'boom! boom! boom! ’

Under the blue sky, the world of Ershi.

In the alley of a street, Lynn looked at a resident of Ershi with a black hood on his face and was holding a weapon to continue shooting at a target in front of it. It looked... very flustered.

"Not useful..." The ‘target’ mouth is smiling, and even if it is continuously attacked, it is not hurt or painful.

Because it is a 'powerful person'.

"What are you doing badly, you have to go to robbery..." The ability suddenly rushed up with his legs and instantly pressed the other person to the ground.

"Oh, it’s over..."

This ability seems to be very proud, no matter what action you do, you have to slap a bunch of words...

However, Lin did not look at it all the time, because this 'memory' quickly turned to the other side, this side is also playing a scene of a capable person subduing the criminal.

Those criminals are scared by the powerful forces they can show with their arbitrarily empty fists. Together with their defensive power, the criminals feel that the weapons in their hands seem to be out of order, but the abilities do not rely entirely on the body to resist the attack.

They wear a protective suit called a bullet-proof vest, which would have been hurt if they were shot in this protective suit, but the protective suit, combined with the defensive power of the capable body, was completely harmless.

Although the ability is very powerful, Lin also sees some of the ability to be too proud, killed by powerful weapons...

Just like the virtual people, there are always a lot of criminals in the group of individual creatures. However, under the efforts of this group of capable people. The number of crimes in this city is getting less and less, and the abilities seem to be dedicated to dealing with criminals with dangerous weapons, and many other things are related to combat.

However, they are not many in number, and it is said that the appropriate nuclear information can be selected as a competent person, however. There are not many suitable people. The president seems to have always wanted to get more people, but he has never been able to do it.

Lin has been observing their various things in this memory.

What is wonderful about Lynn is that this memory is not the perspective of a single individual, but the things that happen constantly throughout the observation. How is this recorded?

Because the ability is not suitable for many people, plus they also have death and injury in battle, the number has been maintained at about 100, all from the world. The heads of the various states that were introduced to Lin by the former leader were all inside.

I don't know why, the number of females and males has always been average, while the female and male abilities have similar fighting abilities, and there is almost no difference.

However, they have individual differences, and some of them are strong. Some are weaker. But these gaps have become smaller and smaller.

Because, at first, most of them were fighting empty-handed, but they started to use all kinds of equipment. Lin has seen many people who use special equipment. Some of them use the weapons that shoot the hooks to bounce in the room, while others use Long knife and the like.

Basically they are things that only their physical ability can operate.

They have a few hundred Ershi staying up late as a criminal solver. At one time, the president summoned all the abilities.

This time their gathering point is... a place called ‘America Space Base’.

"So long ago, everyone has completed a lot of tasks, and our city has become more and more peaceful because of you...so I represent the people around the world to express my gratitude to you..."

In a vast hall. Before the president stood by one hundred and one capable, the president was talking loudly, and this group of abilities was not only more than the original, but their equipment was also richer and colorful.

Said: "But you all know that crime will always breed, just like weeds can't be cleaned up..."

The virtual people seem to have killed the weeds, but they have not killed the criminals... Lin heard this suddenly thought of it.

"So, your main task is not to deal with criminals, but to be a great part of the broad future... Go to the distant world, 'Malls' as the first colonizer!"

"We must go there?" asked a capable person.

"You know, Mi said." The president said to the capable person: "The mission of our capable people is to lead our entire population forward. The original contract was written clearly."

"Yes, I understand."

Other abilities have some questions, but they don't seem to object to the plan to send them to Mars, and many of them are still looking forward to this plan.

"So, everyone will start to prepare. Now you have ten days and nights, and decide what to bring with you... but don't worry, all the necessary items will be prepared by us..."

The time for this preparation was skipped by memory, and Lin directly saw the period during which they were launched.

Competitors boarded a plane that looked...very special, as if it were something called a 'empty carrier'.

This thing is one-off. After flying to Mars, it can't be returned. The capable person should use the things he carries to build a colony on it, and regularly accept the resources sent from Ershi, and slowly put it. The colonies on the side have grown stronger.

I couldn't return because the technology didn't seem to be enough, but then I couldn't return...

Most of the abilities were very excited when they were launched, and a few were scared.

But they have no objections or complaints, but wait for the launch to begin...

From the launch, to Mars, the process is very long, about a hundred days and nights, but the memory was not played carefully during this period, and Lin only saw how long it took after a few places.

When they arrived at Mars, it seemed to be relatively smooth...and it didn't crash like what happened to the flight team that came here later.

"Here is Mars..."

"It's amazing... Is this the first time that a creature has landed here? No, there have been several trials before..."

"My step is a big step for the entire race!"

The abilities came out of their flight cabins and set foot on the dark red earth of Mars, they are now wearing protective clothing and full of curiosity and excitement about this dusty world.

At first they were very smooth. They started to build their first base here quickly. After getting some basic things, it is the most important thing...

They have to adapt to the environment here. (To be continued.)

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