4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 751: Where to look for?

Now, I understand it. :

Everything about Mars's plan is to let a group of rock skins build a new 'Malse civilization' here.

What is the role of this civilization? Why do you need to create this civilization?

And the maker of this civilization...should be the stellar bus.

From the perspective of the whole memory, all the things are done by the stellar bus. The clear view of everything that can be observed in Ershi is the perspective of the stellar bus.

It should take advantage of a special way... for example, to observe an eyeball from the ground to observe all the situations and to direct the president.

From Lin's current understanding of the stellar bus, the stellar bus hardly interferes with the creatures in his body. Those creatures are invaded by alien stars, and they can live on them as long as they have a better attitude.

The stellar bus decided to conduct various orders against the president and other residents of Ershi, indicating that it did encounter a big problem.

And it did not clearly indicate what the problem was. It always told the president that it was just a disaster...

Is it related to the creator? Lin felt that if the creator attacked, it would not be necessary to command the president to do so much... strange things.

Mainly it left a lot of rock skin on Mars.

Although the method of storing information in memory is not noticed by the residents of Ershi, the creator may find these clues.

If the creators want to attack Ershi and find it, and come to Mars to find the rock skin, they should also be able to find these memory microbes like Lin, know what Ershi did.

Perhaps the creator knows more about the stellar bus than Lin, and they may be able to figure out where it fled. At the same time, it may also destroy the rock civilization by the way.

So Lynn thinks it should be another reason... let the star bus leave.

Ershi, this stellar bus is bigger than Lin, and I don’t know how long the residents of Ershi have stayed on it, or maybe there are other high-intellectual creatures before them. That is going to mature a lot.

But no matter what, the reason for its departure is not recorded in the memory of the microorganisms.

Lynn tested all the rock skins. All the information recorded by the microbes in their brains is so much that Lin had seen before, and there is no more memory.

However, Lin feels that there is a place in this place that is worth noting. The memory microbes of this process can be divided into two batches.

The first microbes recorded the various things that the ability person did after he flew here. There is also a history of their evolution into rock skin, and the second group of microbes recorded the ability of those who had left the Ershi and recorded the events in Ershi.

The second batch of memory microbes later flew up with the flying team and then merged with the microbes on the rock.

As they flew up, Lynn noticed that the perspective of memory turned into a microbiological perspective. Obviously, the main perspective of memory on Ershi is the stellar bus. After flying away from Ershi, it is replaced by microbes.

However, the memories of the first microbes are not like this...

The memory of the first microbes has a broad perspective like a stellar bus from the beginning, and this perspective has been maintained until Mars, until the back... that is, the ability to kill on Mars, move to the hole After living in it, it is transformed into a microbial perspective.

Therefore, Lin knows very well about the battle that the capable people started. Mainly the relationship of this perspective.

Lin felt that it might happen that the stellar bus had followed the team of capable people to observe Mars, and then it stopped observing.

So if you find the ‘things’ that the Star Bus uses to observe, you may find new clues or something.

It is also felt that the residual transfer energy of Ershi's original location should be detected, but... the residents here do not accurately describe the location of Ershi.

At most, there is only such an ambiguous statement as when Ershi was closest to Mars and when he was farthest.

There are also some materials that can see Ershi's orbit around the star, the distance from the star, etc., but it is not accurate. In fact, more detailed information about Ershi has not been retained. These are just ‘general introductions’.

So Lynn decided to dispatch some arms to the vicinity of the star to check it out.

Because of this information, Lin also let a pom-pom back to the head, the head is very enthusiastic to entertain the pompoms, and thank you very much for the team to the abandoned town. Because the captain had already informed him about the situation, it made the leader very happy.

Because, so they can get a lot of houses and resources in vain.

Of course it didn't say it directly.

At the same time, it is not worried about the rock skin, because it heard that it is a group of creatures living in the cave and crawling on the ground.

