4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 738: New world life

Damage... seems to be the first problem.

These creatures like Atlan have come to this tumbling person and do not carry too much resources themselves, because they think that the mineral production here is very rich, so the resources of the factory are basically excavated on the spot.

The resources that were originally excavated were used to create bucket-type buildings that are mobile, so they can move elsewhere to live.

In addition to the bucket-shaped buildings, the factory also produces square buildings, which have similar functions and can be said to be a small house with a separate energy living system.

However, their lives did not last well, and problems quickly occurred. They found that plants and animals that were originally planned to be stocked in the world were completely unable to adapt to the environment.

Almost all of them died, and in fact a large part of them were in the two aircraft that crashed.

The cause of these biological deaths is not only due to adaptation problems, but also to factories.

Because... except for those houses, the factory did not produce anything else.

The factory first failed in the manufacturing system and could not produce anything other than the first two houses. They originally planned to build many 'greenhouses' to grow plants, but the greenhouse could not be manufactured.

Those well-known technical experts also have no way to deal with this situation, as if it was caused by improper landing.

The information in this document is not detailed. Lin listened to the leader and said that this was a long time ago. What happened in the beginning... No creature knows.

Most other aircraft are also problematic. For example, after landing. They have not been able to fly again. The lack of energy is also a problem, as well as the oxygen supply system inside the aircraft, the temperature maintenance system, etc., which are successively damaged in a later period of time.

Although there are a lot of 'technical experts', it seems that they have not played any role at all. They have no way to repair these faults. Later, they have to live in the houses outside the aircraft, and only part of them live outside the aircraft. Most of them still live inside the aircraft.

If you want to live all outside, the number of houses will not be enough, so they will be huddled together, and the houses that originally housed several residents will become more than a dozen or even dozens, and at the same time, the factory will accelerate production. But at this time there have been more problems.

The factory was completely damaged.

The information said that there was an explosion, the factory was destroyed in the explosion, and it could not produce any houses anymore...so that means they are going to live together.

This will lead to more problems...

Mainly the energy system of the house, these houses can only accommodate a certain amount of residents, otherwise the oxygen supply system and other things will exceed the load.

Simultaneously. They are also hit by huge sandstorms, and they are arguing with each other. Food distribution and many other situations...

The death of the first case soon appeared, and then, the situation became more and more, and their number began to drop sharply.

However, life has become easier. After all, it is less crowded, and the distribution of food resources has become more relaxed. However, in order to avoid sandstorms and bad weather, they moved to other places to live.

They also split because of disputes, disagreements, etc. The whole group was divided into groups and went to different places to live.

After that, they will have no place to live.

This world often occurs because of bad weather such as sandstorms, so it is necessary to move and switch places frequently, because the number of deaths is increasing due to various environmental incompatibility.

And they eat all the food and water that the original aircraft stocks, and these things are getting less and less.

But on a continuous journey, they discovered new...water.

There are waters in some parts of the world that occasionally appear on the surface, just like the 'geyser'.

They happen to have devices that detect nearby water sources, so they chase the water source everywhere, and they also find that they are rich in certain nutrients.

These nutrients... are suitable for a plant growth.

They also kept a lot of seeds, so they began to replant some of the plants as food supplements with the newly found water.

However, these plants are only supplements. They still have to eat the original reserves of food, but at least the water does not need to be stored, and there are still many food reserves, which is actually enough for them to eat for a long time.

They are living in this world, living this wandering life...

Slowly, the first generation is getting older, but they also gave birth to future generations and taught the knowledge of these offspring and how to live here.

And... how to protect their house.

The house is the 'lifeline' of these creatures. Although the house has enough energy, no matter how it is maintained, the loss is gradually increasing. The systems inside the house will have more and more failures.

Houses that have been used for too long will be completely damaged and completely unusable.

At this time, the first generation was quite old, mainly because the younger generation they were born was responsible for management. One group returned to the original location of the aircraft. They found that the original factory... was not completely sandstormed. Buried.

So they tried to go inside and searched. They found that many things in the factory were intact, so they began to try to repair the functions inside the factory.

Of course, no repairs have been successful.

However, this group thought of a way... they combined those houses that were damaged or about to be damaged and slowly transformed them into a small factory.

This small factory can't produce large objects, but it can produce a lot of parts, so that their houses will not continue to aggravate the damage, because all the parts inside can be replaced by parts produced by small factories, and even new houses can be assembled. .

At the same time, they also contact other groups and use parts to exchange things with other groups, such as water and food.

It seems that they have become better in life, but in reality they have been very difficult. The group has not created anything other than making small factories. They have been constantly avoiding harsh environments and water and food. In the difficult state of acquisition...

In this state, they have proliferated for many generations, and they have been looking forward to returning to the original world... ‘ersh’.

However, this is a distant dream after it is not. (To be continued...)

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