4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 748: Earlier part

The memory recorded by microbes is not easy to combine, and the section on the history of abilities is a long part.

Only a few rock skins can acquire this memory, because their memory microbes in the brain are more than a certain degree, while the number of microorganisms in other rock skins is not enough, they only get a small amount of memory, so only Can handle some simple things.

The rock skins with the most memory and knowledge are the leaders of the entire group, but the microbes in these leaders are numerous but not complete.

Lin believes that to complete a complete memory, it is necessary to find a complete microbial group, just like a complete puzzle.

Every microbe loaded with different memories is a piece of jigsaw puzzle.

Combining them... seems to be difficult, but it's actually not that difficult. After all, the number of rock skins is not that many.

After detecting the brains of multiple rock skins, Lynn discovered ... more memory parts.

There are some parts of the ability before the plan is carried out.


"Look, these ancient things... they didn't even make wheels, they made these spectacular buildings. What do you think is the reason?"

The vast sky is covered with dark clouds, and the sound of thunder echoes in the clouds. The tiny raindrops fall from the sky and rush to the earth covered by green.

This is a dense jungle, and countless kinds of dense plants make up the scenery of the ground. The sounds of various creatures are echoing, I really didn't expect it. There is such a place on Ershi. It seems that the residents of Ershi have not completely transformed the world into a city.

In this memory, Lynn saw three creatures.

They are all residents of Ershi, two do not know, one is the president, they are standing in front of a huge building, they carry a lot of things, Lin noticed that including a large backpack. Various tools or something.

The building is made of stone and looks very old. It should have been built by the ancient residents of Ershi. The president is there to sigh, and its two companions are watching the sky with anxiety, a pair of fear of rain. Hit them.

"That... it's going to rain, we still hide." A companion said to the president.

"You can't hide in it." The president didn't look at the companion and walked to the stone building entrance in front.

"But this building may be very unstable. It is a monument that has not yet been confirmed. It may collapse..."

The companion didn't want to go in, but its words attracted the president's laughter: "What are you talking about? Do you know that it has been maintained for thousands of years? Don't worry!"

Said, it went first, the two companions looked at each other and did not intend to go in, but said in the original: "Then we are waiting for you outside!"

at this time. Lin’s perspective instantly transforms into the interior of the building. There is a small space inside, and many patterns are drawn on the rock wall.

"The two weak things." The president expressed dissatisfaction with his companions and began to look carefully before walking to a rock wall.

Looking at it, it also took out an image panel and looked at the information displayed above: "It turns out that these paintings are... some of the descriptions of the gods they sacrificed before, this is..."

The president saw a pot made of stone under the wall.

"This is what they use to contact God..." The president looked at the information and said: "Just put some things in it, and then you can get the contact by doing this dance? It seems very simple..."

Said, it put the backpack down and took something out of the backpack.

Those things are also made of stone. The shape is very strange, spherical, disc-shaped, and some look like the shape of an animal.

They were placed in stone cans, and then the president confirmed that the things were complete and continued to read the next information.

Although Lin's position of this perspective can't see what the text on the data is written, I can see some pictures on the data. There is a resident in the picture that is in various poses.

Then the president also learned the posture on the picture and danced there. After dancing for a while, it sat on the ground panting, and it looked at the stone pot that was filled with it. "What? , why didn't you send anything..."

"Ah!" It didn't finish talking, and suddenly screamed and squatted on the ground, then it struggled to climb up and ran outside the building.

When I saw two companions, the president shouted: "Did you not hear a lot of thunder?"

“Thunder?” A companion looked at the flashing sky and clouds: “Is it always there?”

"It's not such a small thunder." The president said: "It's very loud, like an explosion!"

"I didn't hear any big thunder..." The two companions looked at the president strangely: "What have you encountered in it?"

"...nothing, forget it." The president said: "Go."

Then, the president walked back to the building and took out the backpack and the jar. Then the three of them left the place...

Lin found that they were back in the nearby city and lived in a place called...the hotel.

And at night, they all fell asleep...

In addition to the president.

The president suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, and Lin noticed that it was not really waking up, but in a state called ...... "dreaming", its eyes were still closed.

Then in this state it opened its own image panel, after entering a lot of information inside, and then returned to the bed and continued to sleep.

Lin noticed that their furniture is quite similar to the virtual people, that is, much smaller.

After the day, the president woke up and saw the information when he opened his own image panel. The end of the message said... quite clear, it was its own input.

It started as a prank with two companions, but that content made it feel weird, but Lynn's perspective couldn't see the content.

Later, it didn't seem to care much. Then the two companions seemed to go to other places to see what left, and the remaining president stayed here.

This night, it climbed up and continued to write a lot of information.

This time, the president knows that it is not a companion's mischief, but it is still not very convinced, so in the third day and night...

It specially got a camera to monitor itself, and it did see it really crawled up in the middle of the night to write things...

It decided to believe what was written by ‘self’ this time. (To be continued.)

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