4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 749: Action on Ershi

"It is in this position..."

Wet, hot, dark, this is an environment suitable for countless creatures, and the creature known as the president, usually hates this environment.

But now it has to come to this environment because it wants to confirm... whether the information it wrote in the night 'sleepwalking' is true.

To this end, it has entered the vast jungle itself, and it is in the dark.

After a journey of thousands of seconds, it came to a place.

The light in the hands of the president shines out. In the light, a fallen tree appears in front of it. The bark is covered with many wonderful fungi, and a large number of arthropods climb up and down. .

But these creatures did not completely obscure the president's sight, and it saw a small crack in the bark.

The crack itself is nothing special. It is not strange that a fallen tree has a crack. However, this tree, even the cracks, was written during the previous sleepwalking of the president.

The above also wrote a clear location, even the type and number of fungi on the trees... so this is certainly not wrong.

Thinking, the president put on his gloves and reached for the cracks in the trees. It found something in the hollow trunk that was like a fruit.

"I haven't seen this fruit... Is that the one?" It took the green fruit of ten centimeters in diameter and held it in his hand. After carefully watching it for a while, he put it back in his backpack and left.

Back at the restaurant, the president took out a lot of tools from the backpack and opened its image panel. While looking at the information above. Set the tools at the same time.

"You will get them from the green fruit of that moment... be careful not to let them spill out..."

The president read the contents of the information. It also has a table of tools for studying microbes.

Then, it took the fruit out of the backpack and took out a knife. It slowly cut out a small hole and looked inside. It could see... there was a small amount of liquid inside.

The president turned the fruit and let the liquid drop a drop in a transparent small disc on the table, which in turn pulled out a line that was two centimeters thick. Align the thread with the liquid in the disc and the other end on the image panel.

‘Hey! ‘A picture popped up on the panel, there are many objects in the picture that are squirming, those are microorganisms in the liquid.

"Of course... exactly the same as the description!" These microbes look a lot like turtles. They have a prismatic shape as the center, and then there are six limbs around the prism and they are constantly moving.

Of course, they were written by the president of Sleepwalking before, so the president is very surprised now...

"So, do they really have the features described?"

Holding the emotion of surprise and doubt, the president conducted research on these microorganisms...

that's it. Dozens of staying up late are quickly...being skipped.

"You came."

The president is now in a place that is white everywhere, including the bed in front of it. There is also a creature lying on the bed.

This creature is a friend of the president, and this white place is a place called a hospital.

"Are you okay?" the president asked his friend in front of him, and the friend replied with anger: "Dart said... I haven't lived for a long time."

"Is it..." The president bowed his head. This friend was known a long time ago. They have always been good, but at some point, the president knows that it is infected with a kind called 'America Trypanosomiasis'. Parasitic disease.

The parasite spreads through a blood-sucking worm in the local forest. After infection, the parasite lives near the heart and begins to reproduce there.

There were no special symptoms in the early stages, but after a while, the patient's heart would have a large number of parasites and eventually had to undergo a heart transplant.

The residents of Ershi are obviously the same as Atlan, with only one heart, and transplanting the heart is not a simple matter for them.

The friend of the president was unable to carry out a heart transplant for various reasons, and now there is no way to survive.

"But maybe there is still a way." The president suddenly raised his head and it took out a small jar: "This...may be able to save you."

............ After this, it was skipped for a while.

"It's incredible! Those parasites are all gone!"

The dying friends are now standing in front of the president with full spirit. They are at the door of the hospital. They are excited to say to the president: "Where did you get that magical medicine?"

"...we will go to eat a big meal." The president did not answer, but pointed to the restaurant next to him.

"No problem!" and its friends didn't care too much.

When eating a big meal, the president seems to have no intention to eat, and always thinks about other things...

Yes... It successfully healed diseases that could not have been cured. The microbes are so powerful that they not only kill parasites but also repair the parts of the heart that were originally damaged.

But these microbes obviously don't just have this function, they have more power to explore.

As long as you have these microbes, it will be on an equal footing with all the legendary characters in the history of the Ershi civilization, creating a new era and winning all the grand prizes...

At the thought of this, the president shivered with excitement. It did not have much success, but now it can reach its peak in an instant.

However, it can't do this because it still has a 'sleepwalking' every night. In sleepwalking, it 'own' will write down the next plan, what it wants to do, these plans and the president climb up. There are many inconsistencies in Feng’s ideas.

However, it did not dare to defy these plans... so it decided to act according to the plan.

Then, what it has to do is to promote its medical achievements first, and then set up a 'capable company'. The company's plan is to create a lot of 'heroes'.

It's like the same in film and television works.

The president then continued to work **** the plan, but it also had doubts. It began to try to ask the sleepwalker in various ways... Why do you want to do this? What is the purpose of these plans?

Then, the sleepwalker's ‘self’ really responded to the president, but instead of answering the president’s question directly, he told it... Then there will be a huge disaster in Ershi.

This disaster may affect all the residents of Ershi, so the president must prepare for this disaster.

It’s not just the president, there are some residents of Ershi... probably hundreds of people know about it, and they are preparing quickly.

The disaster predicted that the president had seen a lot, but for the first time I felt that the prophecy was so credible.

After all, it is written by sleepwalking. Since it is, it must be true.

The president now believes in sleepwalking himself. It doesn't even think about why. It feels that it must be right, but the president still has doubts. What is the relationship between the disaster and the company?

Do you want a hero to save the disaster? The president thought of many scenes in the movie. For this question, the sleepwalking replied in this way: ‘The abilities of those who want to become a new race. ’

The president was very surprised about this, but he did not get more responses. Although it kept asking questions, it did not say anything about sleepwalking.

But... everything is going on as planned.

After the president established the company, he “manufactured” a lot of people in the name of fighting crime.

But the abilities are not made at will, and they need to be 'suitable'. The friend who saved it last time is one of the fitters. If it is not suitable, then it can't accept the kind of microorganisms.

Otherwise, it will be much worse than being parasitized by the heart.

It is difficult for the right person to find, and the plan asks the president to look around the world. The original president only wants to find a place... and this plan requires the number of males and females to be equal.

These presidents have done it, but the number has been very difficult. Then, the president has planned to train them in various crime-fighting activities. In the final step, all the capable people are launched. 'Mars'.

The president did not receive any doubt during this period, because the sleepwalker is also very smart, will not be noticed, and will be deleted after the plan information is read.

After the ability was launched on Mars, the president cut off all the contacts with them according to the plan. Of course, the original saying that it is necessary to send the supplies is also to lie to them.

This is what the plan says, so that the ability is self-reliant.

Although the ability of the ability shows an unusually powerful ability, the president is quite skeptical about whether they can differ greatly in air, environment, and pressure, and even live without Mars on any food.

Although it is called the most suitable place to live in this galaxy except for Ershi... but the president thinks they may have died.

But it has not stopped to continue planning...

The president claimed that they had contact with those who had the ability. After a while, it said that it lost contact with the ability and then disbanded the company.

Everything about this plan disappeared with the dissolution of the company. The families of those who were able to find nothing but continue to try to find relevant clues...

Because of the company's key role president, it has committed suicide.

But it is not really suicide. It is actually alive, and it is ready to start a new step in another identity. This plan is relatively simple, and it is also something that is familiar to Lin. (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ 1000!

Thanks ~ Wang Ahua ~ past style, ~ Feicheng socks demon ~ with suo want ~ bamboo uncle ~ monthly ticket ~

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