"That is... we have to leave here."

"Leave? Where are we going?"

"Is that the last mission? Are we going to follow them?"

Here is a dark place, only a few light spots flashing in the air, and under the light, a group of creatures gather.

They are all about five centimeters in size, and they are seventy in number. They are all lying on the ground and gathering together, looking at something in the center.

This thing is a stone jar. The jars are much larger than them, but they are made by them.

They have always used this jar for some special contact, the jar will give them some commands, the task and the like, and now it is the same.

"I heard..." A creature next to the jar suddenly stood up and said to the surrounding creatures: "We... leave the answer here and take that one!"

"Yes, elders."

A group of creatures next to it immediately ran to the distance. After a while, they carried a lot of things, those are spherical objects.

The creature, who was just called the elder, stepped forward and placed a big ball on the ground, and then placed a number of small **** around the big balls. These **** were lined up next to the big ball.

"It’s all there... and it’s here.” The elder looked at the third small ball next to the big ball: "It gave birth to us, and there is endless life, but it tells me, after a while... ..."

Said, the elder took the third ball and said: "It will disappear."

"What? How could this happen! Why did it disappear?" The other creatures around were very surprised, and the elders quickly calmed them down.

"It's a phenomenon called 'collapse'." The elder said: "That may cause great destruction, but it will take us and leave before it is destroyed."

"Where did you leave?" asked a creature next to him.

"I don't know... we can't go with it." The elder said: "Because we have a mission, it is to go to this place."

Said, it took the fourth ball and said: "Here, we want a group of new creatures to grow up, and then... keep watching them. Watch them build a new 'civilization'."

"But..." a creature next to it said: "Is this place so close that it won't be affected by the collapse?"

“No.” The elder said: “After leaving, the collapse will not happen because it is a targeted phenomenon.”

The creature next to "Targeted?" was shocked: "Elder. Can it be said that the collapse is what attack?"

"I don't know this very well..." The elder looked at the jar: "I need to wait a little longer to continue asking questions. In short... let's start this task now."


So, the jar that the former president found... is the thing of 'illusion'?

It is still the dark groundwater cave. In a small plane, a creature called 'illusion' is looking at a fluff in front of it with amazement.

because. Lin just saw its memory.

It said a lot of things with Lin before, but there are many things that are not true. It means that it was born here, and has not been in Ers, and it has not said anything about the whole Mars. The details of the plan of the rock skin.

Therefore, these things can be understood by looking at its memory. In fact, it stayed in Ershi and participated in the main tasks.

I also know... why the Star Bus will leave first.

It seems that there will be a phenomenon called 'collapse'. In fact, the word collapse is also translated by Lin, translated into words like 'collapse', and 'pits'.

Fantasy uses a language of its own, but through the language of the brain, Lin can understand.

This phenomenon seems to have a wide range of influences, which can affect the whole Ershi, so Ershi will leave...

And why did the rock skin build civilization here, and Lin also saw some related descriptions in the illusory memory, but the description is not detailed.

Probably, there is a group of creatures responsible for recording and observing here.

It seems like a stellar bus... Ershi is very concerned about this galaxy, so it wants it to leave. Let some creatures live here and observe the changes in this galaxy.

Lin later called this star bus Els.

At the same time, they can also observe things about 'collapse'. Lin guessed that... Ershi may not be 100% sure that the collapse will not happen after it leaves, so leave such a group of biological observations.

It is not easy to do these things. Only the rock skin is very adaptable. And also master the creatures of certain skills to be competent.

It seems that it thinks that 'illusion' is not up to the task, but the illusion seems to have no opinion on it, but Lin thinks that fantasy is a very intelligent creature.

Because they seem to have a good understanding of the galaxy environment, and are also very clear about the various technologies, and can even create a lot of special things.

But they are really few in number, don't know why... in this memory. There is not much information about their own living conditions.

In addition to the collapse, Lin also saw other things... For example, Ershi did not leave for a long time.

After a while, it will return to the galaxy again, when the rock skin on Mars may have developed very strong.

They may return to Ershi again, but what happens will not be clear...

The illusion itself doesn't know much. They will contact Ershi every time, they will ask questions and receive the task to do next.

They have always lived like this until...to here.

When they arrived at Mars, they could not get the task of Ershi, so they started to have some other ideas.

"You know enough now!"

As Lin thought about it, the illusion in the cabin suddenly shouted.

“Why do you want to know so many things? It’s not just for research, do you want to invade us? But we don’t have anything you want to plunder here!”

“Why do alien creatures have to be plundered?” asked the pompom.

"Because it was like this!" It continued: "I know... you must have something to do with them!"

"... Who are they?" (To be continued.)

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