4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 732: White world

There is a feeling that a thing has been solved...?

This may be true for the virtual people, but... obviously there are many other things.

Under the gray sky, a ball of fluff flies slowly, and everything that can be seen in front of the pompon is white.

There is a lot of dust in the sky. These are not ordinary dust, but tiny fungal particles.

The imaginary people have already left, and the conspiracy of the brain spirit has also been defeated. After Lin found the squares that were parked in the void, it means that there is no more 'bottom card' in the brain.

Or what are they thinking about, but they have no strength to achieve? After all, there are examples of dead cards that have not been played.

The description of the card seems to be very appropriate, because the virtual people have similar things, so Lin can clearly understand its meaning, but the word is known before Lin met the virtual people...

While thinking about it, the pompoms fly higher.

The world, whether it is a city or a city or a city, has become a field of fungi. Like the fungi that Lin is familiar with, they will change from 'aggressive state' to 'living state' after they completely occupy a place. .

It is to make a huge mushroom that can absorb sunlight, and stop most of the activities, into a state of extremely slow consumption.

However, some activities are still going on, that is, ‘find the next goal’.

Fungi will think, they will think about how to go to the next place with infectable targets, in order to do this, they will use a variety of things, such as the rest of the virtual people... like It is an aircraft or something.

The pompoms stopped.

Now, there is a spherical building in front of the pom-pom, which, like other buildings, is covered by a large number of hyphae, but there is still sound in that building, as if something is running inside.

It was actually a place to sell private aircraft. The fungus seemed to want to use the aircraft inside. Because Lynn thinks... they should know that there are still many infection targets in the space station in the void, so they think of going there.

But for now, they haven't learned to operate the aircraft yet.

There is also a lot of infection target in another place here, that is underground.

The brain's underground plan was not stopped because most of the mind-minded people were killed. The people who failed to enter the gates of the astral world almost all poured into the ground, and lived a life without seeing them in the sky.

...but they don't seem to be in the air, so it seems that there is no difference.

Now Lin knows that some of the major underground cities are safe. Some of these underground cities are more complex than those on the ground, and there are many abandoned areas. In the past, those abandoned areas were frequented by the explorers of the virtual people, and now they all live in the people.

These places have not been infected, it seems that the agreement between brain spirit and fungus is still effective, but Lin found that some small places have been infected with fungal infections.

There may be too many places in the agreement.

Then... it’s almost time to tear down the door.

The pompom has already flown to a square. This square is where the gates of the stars are located. The huge crowd gathered here has left, leaving a gate full of fungus.

The door has been turned off, so even if the fungus has an unrecognizable species that can't be transmitted to the other side, Lynn would have liked to see if the fungus could operate the door, but they didn't seem to look like it.

Could it be that the fungus is actually not so smart?

Their intelligence is hard to say how high. But so far, Lynn has not seen any creatures including Lin, and they communicate directly with them, and brains are not directly communicating with them.

The intellectual source of the fungus may be the brain, but now Lin feels that it has a lot to do with the dream rock that I don't know how to get it. It is still difficult to judge now...

In short, Lin doesn't want them to open this door anymore. If they really learn how to open it, it will be a blow to the virtual people.

The virtual people are indeed very hopeful of 'rebirth', so don't bother them...

Thinking, a lot of pompons flew down the sky. They stick directly to the door that is hundreds of meters high. As the pompons become more and more sticky, they have already filled the entire door.

'boom! ’

After a roar, a lot of pieces fell down. A huge door has become a piece of debris.

But this is not over yet, more pompons flew down, searched for debris on the ground, then picked them up...decomposed.

Lin feels that if the fungus will transmit, it may cause considerable trouble, but there is no scope for the brain to influence it... it is hard to say.

There are many worlds that cannot be infected. For example, there is no world of multicellular organisms...

Or it is the ‘connected world’.

Lin found that there is a brain-minded people who seem to understand the connected world. These brain-minded knowledge also seems to have different situations, just like individual creatures.

It knows a lot more about the world, such as some biological systems there, and that place is mainly made up of...about six worlds.

And this knowledge is not known to the brain spirit, it is also known by the legend of other creatures...

The place that is currently connected is very suitable for multi-celled organisms, and there are several other things that don't seem to fit. The number of these creatures is not just dense. They are also very strong... strong enough to resist the aggression of many alien creatures. .

The creatures of these worlds come in many different forms, as if all the worlds are in different galaxies, and they are all connected together.

Lin is most concerned that in the legends that the brain knows, these worlds will be mixed together at the 'last minute' because of some special influence.

Then they will destroy, forming a place of floating rock, and most of the creatures above will be extinct, but many non-cellular creatures will survive and form a new environment.

Lin had heard of these legends before, but this time I know more clearly. In short, there are a lot of secrets and floating rocks.

So go there and explore and see, it seems that the virtual people are also going to explore there...

At the same time, Lin has to go to another place to see, Lin is always close to that place, and now it is almost coming, although Lin feels there may be nothing special, but still have to look.

That is... the world of Atlan. (To be continued.)

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