In the dusty sky, you can see that place occasionally...the world they lived in.

Therefore, no matter how hard they live in this place, they will work hard to live.

The older generation has been looking forward to returning there, and the new generation has been listening to stories about it, how wonderful it is...

They also always look forward to being there to see.

This expectation has always been the hope of their survival, which is the main reason why these creatures are endless in this harsh world.

However, there has been no chance.

The older generation slowly died, and their descendants began to age, while the descendants of future generations supported it. Each generation would tell the next generation that they should return to that place.

But they have no actual impression. What kind of place is Ershi?

They can only be understood through video data, but this is very unrealistic, but because the sky can occasionally be seen, so... they try hard to go back.

These creatures later had a small factory in almost every group, which used it to build new houses, to maintain buildings that had been used for a long time, and some groups also built factories that farmed plants.

However, some groups die for various reasons, but they can at least maintain a certain amount.

The most they want to build is the aircraft. They think that the disaster on Ershi has been restored, so they have been trying to make the aircraft fly back.

But this seems to be very difficult to succeed... Although many other things have been made, no group can make an aircraft that flies out of the world.

As for the ones that were originally taken. It has long been damaged and buried in the sand.

but. The biggest reason why they can't make an aircraft is... Ershi suddenly disappeared.

It suddenly disappeared. It was originally seen in the world for a certain period of time, but it suddenly could not be seen.

Moreover, during the period when Ershi disappeared, there were some big things happening in the world, such as earthquakes, storms and the like. But the continuation is not long, just let the two groups die.

After that, they could no longer see Ershi and could not be seen with some special observation devices.

Although the contact with Ershi was out of order when they first came here, they retained some means for observation, and only one group had such a device, which they used to confirm the condition of Ershi.

However, after Ershi could not see it, the device could not detect Ershi. So it is said that Ershi is completely gone.

"After that... this is the case. Most of the groups have not tried to continue to build the aircraft. After all, that is not a simple matter... and then we have been living until now."

The head looked at the pompom, and its emotions were mixed with a lot of 'sadness', but its expression did not show up. Instead, he said in a calm tone: "We have been abandoned by the original world. We used to call ourselves the inhabitants of Ershi, but now we have called ourselves "Mars."

The pompon questioned: "Mars?"

"There is the meaning of 'the **** of battle'." The leader said: "We were born here, living here, trying to create a suitable environment, we will not hold the boring thoughts of returning like the ancestors of the past, we want Transforming this world into the most beautiful and best place for us to live! For this we are always fighting!"

Said, the leader stood up. Its emotions are full of excitement, and its two guards have become more excited because of its words.

It seems that after so long, they have forgotten the ideas they had to return before, but they tried to live hard. This seems pretty good.

"So..." The leader looked at the pompom: "What is the purpose of your visit here? For what, according to our data, this seems to be the first time in our history that we have encountered an alien race. We don't know how to deal with it... but most of the previous statements about alien creatures are saying how to deal with them."

"But I think, we can get along very friendly... Is it?" The head of the collar looked at the pompom, and Lynn felt that it was indeed 'true heart' to say this.

This leader seems very interesting. Lynn felt that it might help the ball to help them, but it didn't say so, and said they would definitely develop themselves.

"Just to observe and understand." Pompon said: "The history of every creature, the story... I just came here to know that there is no other reason."

"Yes, we know almost everything about our history." The leader said: "We don't have any special history now, but we will create it step by step."

"We have about a dozen groups now, and some of them have not been in contact for a long time. I don't know if they are still alive. The abandoned buildings you saw before coming here are the dead groups..." The leader said, revealing A confused expression said: "However, you said that the building where you found this picture was buried under the sand, and it is still very new, which is very strange."

"Because, we never leave the building to run away, it is suicidal behavior, protective clothing can not let us support in the world's environment for too long ..." The leader said: "You can tell me there ... more Details?"

"No problem." Pompon and it said something about the situation there. After that, the expression of doubts in the head was deeper.

“Sure enough, it’s the group of ‘Ish admirers’.”

"Do they adore Ershi?"

"It should be." The leader said: "At the moment, most of our groups have not paid much attention to Ershi. But the group is not like this. They always think that they can return to Ershi and set up. A 'sect' that worships Ershi."

"They make a lot of things about Ershi, like the metal **** you mentioned before, the model of Ershi, and the many entertainment items on Ershi, etc. They actually use precious resources to make a lot of kind of kind. Things...but their resources are abundant, because they occupy a good position, not only water, but also minerals..."

"But at some point they suddenly lost contact, but they didn't expect to be buried under the sand... This is very strange." The leader said: "And you said that they took a lot of things, it should be impossible."

"This is worth investigating." Pompon said: "Do you know anything about them?"

"They are the biggest group, because they often go to other groups to recruit members, because... don't dare to provoke them, so they can only let them do this..." The leader said: "So, it is also the only combination of multiple a group of different members."

The pompon questioned: "What do you mean by different members? Are you still classified?"

"The main thing is this..." The leader leaned out and pointed to the painting on the table: "Do you think that Ershi does not have a lot of land separated? The different land is mainly called "state."

“The members who came to the airport with the aircraft originally included members from different states...” The leader said: “No one knows the purpose of the previous split, but the members of each group that began to form at that time are generally From the same place."

"I think the main thing is that they come from different places, so the disagreement leads to splitting..." The head collar refers to the two regional roads that draw the tumbling: "Like our members, basically from this 'ru', and ' Ami嘎 'the two states.'

"Like other groups, there are places from this 'Aisha', and from 'egg Fuka' and so on... If you meet them, be aware that they are different from the language we speak." The leader said: "This is also a very troublesome thing."

"You..." The pompom questioned: "I don't know each other's language, just come here with the aircraft?"

"Of course, the beginning is all interoperable." The leader said: "But after splitting, they like to speak only their native language in their own group, and because of the difficulty of life, there is no idle language to teach the language of the post-generation, and There is very little contact between the groups. Over time... this is the only way to speak your own language. However, this is only our speculation... At least we are like this, other groups don’t know the specifics."

"However, most of the other groups will have some of our language, and we basically don't understand them, because our language is a compulsory course at the time of flying, and theirs is not, so we can keep a simple communication, but No more complicated communication can be done, but the Ersh Church does not know what method to use and gathers a lot of different languages..."

The pompom asked: "...have you thought about the merger?"

"Of course, but they are all crowded in one place. Water and other resources will be insufficient, and we have always been hostile to each other... although there is a deal, but when a group is vulnerable, it may be plundered." Sighed: "I am very difficult to guess the idea of ​​other leaders, but I always want to cooperate with all, do not continue this boring dispute."

"Then, your situation is also generally understood." The pompon stretched out a fluff and pointed to the picture on the table: "The reason for this 'Ersh' disappearing may be..."

"What?" The leader was shocked: "Do you know why it disappeared?"

"That's because I have encountered something similar." Pompon continued; "It's gone, maybe because it's a creature."

"...the creature called the "Star Bus"." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to ~thasann~ for the reward~Thank you~ The smoldering of the hollow~ I am not a hero~ The monthly ticket of the moon in the sea~

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