"Actually... all came in."

The sky here is clear, no dust, no pollution.

The ground here is a vast land of wild rock. There have been countless bandits who have been here, but now it has become a new home for the reconstruction of civilization.

The general is on top of an aircraft called ‘activity advertising’, overlooking the densely populated crowd from above.

The door to the Stars has opened, and more than a dozen days have passed.

When I first saw the massive attack of the fungus, the general once thought that the virtual civilization would disappear, but now it has successfully arrived here...

This made the general feel very ... happy.

The general has been thinking about the future of the imaginary people. It seems to be the only one who will always think so. In fact, all the people in the general family seem to be like this. The general has always felt that his family is very special.

Like the famous commanders, generals, etc. that have appeared in the history of the imaginary people, no matter how great they are, it is almost impossible to stay in that position, because they will always be tired and always tired of war...

However, the generals never feel tired. Their family seems to be dedicated to the whole world. It is like this from the very early 'ancestors'. Every generation tries to work for the peace of the world, and always There will be no fatigue or abandonment. This idea has finally succeeded in a certain generation. The virtual world has never had a big war since then.

At the same time, the general also knows that his family has a lot of achievements. One has reached the goal of 'gender peace'. After that, the virtual people had almost no gender disputes, and other members also had many similar achievements.

That being the case... then you should pass on this family, for the future of all people.

When this civilization was rebuilt, the general thought that his age was almost at the end of the period, so... some descendants should be left behind.

Then, teach the descendants to inherit their position.

Although the imaginary people have not inherited this method to choose the ruler for a long time, the general thinks that his family is special. Therefore, it is necessary to do so, and the choice of a partner must be very careful.

The imaginary people of this position of generals will always have countless opposite sexes trying to get close, but it must choose a very suitable one... or use another method.

However, there are still many things to deal with...

The general looked down, and now many people are lying directly on the ground, while others are staying in tents that are temporarily built. They are all eating foods, and there is no difference in identity. Every citizen gets a certain amount of food according to their own needs.

At the same time, many of the troops who came here first got in touch with some of the original colonies. The generals found that the thieves who had made it feel a little worried seemed to have disappeared.

According to the instructor. They ran to other places. So now there is no thief in this new world.

But there may be new thieves, so you have to be careful... But so far, the people here seem to be very quiet, and there is nothing to think of as a thief.

Then, the general looked at a wasteland in the distance. On that piece of land, there were many excavating machines working.

At this time, they are undergoing environmental transformation. In order to prevent the world from wearing a respirator as in the previous one, it is necessary to plant a large number of plants.

Although the plants are extinct, there are many seeds left. There are many kinds of environments that can adapt to this new world. When they grow up, the world will become very beautiful.

In fact, the people nowadays want to look at the old times. It is said that the previous era was planted on both sides of the street, and there is an area called 'green belt', which is a wonderful legend for all people. .

The general intends to turn this legend into reality when rebuilding civilization.

At the same time, there are many engineering units that are building key buildings, such as energy stations, and water intake devices. Although there is no sea in the world, there are a lot of water in the ground, plus the temperature and environment are suitable, the general is now I already feel that... the pompoms were not the place to choose them.

However, it will make the people become robbers or let the generals fear the world.

"It seems to have begun." Just as the general thought about it, it popped up a three-dimensional picture that showed the appearance of a metal spider.

"Yeah..." the general said: "The project is now under reconstruction."

"You should have not missed anything." The sergeant said: "There are all kinds of historical materials and technical materials. They are the foundation for rebuilding civilization, because the previous generation passed all knowledge to the next generation. Your development path is not so random."

"Of course... those are all saved." The general said hesitated here and said, "I heard some rumors..."

The instructor questioned: "What rumors?"

"Is there about the thieves, where are they... Where did they escape? The troops caught some scattered thieves. After asking, they said they ran to a...very weird place?" The general said: "If ......"

"There is a place where the gate of the astral is still connected." The instructor said: "The door of the astral gate of this place has been transformed into a brain, so it is connected to a very special place, what you think." You can also go there to see it, of course you can try to live there or build a civilization."

"But I want to remind you that it is more difficult to build a civilization there than to build it here." The Master said here, suddenly, in a weird tone: "Because there is a world that even the plague fungus can't occupy." ”

"What?" The general was shocked: "Is it a bad environment? But the thief did not wear armor..."

“It’s not bad,” said the teacher. “The environment is very rich and there are dense biomes, but because of this, it is very dangerous.”

"Before you should have told your brain plan, their plan is to go to that place, and they don't worry about the fungus going when they go, because they know that the fungus is not threatened there," said the instructor. "Maybe after that, the fungus can occupy a small area and live, but it can't expand as easily as anywhere else."

"And you...may also be able to live with random efforts, but if you want to rebuild a world like a cue ball... don't go to that place, of course, it's okay to see it, but you should pay attention. The door is always open and may cause something strange to come here..."

"..." General listened to the words of the Master and stumbled.

This phenomenon lasted for more than ten seconds. The general spoke up and said: "Say, the door... isn't the pompom controlled?"

"There is no control, it is basically a fully automatic system." The instructor said: "It is said that it is to find more interesting things. In fact, it is now interesting to use the door to connect to the world."

"You know, it's interesting to observe random phenomena, but it will be less interesting if it randomly affects your evolution and development."

"... is it?" General said: "In short, let's protect the door first."

"You can control the switch of the door." The instructor said: "But be careful to stick to it, because there may still be brains among you, and they may try to do something."

"Brain spirit..." General said: "If there is no such thing..."

"Your development results will be very different." The instructor went on to say: "They really have a big impact on you, so recently the pompon is going to make one... according to yours, it is a 'virtual reality game'. In it, you will build a world of 'how no brainstorming will develop without development', and you will have the opportunity to play.)

"At the same time, there are many versions of this 'game'. For example, there are many great people in the development of your world. Some things that these people have done, some things invented have promoted the changes in your world. Without these people. What will happen? These can also be shown there..."

The general stunned again: "It seems... very fun, but... there is a feeling that his own history is being manipulated by other creatures..."

"If you remove those ideas, you will develop better." The instructor said: "In short, you will start to work hard to get rid of... random roads."

After that, the image of the Master disappeared, and the remaining generals were thinking about many things there.


After this, the general decided to continue to develop here, and the door of the astral gate was also 'protected' so that no one could access it.

The actions of the virtual people to build civilization are also proceeding slowly and steadily.

What makes the general feel relieved is that there is no people who want to be thieves. This is totally different from the situation at the time. At that time, there were always people who wanted to be thieves, and even people with high status were like that.

But now... it is very peaceful.

Of course, there are still small disputes, but this has already made the generals see hope.

There have been many similar incidents in the history of the virtual people... It is an example of developing a wasteland into a metropolis with only a short period of time.

The general believes that the world will soon illuminate the beautiful light of the city...

This time, the sky will no longer be gray. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ No idea~ Time v ash ~ o day 1994~ month ticket~

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