4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 767: Rich land

"It turns out that these are extinct species...?"

On the dusty Mars, Lin's pom-pom in a house opened the image panel and looked at a lot of information.

Many of the creatures that Lynn encountered in Atlan's memory, Lin found the relevant information, and most of the species that Lin had seen in Atlan's memory were extinct creatures.

However, these creatures were not extinct at the same time. Some of them were extinct earlier, some were extinct very early, and some were relatively late.

Some are unable to absolutely confirm the time of extinction, such as the shark.

Lin also found that many of the creatures thought to be not in the same period, Lin has seen in memory, it may be that this information is not accurate, but what Lin experienced is only a scene built in the crystallization, not the real situation. .

In any case, the more creatures you can see, the better.

But what is certain is that at the time of Atlan's time, other Ershi residents were very 'primitive'.

If Atlan has been developing on Ershi, it will lead a lot more than other Ershi residents, and may have a great impact on the development of other residents.

I don’t know if Atlan’s here is like treating the people like this, ‘goodhearted’ to teach the residents here? I feel that there is a possibility.

However, since they were taken away by micro-machines, there was no way to do it... Thinking, Lin went back to the memories.

Now, Lin’s role and the group of elite Atlan are still on the beach, and the color of the sky has slowly darkened. The previous ‘big land 獭’ did not kill it because it did not confirm that it would kill. It has now returned to the jungle.

The elites made a fire at the seaside and began to use the fire to cook the food. Because they did not catch any prey, they ate the dry food that was removed from the boat and some of the fruit collected in the jungle.

"What do you say we should do?"

When Lin took a bite out of the meat, one of the elite said: "It seems to be a good place, the food is quite rich, and it is a long way from our country. I don't think the disaster will spread here. , do we want to build a country here?"

Another elite said: "If you decide to continue sailing, you have to stay here for a while, we need to mend and strengthen the boat, but I also think it is good, we don't have to sail too far... everything is up to You decide."

"First confirm the situation here." Lin said: "And then decide whether you want to live."

"Okay... we know."

The creatures here are indeed very rich, whether it is an island or a continent, it is very suitable for living... but it must not be left alone.

The dangerous creatures in the new place are not only big, but also many viral microorganisms. But Atlan has a special treatment that uses crystallization to treat it, which is said to be very effective, so they have a long life.

But I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know how it works...

As she thought about these things, Lin felt that the role she played was getting tired. Then I fell asleep on the ground.

but. It seems that I can't sleep anyway... and the feeling of fatigue begins to dissipate in this state of rest.

Slowly, the night of the night with all kinds of creatures screamed. When I arrived at the day, Lin looked at the elites who had packed up the extinguished bonfires. They were all armed and ready to act, so Lin also put on Some of their equipment.

"So, let's go." An elite pair said to Lin: "You are among us, so that we can protect you, then... you are behind, we are in front..."

After deciding on the location of each Atlan. This team is moving towards the jungle...


"Okay, take a break here."

After advancing for a while in the jungle, Lynn found that all Atlan's physical strength had dropped, so the notice was issued and they stopped.

On the ground is a thick layer of dead leaves, which is very suitable for sitting on the ground. The elites quickly assigned the order of rest and standing, and several climbed the nearby trees and said they would go up and watch, while Lin was This time I looked around.

Most of the plants in this jungle are unnamed, but the variety is quite large and very rich, no matter what resources are abundant.

Lin flipped a leaf and looked at it. There were many small creatures crawling out. Some of these creatures knew the name, so Lin grabbed a creature that knew the name, and it instantly took Lin's finger.

This feeling... is very painful, but it seems that there is no pain that is penetrated by the warhead.

Lin put the creature called ‘bullet ant’ back, and it escaped, and then Lin opened the bag she carried with her, and took out a piece of crystal on the wound that had been tied before.

Lin felt that the pain was slowly weakened by the influence of crystallization, and then disappeared... This crystallization is really wonderful. It is said that it can also cure the effects of poisoning, but I did not expect it to be so effective. Unfortunately, there is no way to decompose in this state. the study.

