4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 753: Mini creature

The structure inside... seems to be very interesting.

Lin is testing the structure of the small aircraft she just caught.

This plane...is indeed a machine with a mechanical structure that is very suitable for movement in this environment, and there is a very special charging system, mainly using some of the microorganisms here to recharge.

However, although the aircraft is mechanical, it is a creature in the cockpit.

This creature makes Lin feel very interesting, because it looks like a small...

With a size of about five centimeters, its body can stay in the cabin, but as it is, there is no more such creature.

Why is there such a creature... Lin feels very wonderful, it is completely a narrower type of the residents of Ershi, but the size is much smaller than the newborn baby of the normal Ershi residents.

Therefore, Lin did not ask any questions to it, but directly tested the structure of the body... Lin felt that the structure of the body should not be the same as that of the large Ershi residents.

After the test, Lin found that it is also true. It does not have as many visceral and complicated secretion systems as the large Ershi residents, and even it has no skeleton.

Its brain is in the middle of the body, not the 'head'. Its head belongs to a sac-like organ. The interior is mainly hollow, and it stores a large number of microorganisms, which can pass through the 'mouth' and 'nose'. The 'ear' is released, and the microbes in this type of storage have seen a lot in the water.

At the same time, its nose and ears have a switch function inside, usually closed to prevent microbial leakage.

Although it looks like a mini-shaped Irshi resident, the interior is not the same thing...

However, the eye on its head does have a visual function, and it has some digestive system and a relatively simple circulatory system. Although it requires oxygen, it is small in quantity and can be obtained from the water through some devices in the aircraft.

As for itself, it can also resist the temperature environment here, but it depends mainly on its aircraft to live here.

And its brain size... Lynn feels that it should be able to communicate. So when Lin finished the test, she used the fluffy tentacles of the pompom to say in front of it: "What are you?"

It is still in the cabin, and there are many tentacles that have been drilled around to scare it, and now face the problem of fluff. It is clearly stunned.

But Lynn knows that it understands the language.

This language is the language used by the leader. It seems that it can't be called ‘尔什语’, but Lynn has read the information of Ershi, as if the language is used in a wide range.

"I also want to ask you what it is!" It seems that this creature is over. Its emotions also become anger, it makes a sound from an organ in the body, so when it speaks, the organ on the head that looks like a mouth is not moving.

However, in order to better spread the sound, the organ of the mouth will open.

"Why are you attacking me? Where did you come from? Why did you speak this language?"

Lin found that its character and the general Ershi residents seem to be very similar, and once asked the pile of pompoms a lot of questions that Lin often hears when they touch individual creatures.

Therefore, Lynn said a little about the origin of the pompom, and it was similar to what she said before, and then continued to ask questions before it.

"You said that you came here from an alien star and studied our history. It is like those...archaeologists? And...you said that you didn't hurt any of the creatures here?" "This creature has a lot of doubts about pompons: "But why are you doing this?"

"Because I want to know everything." The pompon of the pompon said: "What creature are you? Why is this place?"

"...I... I won't tell an alien creature about these things." The creature said: "If you don't plan to invade us or do something similar, leave."

"You are not willing to provide any news?" Pompon continued to ask.

"Why should I tell an alien creature about my business? In our logic, this is very unreasonable. Maybe you don't have similar logic, but I want to say..." Saying, it suddenly stopped, as if Thinking about what it looks like...

After a few seconds, the creature continued: "If I tell you something about me, can you promise to help me with something?"

"It's possible." Pompon said: "But if you don't say it, I will know."

"..." It hesitated again. It seems that I finally decided: "I can tell you... but what do you want to know?"

"Everything, including the history of your population."

"..." Although hesitated for a while, it still said, as if because of a lot of content to say. It speaks very fast.

Lin feels that it will be heard according to the hearing of ordinary residents, but the pompom will not be like that... In short, it does say... many things about it.

Its main occupation here is... responsible for managing the ecology.

Although the water has a dense ecological environment, it is not perfect, because the creatures here are almost...deliberately put together, so sometimes there will be a phenomenon of balance and collapse.

It has been hunting in the water all the time. Detecting the population status of living organisms maintains a balance of their overall number, allowing them to develop steadily.

It has been doing this for a long time, and it will also kill some microbes as food.

What's special is that some of the microbes here are 'produced', and the parts that look like heads store a lot of microbes.

It will add this microbe in some places, or remove some microbes, which have been maintaining this balance for a long time.

Because of its relationship, the number of microbes in the worms here has been very stable, otherwise the rock skin is likely to have nothing to eat.

And why is it doing this kind of task? It said that it has to be said a long time ago...

It was originally a creature on Ershi, and this group of creatures is called 'illusion' and they are said to have a long history.

However, this creature is not very clear about their history, because it was born on this Mars, and it is from the data about the previous things.

They are not many in Ershi and are very scattered. Although they know the residents of Ershi, the residents of Ershi hardly know them.

They are usually considered to be a kind of ... legendary creatures, they often appear in various legends of the residents of Ershi, but the residents of Ershi did not confirm whether they actually have such creatures.

Although they are sometimes discovered, they are not released to the public by the discoverers, so they are always legends.

Because these creatures called 'illusion' are quite good at hiding, they generally live in places like the jungle. Although they have certain intelligence, they don't have a big 'civilization' like the residents of Ershi. It is to live in small groups.

They have a characteristic that they have a strong ability to change.

When they are close to a creature, their appearance will slowly change, for example, when they are close to the residents of Ershi... and after a period of continuous life, their appearance will become like the residents of Ershi.

But only the appearance looks alike, their inner beings will not change, and their inner beings are like Lin's seeing, like a kind of 'software' creature.

When other residents of Ershi saw the illusion, they thought that they would be extremely surprised when they saw the miniature version of themselves, but they did not think that illusion was a creature that was not directly related to them...

The illusion lives around the city and keeps observation and surveillance of the residents there. In the process of observation, they also learned a lot of techniques.

However, these technologies have not been shown, because of this illusion, they have been carrying out ‘tasks’.

These tasks have been around for a long time, and in fact they have been doing everything for themselves, but for the task of the task.

Lin thinks... This is definitely the star bus.

They didn't make any technical products at first, but at some point they suddenly received tasks, and the task required them to quickly learn the technology and make things.

Because they themselves have some understanding of Ershi's technology, coupled with the teaching of the Star Bus, they quickly created a lot of machinery.

These machines are small in size and are only suitable for their use, and usually look like the toys of the residents of Ershi.

After a group of illusions made some machines, they received special missions, they had to... fly to Mars.

Of course, instead of flying them up, they follow what Lin knows... the team of capable people comes here.

They are meant to protect the lives of these capable people, including the current maintenance of the underwater environment here and so on.

Another point is that they are also responsible for the manufacture of microorganisms, and many of the microorganisms that strengthen them are made by them.

They have to strengthen some of the descendants of the ability in a timely manner, otherwise, the ability can not adapt to the environment so quickly.

Through this illusion, there are those things that Lynn knows...

These creatures are specially made by the Star Bus, and their role may be responsible for observing the creatures on the surface.

However, the perspectives in the previous memories are not what they provide, but the microbes used for reinforcement are indeed what they provide.

Moreover, they also know why the stellar bus is leaving. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~o day 1994~ 10000!

Thank you ~ thousand miles of winetown ~ 1000!

Thanks ~ 激 n~ 激 n~

Thanks ~ dark moon eclipse ~ lazy sky ~ hard after a ~ o day 1994 ~ with the suo want ~ monthly ticket ~

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