4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 733: An ancestor world?

"Here... is... the land of the ancestors?"

The earth is covered with gravel and gravel, the thin atmosphere is dry and cold, and the stars in the sky emit a faint glow that illuminates the sky and the earth's surface. {Chinese.

A creature is standing on the ground, its body is wrapped in heavy armor, and the armor provides it with the right air and temperature, which allows it to sustain life in this environment.

If he takes off his armor, it will be killed by the environment here.

But for this creature called Atlan, the environment that can't move without wearing armor can be said everywhere, they are used to it.

However, it is now very embarrassing to the deadly environment in front of it... doubts, surprises, incredible.

"Why is it here... would it be like this?" The incomprehensible tone was spoken from its mouth, and the sound passed through the communicator in the helmet to another creature floating around it.

Floating next to Atlan is a ball full of fluff, which is about one meter in diameter, and observes the world with Atlan.

"According to the coordinates, this is the land of your ancestors."

Although the tone of the pompom does not have any emotions, in fact... Lin also feels some doubts.

Atlan...had I lived in this place? This world does not seem to be suitable for them.

If they were previously exposed to this air, they will die very quickly in the life system of Atlan.

However, maybe it used to be a good place to live here?

The pompoms flew a little higher, observing the terrain of the world, and there was a trace on the ground not far from the front.

The traces look a lot like... dry riverbed, maybe there is proof that there was something?

"Let's go there and see." Pompon said to Atlan below, Atlan followed and ran forward.

The pompoms fly above it, and the surrounding environment is observed. Although it does not seem to fit the life of Atlan, it is the 'best fit' place.

Not long ago... Lynn came to the galaxy, the galaxy where Atlan's mother ball was. The tumbling of this galaxy is really quite a lot.

There are dozens of major large tumbling wheels around the star, including four gas tumblings, and many rock tumblings. Lin did not elaborate on how large a normal tumbling should be. But anyway, it is quite big enough.

It seems to be the area with the largest number of tumblings among the galaxies currently seen by Lynn.

The other galaxies that Lin has seen are mostly small tumbling, although those gravel areas are very common, and although there are many tumblings in this place, it is only the place where Lin is now suitable for biological life.

The right thing to say is suitable for the living life of Atlan, and there are also areas suitable for multi-cell living life. And Atlan is the most suitable place for this place.

The location of this tumbling person means that it may have lived in Atlan, its location is in a 'just' place, if there is a suitable atmosphere and environment, it can create a cellular environment like a pom-pom .

But now there is no suitable atmosphere and environment here. What Lin can see is only endless sand, and if it is too close to the star, the environment there is not suitable for Atlan.

Then... just explore here and see if there is any trace of Atlan’s previous life. I don’t know how long it has been. The traces left here may have long since disappeared.

Those Atlan have always wanted to return to this ancestor's land. But in fact there seems to be nothing special here.

The pompoms flew slowly in the air, and soon the pompoms approached the place that looked like a dry riverbed.

The pompons landed on the riverbed, and the fluff was extended to detect the rock particles above. Lin found that there must have been a similar stream of water.

But you can't confirm if there is water... But Atlan's creatures need a lot of water, so they must live in water-rich places.

“This place... is it called ‘river’?” Atlan crouched down and grabbed a grain of sand from the riverbed and looked at it: “But there is no water here...”

This Atlan is one of the many Atlans that used to work for the brain. It is also a yearning for the ancestor's land. He brought it here, and Lin wanted to see what would happen.

But obviously it doesn't know it either.

However, Lynn seems to have a special feeling. It seems that in the 'subconscious', it believes that the land of the ancestors should not be like this.

"The land of the ancestors shouldn't be like this..." Atlan walked along with the pompom and said, "Why is there nothing here... no?"

"Do you think this shouldn't be like this? Why?" Pompon questioned it.

"In short, I just have this feeling." Atlan said: "But. I don't know why I think so. In short, I don't think it is this place."

