"This is not a normal shark! Go inside! It's not safe!"

When the hull was shaking violently, the elite next to Lin responded. He quickly took out his weapon and aimed at the sea. At the same time, Lin pushed back, and other elites quickly rushed to the side of the boat.

Their response seems to be quite rapid, but still some... slow.

‘Hey! Suddenly, the sea surface blasted openly, and a huge mouth full of teeth rushed out of the sea, instantly biting the sharp edge of the ship, and even the screams did not come out, it was dragged into the sea.

‘Hey! ‘A few arrows followed, and shot into the water, but nothing happened.

"Damn..." The other elite ran over with a smashing arrow. An elite pair said to Lin: "You're okay! Hurry up to the cabin to avoid it, let us give it here!"

‘Boom...’ At this point, the ship swayed again and again, and they almost couldn’t stand and fell to the ground.

And Atlan, who played by Lin, fell directly on the ground, and the body was quite weak.

"It attacked us under the boat..." An elite side lifted Lin and said, "I recognize the shark..."

"What?" next to an elite said: "How do you know?"

"I have seen it several times." This elite said: "It is raised in the waterway below the city. In fact, it is used as a preparation for war. It is trained to quickly sink enemy ships. Mainly because it knows how to attack the power parts under the ship, it may be released by those churches."

"We are moving very slowly now, so it doesn't attack the power parts... but if we accelerate it, we might bite the belly of the boat." Elite said: "So we can't escape directly, we must..."

'boom! ‘It’s not finished yet, the boat swayed again, and in this shaking, Lynn heard it... there was a cracking sound.

"The cabin is in the water!"

There was a nervous cry in the cabin, and several elite voices ran in immediately. The rest of them stood next to Lin: "You are at the boat center, don't go anywhere!"

No need to say them. Lin also feels that there is no special meaning in where to run.

‘Hey! Suddenly, the water surface in front of it exploded again. The huge sharks rushed out of the sea and bite into the guardrail of the ship.

The wooden guardrail was broken. The elites also fired at the sharks at the same time, and several arrows hit the sharks and plunged into the shark's skin.

The shark also receded back and returned to the sea again. It exposed the dorsal fin on the water this time. And swim to the distance.

Does it mean that it wants to escape? Lin feels that it should be impossible.

Sure enough, the dorsal fin turned a circle in the distance and rushed over here at a very fast speed, as if the shark wanted to sink the entire ship directly.

"It wants to sink the whole ship!" The four elites immediately ran to the side of the boat and kept shooting against the far-backed fins. They didn't shoot all the targets in the hurry. The sharks were getting closer and closer to the ship. As the sea water surged, the shark rushed out of the sea again.

The shark bite an elite side of the boat, and an elite next to him immediately pulled the bitten companion. But only listening to ‘Kala’, the shark returned to the sea.

And this elite found that the hand caught is a body with only half of it...

"Don't get close to the boat!"

The remaining three elites quickly retreated to the center of the ship, and the shark used the same method this time. It swam a considerable distance and then rushed over again.

Its intelligence... seems to be quite high.

Lin thinks that the shark doesn't want to hit the boat. It swims so far that it attracts Atlan to the side of the boat to attack it, so that it can be thrown up to bite it.

Then say that this shark should be hunting, not to destroy the ship... but Lin feels no difference.

Some trained creatures will be madly not afraid of the target of death, but only in hunting. If you feel a certain degree of threat, you will retreat.

However, this group of elite Atlan has no weapons that can threaten this shark, so it can only wait to be eaten slowly by it, if the shark weighs about 50 tons. Then these Atlan are not enough for it to be full.

Although it can eat too much Atlana may be blocked by Atlan's armor, but the shark can spit out the stomach to clean, if the shark is similar to the pompom shark, it must have this ability.

Moreover, the ship has also entered the water, even if the elites do not know how to run to the side of the boat, the ship will not sink after a few collisions.

This seems to be a mortal ending. It may be different from the last time it was attacked by the Order. The death rate... seems to be quite high.

Is it the end of memory? No, this thing may be a bit useful.

