4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 746: Memory loading

It seems to be in this place.

After reading a series of memories about ‘rock history,, Lin let the pompom return to the cave of the rock.

This place has the mystery of memory of rock skin.

The rock skin is now exposed to Ershi's technology and shows strong curiosity about this technology, and many rock skins have quickly learned to use them.

However, even if they are the same as the inhabitants of Irs, they should not learn to use these techniques so quickly, and they should learn to use the image panel to see the information...

They must have caused them to have this ability for some special reason.

After the pompons came to the depths of the cave, they quickly saw the thing that gave them the ability. Lin felt that this thing is also the key to a series of historical memories in the rock skin.

It is placed in the corner of the cave, a spherical object with a piece of protrusion on the surface.

This sphere is exactly the same as Ershi. It looks like a model ball of Ershi, but it is very large, with a diameter of more than one meter. It is much more than the **** that Lin had seen at the factory.

However, this model ball of Ershi was not made by the factory, but was originally carried by those capable.

In fact, this is also the reason why no sinners will be produced among the abilities. This is very early on Ershi, as if the president had created it.

Before, Lin also saw the president introduce this thing, it is called the 'induction ball', and it is said that it can work with the brainwaves of the capable person.

As long as a capable person puts his head on the ball, it can perceive the position of other abilities. If it is close, it can also know its emotional state, etc. This state of perception can last for tens of thousands of seconds and then slow. Slowly dissipate, you have to touch the ball again to be able to perceive again.

So they won't sin, because crimes can easily be discovered by other abilities without hiding wherever they are...

Unless it is a crime of all abilities. At the same time, the ball is destroyed, but there is more than one ball.

There were a lot of them before, but then they blew up almost all of them in each other's killings. This is the last one.

This ball was brought here by the ability to survive. Then it was kept in this position, and after a long time, the ball has not been damaged...

In addition to this ball, the ability to survive has originally brought a lot of things, such as many pups with protective clothing. There are also energy supplements for protective clothing, food storage bins, but now these things are gone.

Only the ball is left there.

Now, Lynn can see that many rock skins are beside the ball. They occasionally touch the ball with their heads. They don't know, Lin has already used the micro-arms to test their brains.

After touching the ball, some areas of their brains will be 'fired', and they will enter a state that can perceive the same kind as their ancestors... capable.

In the state of perception. Lin found that the memory areas in their brains are particularly active, and this memory records the history of their abilities.

However, they will not remember this history for the time being.

Although this memory is in their minds, Lin believes that it is in a very vague state. Only after they touch something, this memory will be clearer...

For example, the technology of Ershi.

When they attacked the town, they were exposed to the technology of Ershi, who suddenly remembered some of the previous history if they had used similar mechanical items before. Then they will know how to use it right now...

So now I can see that this group of rock skins is using things from the town...

But this memory is not their own, but all the rock skins, but also the people of the past. They were born on Mars and were not educated. So there should have been no special memories.

Lin found that this memory is the sputum of their brains.

A baby will not inherit the memory of his mother, but... those microbes will, Lin found in the process of detection, such microbes have many types of information that can be remembered, like brain cells.

But they are not brain cells. In fact, they are multicellular organisms. Usually, small multicellular organisms have no brains. These species have brain-like parts in the body, can store some information, and the descendants they breed can inherit this storage. information.

These microbes have some mobility, they record the memory of the rock in the brain of the rock and then move to other places.

Lin estimates that when the rock is being propagated, some of these microbes will move to the newborn pup, and then move to the brain of the pup, passing the memory recorded from the mother to the pup.

After breeding for many generations, these microbes are also mixed together, and they have brought the memory of all ancestors to each rock.

It is reasonable to say that they can only store a little memory debris. Some microbes move past and only move a part of the memory. Why can you pass a complete memory to the baby?

Lin hasn't confirmed this problem yet, but Lynn found that not every rock skin's memory is complete. Lin's previously captured rock skin with image panels has a complete historical memory, while others have other rock skins. There is no complete memory.

Lin looked at the memories of many rock skins and found that most of them had only a few memory fragments, not as complete as the one that Lynn caught.

Incompleteness seems to be an individual's...

The microbe does not immediately move the memory to it as soon as it moves to the cub, but the pup is exposed to the sensor ball.

At the moment of contact with the ball, the microbe will put some of its ability's historical memory into its brain.

Lin hasn't tested all the processes yet, but I think it's almost like this...

Then the problem lies in these microbes and sensory spheres. Lin feels that according to the technology of the residents of Ershi... they 'manufacture' the microbes.

The ball is possible.

However, these microbes are obviously not the usual organisms. They can be modified through special nuclear information. Lin feels that the president may have obtained such microorganisms from some special ways, so he started the capacity-manufacturing plan...

These pathways may be related to some alien species, or to the stellar bus.

If Ershi is really a star bus, it may be the provider of these microbes. (To be continued.)

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