4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 730: Energy use

The whole plan...?

The place that Lin is currently paying attention to is the brain-minding box. What Lin thinks at the moment is... It seems that the ice hockey has no use of the pom-pom, mainly because the hard outer shell has no soft outer casing, and the applicability is not high enough.

However, the shape of the ice hockey is still very good, and it feels very beautiful.

So now we have to pay attention to other things, such as these brains.

I didn't expect them to have so much information. This is a place where Lin was surprised. In the process of searching for them, the Master and Lin have carried out many "tortures" on many brain-minded people.

In the torture, they did say a lot of things, and they did not lie, but ... did not say comprehensive.

For example, they said that the underground plan is to rule the virtual people, but did not say that they want to connect the world, and did not say that there are things about fungal cooperation.

They only say a part of it.

But Lin’s plan that she just knew was not “tortured” but was learned through memory, because these things here can be said to be all virtual people who are extremely trusted by the brain.

So there are memories in the minds of the imaginary people, including the entire plan of the brain, and now know that all their goals are connected to the world.

However, there are some details that are not known. For example, if the brain is successful, they occupy and renovate the door of the new astral world, then how can they drive the huge group of people living underground to enter the door through the area occupied by fungi? What?

They can't wear armor for all the people, and the fungus will not reach an agreement with them to not eat the people. In fact, as long as it is stained with bacteria, it is irreparable.

And they just open the connected world. Not afraid of fungi also follow the past? Although there is a recognition system made by Lin. But the fungus can be passed sooner or later.

Or they let the last few stay here. Turn off the door? After all, it can't be off there because it is a one-way transmission.

And if Lin feels that they want to transform the door, the recognition system will lose its effect.

Lin thinks that the brain-mind people who may be caught now will know more...

Lin looked at the room, now they are all fixed on the wall of the room, and the walls of the room are like frozen, covered with frost.

These imaginary people are like being stuck on the frost, of course, these ice are not cold, so they can still answer very eloquently.

Lin first planned to ask. Then look at the memory.

Thinking, Lin’s ice hockey flew to the nearest brain-minded person and asked him: “What is your next plan?”

"The next plan?" This brain-minded person looks very arrogant and says: "Of course, start this biggest, and then blow up all of you! Don't think that if you catch us, even if it succeeds, we ......"

If it hadn't finished talking, it would not be able to continue, because the surface of the ice hockey shot a thorn that just pierced its forehead.

Other brain-minded people looked at this scene with some fear. Lin knew that the more stress they put on their mental state, the more they would say.

After piercing into the minds of the virtual people. Lynn looked at the memory a little. The plan in this memory is similar to the one that Lynn originally looked at.

Nothing special... then take a look at the next one.

"You and you...what do you want?" When the ice hockey flies to the next brain-minded people. It suddenly began to tremble.

It seems that the scare effect of the previous one is very good...

However, the brains of the virtual people now have such a variety of emotions not simply because they do not have a 'group feeling'.

Another reason is that they use those stones.

Those stones, Lin have already tested them, of course they are all ‘dream rock’, and the energy stored in the sea of ​​fear is stored inside.

The brain spirits use these energies to start the squares, so they become like this, and they themselves are greatly affected by this energy.

Even the brains will feel fear in the sea of ​​fear, so they can't control the blocks that are activated with this energy for a long time, otherwise they may abandon the virtual host and stay in the box.

But even then, they are still affected by the energy of fear, causing their emotions to become more and more abnormal.

This should be a kind of ‘poisoning’ state like a virtual person. If it continues... According to Lin’s current understanding of dream creatures, the brain may die.

Lin found that this seems to be an interesting relationship, such as brain spirit, dream creatures such as floating island hosts can be regarded as general ... cells, then the sea of ​​fear is a virus, and the protector is the immune system, themselves Restrain the sea of ​​fear.

At present, this is the relationship.

Lin is most concerned about where these stones came from, originally discovered from fungi, the fungi that have stone beetles, which are Chibucha.

Why do they carry these stones? And it has not been discovered before.

Although Lin did not come to have been carefully examined, it is basically a matter of teaching them to the fungus.

Lin feels that the fungus is so smart, and it has something to do with these stones... There is a certain amount of dream energy in the stone itself, but it is gone after use.

However, occasionally they will be 'automatically charged', the energy in a stone will fill up, so the brain will collect all the used stones, just waiting for them to fill themselves.

The sources of these 'charges' seem to be related to the micromachines on the floating rock.

But why?

Lin recently returned to the base of the floating rock in the original spirit to find out the reasons for some recent events.

After seeing some of the records there, Lin came up with new ideas. Maybe the origin of micromachines is so related to the brain.

"I don't have anything to tell you! You want to kill and kill!" In front of the ice hockey, the trembling brain spirits continued to tremble, but it seemed to be very "bone-like" and refused to say it.

This is usually tormented and will be said, but Lin is still going to ask the next one.

Slowly, Lin asked the last one, and Lin found that the plans in the minds of those who were mentally imaginary were similar.

Presumably this is the same, this seems to have been fainting, and with his eyes closed, Lin can feel that the people are in a state of 'dizziness'.

But no matter whether you are dizzy or not, you have to look at the memory... maybe it knows more things...

It seems like... indeed.

Lin found that there is more intelligence in her mind, but it has nothing to do with the plan, but some knowledge about ‘connecting the world’. (To be continued...)

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