4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 747: The possibility of civilization

"That...and this! These buildings can still be used!"

Under the faint sky, a group of 'Malls' are moving quickly. Under the captain's voice, they complement the energy of many houses, enabling them to act. (.)

The houses made a burst of thunder and then slowly moved forward on the sand.

But they are not moving the buildings back. After all, the whole town is still in the sandpit. Now they just move the most useful buildings to a location and then contact the big forces to take them away.

This is also the main purpose of this team to follow the pompoms here to get the buildings abandoned here.

"..." Among the group of quickly working, Atlan grabbed the figurines and looked at them with anxiety.

Many players tried to communicate with Atlan before, but later they gave up because of language barriers. Now they ignore Atlan, but focus on their work.

Therefore, Atlan is not worried about them, but is worried about himself. Is it so abandoned by pompoms? What should I do in the future? Do you join their group?

"... ah! Finally I am back!" Suddenly, Atlan saw a white sphere appearing in the sky, and he quickly and loudly waved: "I am still here! Don't forget me!"

"..." The pompom didn't say anything, but slowly floated over. Atlan found that the pompoms followed two pompoms. The two pompoms were entangled with a pile of one meter in diameter. Metal ball.

Three pompoms flew to Atlan's side together, and a pompon said to Atlan: "You touch this with your head."

"What is this?" Atlan touched the metal ball with a confused emotion. It did not see any special reaction to the metal ball.

"It seems that nothing happens." Pompon said to Atlan: "Would you like to stay here? Or go back? Note that this time you will not bring you back after taking you back."

"No?" Atlan screamed in surprise: "But..."

Speaking of it, it looks at the buildings in the distance with a lingering retreat, and there are many small statues that it likes best in those buildings.

But it is a pity that its armor is already full, and there is no more stuff, and it does not dare to let the pompon help it.

"...well, go back." After thinking for a long time. Atlan finally made a decision, so the two pompons took it away from here.

There is only one pompom left here, and the metal ball is still in place.

The players passing by were puzzled to see the pompoms and the metal ball that was obviously the model of the Ershi model, but they were all working so they didn't say anything.

Lin hasn't broken the metal ball yet. However, Lin has already let some micro-arms drilled in and tested the structure inside. The structure inside the metal ball is not very complicated, and there are some...discharge devices.

As long as the brain of the creature touches the ball, it will emit a weak current. These currents have no special effect, obviously for Atlan.

Although it carries a helmet, when it touches, Lin adjusts its helmet to a conductive state.

But when the rock skin touches the ball, its current will trigger the microbes in the rock skin, let them do something that they would not normally do.

For example, ‘memory sharing’ with rock skin.

So those rock skins will have the historical memory of those who have the ability before...

Lin also found that the energy of this metal ball is not infinite, but there is a place on the surface that can be opened, and from there, the metal ball can be 'charged' so that it remains energized.

Those rock skins know how to charge it. Mainly use some... stone.

There is a special kind of stone that can charge the metal ball, and the metal ball itself consumes little energy. It can be used continuously for a long time even if it is not charged...

This is not the main concern of Lin. Lin notes that the current from the metal ball seems to activate a part of the nuclear information in the 'rock microbes', making their behavior change.

Other currents have no effect...

Now, Lin is studying how they work, and Lynn feels that the microbes may record more than just that.

Lin feels that...the information they record should not only include the birth plan of the capable person, but may have more secrets.

Because the creatures that remember them may not be ordinary residents of the country. But... the star bus.

"What is this? Is it found in the factory? It is much bigger than the others..."

When Lin thought about it, suddenly a creature stood in front of Lin, the captain.

It was puzzled to see the Ershi model next to the pompom, as if the pompon had specifically called Atlan to give them a figurine to see the information. It seems that the pompon is very good to talk, only to run up and ask.

The pompom looked at the captain and then took a thing out of the fluff and threw it on the floor: "Look at this."

