

Then, one by one, they were swallowed up by ice.

But they are not dead.

Because they each have a lot of intelligence... Although they already know their entire plan, there are obviously more secrets inside, and these secrets must all be dug out. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to ~o, 1994~3776!

Thanks for the reward of ~ 斩龙龙~

Thanks to ~rv~何天空~o日1994~ monthly ticket~

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