Looking at the shark's dorsal fin, which was approaching in the distance, Lin picked up the screw shell that she had been carrying. This was given by the king. I don't know what effect, but...

‘呜’Lin slammed the horn made of this snail shell, the wonderful sound echoed on the ocean, and the elite on the boat looked at it with amazement.

Lin didn't pay attention to them, but paid attention to the sea... The speed of the sharks in the distance suddenly slowed down a lot.

At the same time, Lynn also noticed that there were many smaller...black dorsal fins near the shark's dorsal fin. These dorsal fins quickly approached the sharks, and the sharks apparently noticed them, so they did not continue to rush here, but there. Holding against the group of creatures with black dorsal fins.

So, this screw shell has this function... Maybe the sound from it can attract the creature, maybe the king had expected that the ship would be attacked by sharks...

Suddenly, a creature with a black dorsal fin leaps from the water. Lin sees it with a black and white body. As it moves, all the creatures around it embrace, and they surround the shark, and the shark's dorsal fin sinks. In the water.

Lynn saw that the sea of ​​water there appeared the color of blood...

"It's now! Quickly speed up!" The elite on the boat looked at the scene there, but they didn't forget what to do now, and an elite screamed into the cabin, and the ship started. Moved up.

As the ship's activities, the battle sites are getting farther and farther... I don't know how they are fighting, but Lynn is unlikely to jump into the water to see.

However, Lynn feels that the creatures have a great chance of winning. Although they are smaller than sharks, they are quite numerous.

"I didn't expect it, you can actually summon Farina..." The ones next to them were surrounded by elites and said to Lin's respectful look: "It's all because of you, we can be saved... although it has been said many times. But we still have to say..."

"We will follow you forever!"

"...I know." Lynn's reaction looked very dull.

Did Atlan originally call the group of black and white creatures "Falina"? Although Lynn has not seen the creature, she knows... The names of these creatures are certainly not the name of Atlan, but another name.

‘killer whale’.

In fact, Lin has long felt that Ershi seems to have a special connection with pompoms.

Lynn has seen many multicellular creatures on other tumblings, but no place has a similar creature, a similar creature that occasionally appears, usually a small creature like a microbe.

Moreover, there is no such thing as Lin knows how to call it from the beginning.

It seems that this Ershi does have some wonderful things. I don't know where Ershi is going, but in this memory, I should be able to understand the situation of many Ershi.

However, the fragile role played now is not suitable for exploring everywhere, if there is a stronger one.

But let's take a look at it first. At first, Lin thought that she left the country of Atlan, and the memories were almost over, but now it seems to last for a long time.

Lynn wants to see where the real ‘end is’ in this memory.

In this way, Lin's journey continued... The elites quickly repaired the damaged part of the ship and repaired the leak in the cabin. The ship once again sailed away as if it were fine.

On this voyage, there was no problem.

Lynn woke up several times during the period. Lin found that as long as she played the role of not dying, she could touch the crystallization again and enter the memories to follow the last trip. This is good.

Atlan, who entered the dream with Lin, is still sleeping, as if it is experiencing something that has nothing to do with Lin.

After it wakes up, let's see what it is dreaming of.

As for the other Atlan, they did not find anything special in the ruins, so Lin put them back first, and then Lin went into the memory and continued the journey before...

Slowly sailing on the sea on Ershi, this process lasted for a long time...

Because the time of the flow in the memory is relatively fast, there have been many days and nights in the past, only a few hundred seconds in reality.

So Lynn doesn't need to worry about staying inside for too long.

It can be felt inside, Ershi's day and night alternate speed is faster than the pompoms, and the climate in the sea is also somewhat different.

However, the creatures are very similar. Lin often sees some creatures named, but not all creatures have names.

Like fish, most of them find that they can't name them, but all the large sea creatures that are not fish, Lin is basically called the name, and Lin suddenly came up with an idea, if all the names are found. If you are a creature, something will happen.

There may be nothing, but it is worth a try.

There were thirty days and nights sailing on the ship. Lin and the elite on the boat finally saw the land... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ 哉 哉 political commissar ~ pvnkkaa ~ Sakura 喵 喵 ~ animal blood sky ~ monthly ticket ~

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