"What is this?" The captain was shocked because it found that this thing would move, but it took only a few centimeters to look at it, so he lowered his heart and watched it.

It was a white...bug. It squirmed on the ground and looked very fragile, but it did not die because of the cold air and harsh environment of the place.

"This is the food of the rock skin." Pompon said: "They mainly raise algae in the water and this creature maintains life, so you can eat it as well."

"Eat..." The captain looked at the worm and showed a feeling of resentment.

It seems that even if they have been breeding for so many generations in this dusty environment, they still cannot forget this 'disgusting' mood, because the appearance of this insect is very similar to most parasites or toxic organisms, they will cause many Biological resentment.

So on the Ershi, there are many parasites of similar appearance, but it is not surprising that this type is very suitable for parasitism, but these are not parasites, but the things that rock skin often eats, and their caves have sufficient water. There are basic nutrients in the water source to raise a lot of algae and these insects, relying on their rock skin to reproduce.

However, there is no similar place with sufficient water in the vicinity, so the rock skin is crowded in the cave and does not extend to the outside.

Otherwise, Lin thinks that the rock skin will ‘rule’ the world, after all, they are the best place to live here.

Although the captain feels disgusting, he also knows the importance of this bug. If you can raise a large amount of food that can adapt to harsh environments, don't mention how great it is.

So it took out a small bottle and put the worm up and said: "Okay... oh... thank you, we will take it back and see..."

Said, it suddenly remembered what it called; "That... Have you been to the cave of 'Rocky'? Can you... Tell us how many of them?"

“There are a lot.” The surface of the pompon changes color, showing the view of the pompoms seen in the cave.

"What? There are so many!" The captain was shocked and dismissed, wondering why the surface of the pompon could change these pictures, and quickly said: "They..."

"They may attack here soon." Pompon said directly: "You should leave soon."

"...I know, but we are not running, but going back to the reinforcements." The captain said, and quickly ran away.

It is easy to guess what it thinks. When the captain saw a lot of rock skin, in addition to surprise and fear, Lin could still feel that the captain had a different mood...

It is an emotion like ‘greedy’.

It should have been realized after seeing the large group of rock skins. If you gather so much, it means that there must be abundant water and food there. If you occupy that place, then their group will become extremely powerful...

However, after all, the rock skin is a descendant of the capable, and its strength is not much weaker, but it is strengthened in a harsh environment.

So they will be quite difficult to deal with...

If the rock skin begins to understand the Ershi technology and restore knowledge, and intends to expand, they may be a huge threat to several groups here.

They may destroy all groups and then build a 'rocky civilization' on this tumbling.

But the biggest problem with rock skins is that they are less likely to educate future generations under the influence of microbes, so it is not easy to say what ‘civilization’ can be built.

How will it develop? Lin does not interfere with them, no matter who lives it is not strange.

The main thing is that Lin still wants to see Ershi, so to figure out where it went, then we must continue to look at... the memory of the rock microbes.

At present, Lin has captured a lot of rock microbes. After researching them, Lin found that each microbe stored a very small amount of memory fragments.

If only a single microorganism is excited by current to transfer the memory to the rock skin, it has almost no effect, but if it is excited, it may be able to “input” some long memory fragments into the rock skin.

Of course, these memories will overlap. Lynn finds that some microbes store the same memories, but most of them store different memories, and they have a behavior, that is, microorganisms with the same memory will consciously not live on the same rock. They will find opportunities to spread out, while the different ones will come together.

They use this to ensure that a group of microbes with different memories accumulate on a rock skin.

The larger the memory microbiota in a rock skin, the more complete the memory they give to the rock. Before that, the rock that Lin grabbed was the few individuals with the largest memory microbiota.

So it has the longest memory in its mind, and of course it is one of the most knowledgeable rock skins, and you should know how to manipulate any of the Ershi techniques.

However, this memory is not complete enough... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ battle bell ~ lmy~ monthly ticket ~

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