"Yes? But let's explore it here first." He said, the pompom floated to the edge of the riverbed and grabbed a stone.

This stone looks special, with a lot of tiny holes on it, and after a little detection by Lin. Lynn found out... there are indeed creatures here.

The tiny holes in this stone have traces of microbes, like 'fossils'... but they are very different from the fossils in the usual sense. If it is Atlanau's technology, it is impossible. Recognized.

Brain Spirit did not teach Atlan how much technology, even if it joined the brain, most of Atlan's technology is their own.

Therefore, if a group of Atlan came to this ancestor's land, they may not recognize that they once had these creatures.

But once there was a microbe that could not prove anything, thinking, Lin would continue to fly forward...

Pompom and Atlan moved along the riverbed to the heights. On the way, Lin continued to detect the rocks on the riverbed. Many of the stones here have traces of microbial life, but they are too small, and nothing for Atlan. Direct contact.

It’s mainly because it’s been too long here. The creatures of Atlan are not good enough to leave traces. When they left, they seemed to occupy a lot of places.

At least not like the virtual people all over the world, so you have to find the place they occupy...?

"We should find a place where your ancestors lived."

Thinking, Lin let the pompom fly with Atlan, and as the field of vision became wider, the pompom left the riverbed and flew over a large piece of sand.

This Atlane seems to have no special interest in the various environments here, and it is not usually spoken. In terms of personality, it is very boring. Lin feels that it should be replaced and a mental state is better.

But now it's better.

Large pieces of sand are floating around with the cold wind in the air. Lin lets the pompons catch the floating sand and test them. These sands are different from the riverbed, and they have no microbial traces at all.

The pompoms flew over a large desert. There is no special environment here. Occasionally, there are some spire-shaped rocks, and the sand on the ground is quite large, which makes it difficult to see the ground environment.

Atlan, who was holding a pompom, seemed to be less dull, and Lynn found it was looking around.

"There! There!"

Suddenly, this Atlanta called, it pointed to a place in the distance, and Lynn saw that there seemed to be something shining in that place.

The pompoms quickly flew past. As the distance approached, Lin felt that the surrounding sand was slowly getting smaller and the ground environment became clear.

this is……

Lynn saw something on the ground.

After putting Atlan on the ground, the pompoms quickly flew over and picked up the thing. This thing is half a meter, and the shape is hemispherical. It feels smooth and feels like a creature. Just look at it in the flash.

Can you say... there are creatures here?

But this thing feels too new, not the object left before, it may be the most recent thing.

But this is also a clue. If you find a living creature here, you can know the history of it...

There should be something similar in this neighborhood...

"This!" Suddenly, Lynn heard the voice of Atlan, and Lin saw it dig a pit on the ground, and in the pit there was another hemispherical object that Lynn had just found.

"These two things seem to be together."

Atlan took the thing and put it together with the one he found. They can see that their edges have a fitting part, so the two hemispheres can form a complete sphere.

However, after the synthesis, it seems that nothing special has been found. Lin tested the ball. It is mainly constructed of metal. The construction technology is somewhat similar to the technology of the virtual people, but the level is lower than that of the virtual people.

But it's great to be able to make this kind of thing in this ridiculous world.

"I think there are more clues here!"

After watching the ball for a while, Atlan ran back and continued to dig up. After it picked up a lot of sand, it found more similar things. After a while, it dug up six. Hemispheres.

However, these hemispheres do not seem to fit together. It seems that they are all on one side, but the other side is not found, but there is a hemisphere whose surface is not smooth and has many protruding marks on it.

It feels like a map...

But why not have such traces?

While wondering, Lin also let more pompons fly here. In short, there are obviously a lot of things here, so you can carry out large-scale excavation here, you should find a lot of interesting things. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ River crabs can't eat ~ bitter sea boundless tour ah ~ monthly ticket ~

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