4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 745: Ability change

"could not be reached……"

It seems that this is the most prone problem. If you have already read this chapter, please go to: Chinese. Read the latest chapter

In the memory, Lin continued to observe the life of the capable person who came to Mars. After coming here, in addition to establishing the base, the most important thing is to contact Ershi.

But there is no way to achieve this. They find that all communication devices are out of order.

Originally thought to be caused by Mars's environment, they say something special about the 'magnetic field' here.

Then, they began to look for places where the 'magnetic field' had little effect, because it was in memory that Lin couldn’t feel the magnetic fields they said, but they did suffer some interference... and There are also many problems with the contact instrument itself.

However, this group of abilities does not seem to care very much.

After all, they are now materially plentiful and there are no major problems, so the abilities still maintain a good mood and start living here. As for the contact problem, you can try to find a place without a magnetic field, or wait for the side of Ershi. The material carrier arrives here and finds a way to contact.

Their way of life is similar to the flying team that came here later, that is, making greenhouses on the ground, then planting edible plants, and so on.

At the same time, they have to adapt to the environment here.

They all started wearing protective clothing, because they couldn't confirm whether they could adapt at the beginning, but now many people have begun to try not to rely on protective clothing.

Instead of taking off their protective suits directly, they first turn off some functions in the protective suit, such as the temperature function. Experience the feeling of being in the cold, they can slowly adapt to this environment.

At the same time, there are also states that adapt to low oxygen and the like.

Lynn feels that although their adaptability is related to themselves, the most important thing is the microbes in their bodies.

The rock that Lin found, there are many such symbiotic microorganisms in the body. They are not cells of the rock itself, but they can provide many functions, such as providing oxygen.

Although there is no detailed process and information on the 'manufacturer' in memory. However, Lin felt that the president had put a lot of such micro-organisms into the body of the abilities, which led to great changes in their physique.

Not only will these microbes not be attacked by the immune system, they will also change rapidly depending on the physical needs of the abilities themselves.

For example, they find that the ability of people to consume less oxygen, they will increase the production of oxygen. Lin feels that they are living in this way.

Soon, some people with good physical fitness have adapted to the harsh environment on ‘Malls’.

In fact, the temperature difference between Mars and the temperature in some low temperature areas of Ershi is not much different. Lin sees this from the data, and adapting to temperature is not difficult.

There is also oxygen, and things like stress are not so easy to adapt.

but. This group of abilities does have an unusual talent... Lin believes that they will adapt to the environment sooner or later, but there is one thing that cannot be adapted.

That is the fact that no food will be hungry.

Although the abilities are planted, the number of those plants is very small, mainly relying on the food brought, and these foods will sooner or later be eaten.

At that time, it was necessary to rely on the food sent by Ershi.

Originally scheduled to be in a period of time, Ershi will send food and various items to the people of Mars to live, so they will wait for the next item to be sent.

Moreover, the original items scheduled to be sent for the first time are not only food, but also some small aircraft for carrying, which allows the ability to send back some things on Mars. They just want to use this and contact.

But obviously there is a problem...

After the time the item arrived, the abilities found that the items were not delivered, and the items were landed in a certain range, and they did not find those items at all.

At first they thought that the time of sending may be delayed, but they waited for hundreds of days and nights.

The original reserve food... is almost finished.

Of course, they began to argue. In fact, the abilities themselves have the distinction of 'class'. The stronger ones generally look down on the weak, but they have no reason to fight before, but now they are different.

In order to seize food. In order to reduce the consumption of food, the ability people began to fight each other.

Although they are not many, they are divided into multiple groups, each with about ten. Generally speaking, several of the best friends are together.

It seems that this is exactly the same as the situation of the subsequent escape team...

However, the group split battles of the capable people did not last long, and their battles were fierce, basically in the small colonial area where they lived.

Only one group was killed by a few players and then escaped from the colony, while others seldom escaped. They occupied some houses in the colonies as 'sites'. Constantly attacking the sites of other capable people.