However, it seems that Lynn is somewhat ‘adventurous’. Although Lynn feels that the creature cannot kill the role played, it is not necessary to test it next time.

"I found out that the forest is a plain in the distance!"

Suddenly, a nearby tree had a sound, and an elite who had climbed the tree to detect it jumped from the tree and said, "We want to go to the plain to see, there seems to be a lake, we You can settle there at the beginning."

"How is your decision?" After a while, Jing Rui came to Lin and said.

"Let's go there."

It’s easier to build villages and towns on the plains. After I decided to let them continue to rest, they continued to set off.

Soon, Lin and this elite team walked to the edge of the jungle, and the front field of vision instantly became wide. In most areas of the front, it was almost completely covered by a long grass of more than a meter high. There was only a sporadic plain on the whole plain. The trees can also see some larger biomes on the grass.

More than a hundred meters away, a group of long-necked creatures are slowly moving. Although they look like small long-necked dragons, their names are called 'back bow beasts'.

Where is this creature bowed?

When Lynn felt weird, they also noticed this side, and then they all ran away. It seems to be a very strong creature.

"The lake is over there, we are gone." The sharp man who had just observed in the tree led the way ahead, and Lin and they slowly walked in the towering grass...

The distant lake has a tree that looks like a 'fat' as a target, so it is well recognizable, as the target gets closer and closer... The grass around it sounds a rustle.

Some are like the sound of the wind, but Lin doesn't think so. Turning his head to the place where the sound is coming, Lin sees a thing with a color similar to the hay.

Lynn poked the sharp words in front of him: "There is something."

"What?" Elite suddenly yelled a channel: "Protection formation!"

The surrounding elite moments became a circle, and Lin was protected inside, and the creature lying in the grass seemed to be shocked, and then slowly retreated and walked away.

The creature seems to be called 'destroyed bladed tiger', which seems to be a very powerful name, but it looks like a carnivorous creature about two meters long.

There may be hundreds of kilograms of weight. Why are such small creatures named ‘destruction’? Does it use special abilities?

But no matter what, it is not afraid to attack.

After the creature with the name of destruction escaped, Lin and the elites slowly walked to the lake. This is a lake with a diameter of more than 60 meters. It seems to be not very big, but it seems quite deep.

From the color of the lake, it can be seen that this lake may be a large underground water cave. You can see many fish swimming on the lakeside. The elites are excited to see this lake. It’s up.

“It’s great!” said one elite: “We’re here to decide to live, what do you think?”

"..." Lin did not answer it, but kept looking at the water.

There were a lot of small fish swimming around the water, but in the process of Lin staring, they all suddenly spread out, and there were a lot of bubbles coming up.

"There is something in the water!" The elites also noticed the situation in the water, they quickly picked up the weapon and aimed at the water.

‘咕噜咕噜...’ With more and more bubbles, Lynn found a black shadow getting closer and closer under water...

"Call!" With a splash of water, a head emerged from the water, and Lin noticed that the organ on this head had many similarities with Atlan...

"Wow, ah!" It came out at the moment when I saw a group of Atlan around the lake screaming around it. It quickly swam to the distance, and then ran into the ground after rolling. In the grass.

It can escape, mainly because Lin prevented the elites from shooting it. Lynn thinks that it is the same kind of creature of Atlan, but it is in a relatively primitive stage. It seems to be dressed in wood and grass. The clothes, maybe its life is almost the same as the emerald dragon that Lin first encountered.

"That should be the original family here." One elite said: "I have heard that there are quite a few of them in other places. They are still in a very backward stage. What do you think we should do with them?"

Lin did not answer its question, but pointed to the distance: "Is that the original family?"

I saw that in the distant grass, there was an Atlan figure creature coming over. Unlike the previous one, this one had quite a lot of hair, and it stood three meters tall when it stood up. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ National Guardian ~ rewards ~ Thanks ~ Qi Lunuo is the most clever ~ Nighthawk Changming ~ prisoner has no bottom ~ Rand Magister ~ Wang Ahua ~ monthly ticket ~

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