"We can take a break here, a few of you, to see if there is fresh water, and what you can eat."

The ship was parked on the coast.

Lin stood on a golden sand beach. It seems to be an island. The beach is upside down with a dense green jungle. The sounds of various creatures are constantly ringing from the inside. The warm climate makes Lin Feeling a bit tired, Lin was lying on the beach.

Those elites are carrying some of the things on board, they want to build a camp here, after all, sailing for so long, there is a land that can feel very comfortable when you step on it.

There are also a few corpses that are sharply cleaning up the beach. It is the wreckage of some kind of fish. Lin knows that it is called a rudder. There are almost three tons of large fish. I don’t know why it is on the shore, or because it is The smell is too heavy, and these elites are definitely not wanting to clean up such heavy stuff.

Because the pompon and Ershi's gravitational pull are similar, you can use the same weighting method.

But how does this creature in the sea ‘overturn’? Lynn thinks that some creatures have names like those weird words... strange.

Lin did not participate in the elite work, of course, they did not have any opinions, and Lin also found that this role is not only because of the attack, but also because of hunger and other reasons, so Lin It must be maintained in a healthy state.

However, this is where is Ershi...

Lying on one side, Lin remembered the map of Ershi. Lin had seen the map of Ershi, but there is obviously no place on the map. So I don't know where I will sail.

The Atlans use a rotating sphere to confirm the course. But they don’t know what their name is on land elsewhere...

Lin thought about what happened before. The 'fake gods' worshipped by the ecclesiastical groups are obviously micro-mechanicals. Later, they deliberately created a disaster, letting Atlan all fly into the void.

But the true God, that is, the star of the bus, knows their practices, and it also believes that Atlan will definitely return, so he specifically told the king to let it leave the crystal that can retain the memory, while letting the magical use of microorganisms 'infect' All of Atlan, when they come back to see their ruins, can produce a 'nostalgia'.

seem. The stellar bus has already calculated things quite a long time... It may be that Atlan is unable to find it, so the building ruins are placed in their original position so that the returning Atlan can be reached.

So, Ershi seems to be quite good for Atlan. Maybe it treats Atlan as his own child. There is such a possibility... The stellar bus is more important to his creation.

However, it is not that Atlan's contact with Lin will actually play such a role. This is the place where Lin feels the most wonderful.

'Boom! ’

When Lin was thinking about it, Lin found out that there was a creature in the jungle next to it. The creature seemed to have a fairly long part of the nose. It is more than two meters long and has a pair of spiral horns on both sides of the nose.

It is extended from the mouth. It should be teeth.

And this creature also has its own name, called ‘居维象’, which feels very weird, but it’s not that the previous ‘turning over’ is weird.

"Be careful!" A few of the sharp glimpses of the fish corpse ran up and the weapon ran over, and Lin made a "stop" gesture to them.

Speaking of it, Atlan should have a lot of experience facing large creatures, because they themselves have a lot of them, but these elites seem to be very careless.

The 'Guvi Elephant' is at the edge of the forest. It stretches out the nose and rolls some of the leaves of the plants to eat. Obviously it is a non-aggressive herbivore, but the sharp action may scare it instead. It attacks.

They seem to be aware of the problem, so they look like they are sorry.

But Lynn didn't want to be next to this creature because it could attack at any time for various reasons, so he stood up and walked a little further.

The elites have been watching this statue, and then an elite walked over: "We want to kill this creature, and now our food is not enough, but it can make us eat for a while. ”

Most of the things that are going to be elite will be asked to ask, but they are not asked because of the rich knowledge of Lin’s role, but Lin is the highest role.

"No problem." Lin said: "But don't let it scream."

"Okay, we will pay attention!" He said, and he ran back. After talking with other elites, they took out their weapons and aimed at the Guvi, still eating leaves. In the case of preparation, Lin believes that it is not difficult to kill such a creature that is not too big with a smashing arrow.

‘Hey! An arrow flew out and was momentarily tied to the hip of the statue.

"Hey!!" Juvi shouted and rushed into the jungle with madness, and disappeared for a while, leaving a few elite stunned standing.

Lynn doubts if they are elite...

... However, it is true that they are elite, but they are killing the same kind of elite. Before they killed the members of the Order, they can basically say that they are one, but when dealing with other creatures, they seem to have no experience, and they seem to have basic knowledge. nothing……

"Sorry..." So they can only be lost and come humbly to apologize to Lin.

Lin did not say anything, and then Lin continued to lie on the sand to rest, and they continued to work.

Then Lin saw another creature running from the jungle to the beach, and the elites wanted to hunt, but the difficulty of this creature... seems to be bigger than before.

It can stand up, and when it stands up, it is six meters high. Lin found that its name is... ‘big earth 獭’.

This name seems to be normal.

However, its character does not seem so good. When it just came out of the jungle, it kept watching it and occasionally made some threatening screams at the Atlan.

Looking at it, Lin felt that it should be able to hunt, but not shooting a key position may cause a lot of trouble.

So forget it.

A little farther away, the creature is no longer on the side, it leaves after eating a few leaves.

Then, Lynn decided... Wake up first, then go to Mars to see the data of these creatures, and then there should be some information, so that you can determine the current location and the age of .... (To be continued...)

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