4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 737: History in the dust

"Are you okay? It's great! We are very worried about you... What are you bringing back?"

Under the dusty sky, there are so many creatures around the pompoms in their eyes, and they are excited to say a variety of words. This makes Lin feel a little wonderful. They seem to care about the young, so why bother? Cubs go out to find water?

"This creature saved me!" The cub looked at the pompom and shouted at the pompom: "Come and get to know everyone!"

"Where is your head?" The pompon floated to the side of the cub and looked at the curious creatures around him. Lin asked directly to the cub.


"This hair ball can talk! Where did it come from?"

The surrounding creatures are constantly talking about the pompoms, but they are not hostile. The youngsters carry the pompons to a building road in the distance: "In that position, the heads live there."

When I came under the building, Lin looked carefully. The building was almost exactly the same as the surrounding area. It was a bucket-shaped building.

‘Hey! ’

At this time, the door of the building opened, and one from the inside... some special creatures

This creature is basically wearing a white protective suit, and the sound of this out is wearing a blue protective suit, and there is a special badge hanging on the chest, presumably this is the leader.

"You are..." The leader looked at the cub and the pompom and looked quite surprised. It looked at the young girl again: "What is this..."

"It's like this!" The cub has always been excited and excited, and all the things he encountered in the pompon have been completely said to the head, so that the leader understands the situation, so it lets the pompom enter its house. For a detailed discussion.

As for the cub, the head collar let it go back to its own home, which makes the cub feel very depressed, but there is nothing to help.

"That is..."

Now, in the head-necked house, a pom-pom and head and two creatures looking like guards are sitting around a table in the center of the hall. The leader is questioning the pom-poms: "You saved the bash." Want to understand our situation?"

"Yes." The pounce is the name of the cub. The pompon said to the head: "The main thing is your history, and there is something about it."

Said, the pompom put the picture of the tumbling person found before on the table.

"We can tell you about our history..." The leader said: "But I also want to know, where did you come from? And what is your civilization? Why do we know our language... and ours Various habits."

Lynn found out. This leader seems to be very ‘intelligible’.

When Lin and the cubs came here, the residents here made a variety of actions on the pompons, and the cubs always waved at the pompons when they moved in the desert. These are their Habitual action, it seems nothing.

But that's just that they don't seem to have anything. Because actions like beckoning may be an insulting or threatening action for other creatures, the residents here don't seem to understand, except for this leader.

It saw that the pompom had not done any posture until now, and it knew that it might cause problems, but it also noticed that it seems that the pompoms don't care about the movements of other residents, which means that the pompons may know them well.

The leader who knows this is obviously very suspicious of the pompon.

However, it seems that there is no doubt about the 'capital' because they are already like this now...

"You can tell me where I came from." Pompon said: "But you have to talk about your history first."


The leader was hesitating there.

Lin found that it was thinking, the two guards next to it looked confused. But did not say anything.

"Okay..." After a while, the leader said to the pompom: "Then I will tell you first... our history."

"That place, we call it 'ersh'." The leader looked at the image of the tumbling person on the table and said, "It is the place we lived a long time ago."

“A long time ago?” Pompon asked: “How long is it?”

"I don't know this..." The leader said: "We used to have records about the year and the age, but this record does not know when it was interrupted. After that, the era was restarted."

"However, we have kept some of the previous information... I can show you now."

Said, the head turned and walked into the back room. After a while, it took a piece of metal and walked out.

This thing... seems to be the imaging device used by the virtual people. It can't play a three-dimensional picture, but display the picture on that board.

However, the degree of clarity is very good. There is a lot of information on it, and the leader has adjusted the information about their past.

"You... also know our words?" When the pompoms look carefully. The head collar suddenly asked the pompon.

"Know." The pompoms simply returned, then looked at it...

"We used to live on the 'Ersh'." Although the pompon said it was known, the leader began to say it himself: "At that time, we had a highly developed civilization, but then..."

Later, this group of creatures came here, and the above information was written in great detail.

At the beginning they did live in the original world of 'ersh'. Lin saw a lot of pictures of the situation at the time, which is very similar to the city of Atlan that Lin had seen before.

Lin noticed some of the above information, their technology is lower than the virtual people, and the void is a difficult thing, so they are much worse than Atlan.

After all, Atlan is quite good at virtual travel, although it is forced.

These creatures are still pretty good, just like the virtual people... until some time, it seems that something happened...

"On that day, the world issued a notice saying that there will be a huge disaster in the whole world."

The next piece of information that Lynn saw was that there was something about the disaster, saying that the earth's crust would undergo dramatic changes, and that the ocean's ice and snow would melt or melt up most of the land.

At that time, a plan was customized. It was a plan to escape. In fact, the disaster was discovered very early. This plan was also started very early.

It is a plan to escape to the void.

It seems like the history of Atlan... but this plan was initiated by themselves.

Although this galaxy has many tumbling people, there are not many tumbling wheels suitable for living. The most suitable place is confirmed by a tumbling person near ‘尔什’, which is here.

There is another target, the satellite of Ershi, but it is said that there is no suitable here.

Of course, it is suitable, that is, relatively speaking, there is a storm in the sky all day, how to see it is not suitable for these creatures... It is better to stay in the original world of flooding, and feel that life is easier.

However, they still decided to leave.

In fact, there was a fairly comprehensive plan at the time. Lin saw from the information that in order to leave a huge amount of things, such as a huge aircraft, there are many technologies, plants, etc., and there are quite a few Many technical professionals.

After they planned to come here, they transformed it into a very comfortable world. They thought that there are some plants and some animals that are suitable to grow in this place, and these creatures will multiply here and will soon be able to take the whole world. Transform it into a comfortable place.

To this end, they have prepared a large number of technical and technical personnel, as well as many well-known ‘scientists,” and there are a lot of introductions on them.

However, the leader here said that the understanding of these characters is limited to the information. As a matter of fact, it has never heard of what these famous characters have done.

That's because after they came here...

I did not do anything like that.

After preparing a large amount of information, and selecting a large number of technicians, and some 'very important' roles, let them take the aircraft to this place.

There are a total of ten aircrafts coming here. According to the description of the data, they seem to be quite large. They are hundreds of meters long and are put together in the void. However, because of technical problems, it has been used for a long time. And there is no time to test what to do.

After all the creatures were sent to the aircraft after completion, the plan was started, before the disaster.

Of the ten aircraft, nine were used to carry goods and creatures, and one was an automatic factory that was used to produce everything suitable for living.

I originally prepared why, but the process was not smooth...

After flying here, two aircraft crashed due to a malfunction, and several landings encountered some problems, causing most of the occupants inside to be injured.

However, there are still quite a few occupants who have survived, including the one that is an automatic factory.

At the same time as they started the project, they also let the automatic factory start to produce all kinds of things. The first thing that was produced was... the bucket-type building that Lin sees now.

They first lived in the aircraft, and when the buckets were built, they slowly began to live in these buildings, which allowed them to live comfortably in dangerous environments.

Of course, the factory can not only manufacture such a building, it can also create a lot of things, as long as there are enough resources to even create a city.

However, that is only the ideal situation... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to thasann~ 1988!

Thanks ~ Guan Shu Zhixing ~ hollowing out the burning ~ the breeze blowing the sun ~ falling ~ the monthly ticket ~

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