At the end of the war, one of the other teammates was angered by the ability to kill all the light, and the greenhouses in the colony were blown up, and the remaining capable people completely lost their food.

However, their battle is not over yet, and at the end of the battle, there is only one of the most powerful teams.

This team was originally the largest number, with a full capacity of nineteen, but now there are only ten.

These ten left the colonies that were destroyed in battle, with the last supplies obtained from the battle victory, slowly advancing above the vast desert... but they did not die.

They found...the water source.

It was a cave. When they came in, they found that there was considerable moisture inside the cave. Soon they found water in the cave.

It has also been found that these waters have a lot of nutrients, and some of the organisms they bring can grow rapidly in the water. Although the greenhouses have been destroyed, there are still many ‘seeds’ that have been preserved.

‘Seeds’ refers not only to the seeds of plants, but also to many microorganisms such as algae, as well as eggs of some creatures, drinking the water here, and using water to raise a large number of creatures, they have survived.

Originally because of the agitation of a lot of similar kind, and because of the smoothness of life, slowly dissipated...

At the same time, because the number of males and females is still just equal, they also began to try to breed offspring. They think that they need to replenish the quantity, then develop it, and sooner or later they have to go back to Ershi to see why the items have not been sent.

They have a lot of small armor for newborn babies, because one of the original purpose of sending abilities to Mars is to test whether they can multiply in this environment.

So I prepared a lot of baby armor. These armor are considered to be the most useless things, so they have basically remained intact in the previous battles. Now it is very useful...

Initially, a newborn cub died because it was not adapted to the environment, but several other pups adapted to the environment.

Those special microbes, pups can 'inherit' from the mother, and the ability to quickly find that after the pups grow up, the ability to adapt to the environment is stronger than them.

Even one of the fastest-growing pups can take off their armor for a while, which makes them quite surprised.

But it also makes them think that they can slowly 'conquer' the world!

The next situation... is very simple.

The number of pups is increasing, and the food is good enough, because those that are edible can multiply in the water faster than the ability.

Moreover, the physical fitness of the capable people is very good, and there is no big problem in continuous production. Under their parenting, these young children grow older and adapt to the life of the world.

However, the abilities of the abilities are getting bigger and bigger. Although their physical strength has been strengthened, the lifespan has not been strengthened, but it is shorter than the normal Ershi residents.

They have to tell their descendants, to find a way to go back to Ershi, to see what is going on...

The first generation of descendants were educated, so their intelligence and behavior were similar to those of their first abilities, but then it seemed that more and more problems were raised, and this group of descendants had much less education for the next generation of descendants...

Therefore, after discovering the second generation and the third generation, these youngsters are not going to educate their offspring. It is not that they do not know what to teach, but they simply do not want to go to education, but go outside the cave to explore everywhere. It came back a long time, and later they even... let the cubs go to the water to feed themselves, not to help feed.

So after several generations, the cubs did not inherit the knowledge of the previous generation, and the behavior became more and more like a wildlife.

Slowly, they have completely rewilted, they become disliked to move and at the same time forget the things of Ershi.

Lin feels that this phenomenon of not wanting to educate may be caused by microorganisms...

Although the knowledge has disappeared, their physical strength has become stronger and stronger. The younger generations of the younger generations do not need to wear any protective clothing at all. They can directly resist the environment, and the skin becomes like a stone statue.

This is also related to the microbes in their bodies. Lin feels that these microbes have transformed the circulatory system of the abilities and changed them from 'Hersh residents' to 'rock skins'.

But their intelligence has not changed, although there are many 'inbreeding' between them, but the intelligence changes little, because Lin found the rock skin and the residents of Atlan or Mars. small differences.

They have lived like this for a while, until now...

Now they are once again exposed to the mechanical technology of Ershi...

This seems to wake up some of the memory... in the depths of the rock skin. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ 1888 of the hollowing out ~!

Thanks ~ Shengyang fish ~dreadtails~ Fantasy erosion twisted enchantment ~ leaves plums ~ monthly ticket ~

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