The leader said that their ancestors had extinct many such creatures when they were on Ershi. However, the captain apparently did not tell the details, for example, the inhabitants of the desert town were destroyed by the rock.

Lin and the leader are mainly talking about Ershi, and the leader said something that makes Lin feel interested, that is... Ershi has a satellite called ‘wood’.

"Where did the satellite go?" When the pom-poms asked this question, it said that the satellite was gone.

It is like Ershi.

However, compared to Ershi, there is no one who pays attention to the satellite. It is only when the probe is discovered that the satellite is no longer in its original position.

But it may not disappear like Ershi, but it may not be possible to float somewhere.

Lin feels that I should investigate it, because the stellar bus is unlikely to move another tumbling person. This requires... a lot of energy.

The stellar bus stores its own energy, so it is difficult to store its own energy, and it is unlikely to move another.

After finishing this, Lin also decided to tell the leader some things about the rock skin, because it seems very interesting to see their surprise.

"You...what do you say? How is this possible!" Sure enough, after the talk, the leader said that he was unbelievable to the extreme: "Are we sent to provide technology with a special trip? To those... burrowing creatures?"

"Yes." Pompon said: "You should also think that it is no coincidence that so many problems occurred after the original flight team flew here."

"But even then, this is too unlikely..." The leader looked at the pompom: "Do you... can you provide relevant evidence?"

“There is no evidence.” Pompon said: “But you will soon be attacked by 'rocks' and you must be prepared in advance.”

"...I know, thank you for telling us this information."

Although the leader said so, its emotions are purely unbelievable, which is indeed normal.

They were originally hopes that they were all Ershi. After Ershi disappeared, the leader also thought that he could create a new civilization here, but after being told that he was actually using the 'fertilizer' to provide technology to the rock skin, There is only one idea in their minds: don't believe it.

The rock skin can be trusted or not.

Lin paid a little attention to the side of the rock cave, where the large group of rock skins are now surrounded by a rock.

This rock skin is their 'patriarch'. It is one of the few rock skins with the longest historical memory and the oldest age. There may be many young and strong rock skins than it can, but the rock skin is usually the most intelligent choice. As the patriarch.

Before, Lin took the metal ball away and they looked very flustered, but Lin put it back, so they have stabilized now and are ready to plan for the next step.

Because they have been exposed to quite a few Ershi technologies, they decided to ... plunder more technology.

The patriarch is holding an image panel, and a map is being displayed on the panel. The map shows the nearby terrain in detail, but most importantly, there are many markers on it.

It includes water mark, some areas suitable for living, etc., while the patriarch is mainly concerned with the group mark on it.

The map has a location about the various groups of the Mars residents, the patriarch refers to these markers, and emits a special voice to 'describe' the surrounding rock.

This language is the 'new language' of the rock skin, which seems to be different from any language on the sir, which was developed during the period in which they lived.

But these languages ​​are not complicated and can only describe simple words, but they are enough for the patriarch to use it to illustrate the next plan.

The patriarch carefully looked at the map on the panel, and then he put his finger on a point and said, "Oh, no doubt!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" The rock skins burst into cheers at this moment, their groups boiled up, and even a few rock skins took out weapons grabbed from the residents and shot at the top of the cave.

The bullet flew down from the top of the cave and hit the other rock skin, but there was no rock skin and it was injured.

Lin thinks that they decided to attack the nearest group. It should be the group of the leader that Lynn met. It is the nearest one.

So how do they deal with it?

"Oh oh oh oh!" When Lin thought about it, the rock skins all ran to the hole, leaving only a few guard caves. The rock skin seemed to be a very militant creature. I used to live in this place. Because there is nothing to kill has been boring.

Their character has become different from the residents of Ershi.

Looking at them, Lin suddenly thought... probably where the stellar bus was used to observe them. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~15984567854~ Hu Daochang~ Moto e107~ monthly ticket~

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