4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 750: Technical fertilizer

Like other abilities, the president ‘infects’ a special microbe.

However, unlike the abilities, other abilities strengthen the aspects of physical fitness, and therefore the life expectancy is much shorter than that of the ordinary Ershi residents.

The president's physical fitness is nothing special, but its life expectancy is much longer, and there are some other abilities.

For example, it can make your face look different.

This kind of vision-dependent creatures of the residents of Ershi can deceive most of them by changing their faces. The president has acquired a new identity in this way, and then began to get rid of other things. Long, all are considered dead.

Although no resident of Ershi knew that the president had a new identity, Lin was very clear here.

After all, this is in memory...

The president then contacted some other roles in the same identity as the new identity, and these roles, like it, knew about the series.

Initially, I only contacted a little, and then the president had a long, quiet life. During this time... nothing special happened.

The plan for the ability is also slowly forgotten by the residents of Ershi.

Then, this group of characters, including the president, gathered together, and then what they have to do is...real...respond to disaster.

Because disasters do happen, it is said that because the world is warming, there are many different reasons, and huge disasters will attack the whole world.

However, it is not just the role of the mayor. The technology at that time has been able to predict this. So there are many other scientists who know it.

To this end, the residents of Ershi also prepared a lot of plans, and the presidents proposed a plan at that time...

Moved to Mars.

The plan was not adopted at first, but it was adopted by the president and its companions. The plan gathered the latest technology and a large number of 'elites'. Then formed a huge team.

However, they are not the whole hope of the entire Ershi civilization.

In fact, this Mars plan is just one of many disaster response plans. Although many resources have been used, the residents of Ershi did not put all their hopes on them.

Because there are other plans, this Mars plan is basically a purely 'elite' and does not carry other ordinary people.

The original Mars plan was to let the elites go to Mars to build a 'colonial', and then return to Ershi from there, and then go to Mars to see what happened to the former ability plan. .

Although the ability plan was forgotten by most of the residents of Ershi, it was still recorded.

So the flight team set off. The current technology is much stronger than the ability, so they flew to Mars with full confidence...

However, they do not know their true role.

The real role of this team is only known to the president and those partners... It is very simple, that is to provide technology and knowledge to the 'residents' of Mars.

The president saw in the information written by Mengyou himself that the capable people could live on Mars. But in the process of adapting to the environment. They will lose all knowledge.

Therefore, when the ability to 'evolve' is almost the same, that is, when it becomes 'rock', give them technology.

Because they lose knowledge, they don't lose their intelligence. After seeing the technology, they can quickly learn to use it.

This Mars team is doing this.

After getting the technology, the rock skin will be able to quickly establish a new civilization on Mars, why should we build this civilization?

The president is not clear about this answer, but it knows to do it. Because this is the task that its world Ershi gives it.

In the long-term and sleepwalking exchanges, the president slowly discovered the identity of the sleepwalker... So, the president decided to fully obey its command.

The 'elites' who took the aircraft didn't know what they were going to do with Mars, except for a few special characters mixed in it.

These special characters are called ‘tricks,’ and they also joined Mars in action. Their mission was to ensure that the flight team could not escape from Mars.

It was no coincidence that various explosions, crashes, and equipment damage occurred in this team.

Although some damage is indeed a technical problem, there are still many that are caused by ‘tricks.’

Next, what Linde knows...

Lin wants to see what happened to Ershi at this time, but there is no way, because the microbe recording the memory has already flown to Mars along with the flight team, so I can't see the situation on Ershi. .

These recorded memory microbes are parasitic on members of some flying teams, which are parasitic when they leave the country. The difference between such specialized memory microbes and enhanced physical energy does not affect the host.

Later, they were on these members, witnessing the problems they first encountered, then splitting, and then moving to the descendants of the original members, continuing to record their various things.

This memory comparison is unclear, probably because of the limited relationship of microbial angles. Some of them are active on the cortex of the face, and have good vision and can see the surrounding environment.

However, compared with the previous memory perspective on Ershi, Lin has long discovered that the memory on Ershi is not a microbiological perspective, but a fairly free and broad perspective.

But when it started to take off on Mars, it turned into a microbiological perspective. Lin thought that at the time of take-off, the recorder of memory transferred the memory to the microbes, and then they could bring the memories to Mars through these microbes. .

But even if the perspective is turned into a microbe, Lynn can see most of the situation, that is, the situation of the flight team on Mars, which is similar to what was seen before in the leader.

In short, the microbes were originally on the members of the flight team, and then the host was constantly transferred and parasitized to their offspring. They initially had many parasitic individuals, but slowly concentrated on a few individuals.

The last parasitic worms of these micro-organisms...the residents of the small town under the sand dug by Lin.

They were attacked by rock skin and killed by rock skin, and the microbes on them were moved to the rock skin and merged with similar microorganisms on the rock skin.

A complete set of memory puzzles is combined. (To be continued.)

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