"Oh oh!" At the same time, the Atlantis saw the big creature coming over. The big creature also saw Atlan, and immediately it made a sound and slowed down the pace, but in one Go closer to this point.

"That is...the monster!" said an elite pointing at the huge creature: "It is said that a long time ago, the monsters built a great civilization, but they have been destroyed, why is there..."

"That is a legend!" Another elite said: "In short, form a protection team!"

Said, they are all blocked between Lin and the creature.

The ‘big monster’ seemed to suddenly become very angry. It grabbed a trunk that was more than two meters long from the ground and rushed over here.

Maybe it is important to it here? Lynn thinks that in general, wildlife is not so risky to attack so many opponents, unless it is...

‘Hey! ‘A smashing arrow flew out and was tied to the chest of the monster.

"Oh!" It suddenly screamed, the pace at the foot was faster, but at the same time more smashing arrows followed, they blew in the monster's legs, hands, abdomen, and an arrow into the arrow. In the eyes, its roar quickly turned into a sorrowful voice, and the huge body crashed into the ground.

"Call..." Looking at the monsters falling to the ground, the elites breathed a sigh of relief, but they kept their guards, carefully walked over to the monsters, and then added a few arrows to their heads before they completely relaxed.

To kill the target completely... they know how to understand it.

Then they pulled out some of the giant arrows that could be used on the monster, and then several elite decisions decided to start dealing with the bodies... as if they thought the monster could eat.

Although it looks like Atlan. But because it is too much hair and too big. It may not cause Atlan to eat the same kind of disgusting feeling.

Lin had no opinion on this, and they decided to cut the meat from the monster to make food, while other elites looked for branches and other things nearby, and decided to build a simple house here.

They have completely decided to settle here, and it is really good here.

The only problem is... Maybe this is the water intake for most creatures, so after coming here, Lin will see so many creatures appear near the lake. If you take it here... there may be a lot of trouble.

But now it only takes a corner. The problem should not be very big. Lin looked at the distance. There are a group of creatures like turtles drinking water from the other side of the lake.

But that's not a turtle, but something called a sculpt, which looks like a hard look, but Lynn thinks they might be better to capture, for Atlan, equipped with awkwardness.

In this way, slowly arrived at the night. At the time of the bonfire rising, the sounds of various creatures echoed on the grasslands.

Fluorescent insects danced all over the sky. Many of them rushed directly to the campfire, and they were sizzled by the flames. The elites put the meat cut from the monsters on the fire and cooked them. They are used to make bait to attract fish. Place it on the water to prepare to catch small fish.

Because the smell of the monster body floats on the entire grassland. Lin has found some ambush figures in the nearby grass.

Although it is not clear in the dark, according to the size, it is the bladed tiger that is known as the 'destruction' in the daytime, and there are six or more, they seem to be group hunting.

They are all ambushing in the grassland, but the elites are obviously aware that there will be creatures gathering, so they have more bonfires, and the fire is beating around the body of the monster, not to the carnivorous creatures.

Lin is not worried, because those creatures are very afraid of fire. Completely lived up to the name of destruction.

Looking at a piece of meat that was almost burned, he took it and took a bite.

……taste very bad.

Because Lin generally does not have to fear harmful factors such as microorganisms, usually does not feel anything unpalatable, but this role can really feel the feeling of being unpalatable.

This piece of meat seems to be mixed with a lot of ingredients that can arouse Atlan's taste, and it has a very ‘sour’ taste, and it is difficult to eat even if it is sprinkled with the seasonings.

Other elites are also painful. Obviously they also feel unpalatable. One of them looked at Lin Jing quickly and said: "You can rest assured that we will catch the fish soon."

"..." Lin took another bite, then stood up and threw the piece of meat out.

As the pieces of meat fell on the grass, the black shadows that ambushed around suddenly rushed in that direction, and then there was a burst of sound coming from the grass as if they were fighting for it.

It seems that this meat is delicious for them, but if it is too hungry, it will be delicious no matter what.

A little bit hesitant to continue to eat, this role can not judge whether these unpleasant feelings are harmful to food, or simply ... unpalatable.

If you are harmful, you can't eat it if you are hungry. If you are not harmful, you will ignore the feeling of being unhealthy.

Other elites don't want to eat too much, because there are still a lot of reserve foods, and Lin and them all made a decision to use all the monster's meat as a bait instead of eating it.

Next, under the eyes of various ambush carnivores, elites made some fishing traps and used meat as a bait to throw into the water.

When I waited for the day, I pulled these traps up and found that there were a lot of fish in them.

And the food made with them this time is quite delicious...

The bladed tigers around are still waiting, but Lin found that there are fewer, and the remaining ones are farther away. It seems... they also realize that the meaning of waiting has not been great.

However, Lynn noticed a new ... carnivorous creature in the distance.

This creature is very tall, and has the name of 'Terror Crane'. It seems to be quite suitable. It does not want to hide, but the flame that is beating here is no longer close, but in the original Staring at this side.

While eating the caught fish, Lin looked at the group of carnivores and it seemed to be interesting because they did make Lin feel 'dangerous' and felt like she was a very fragile creature...

Indeed... after all, being killed is about to come back, and excessive crystal damage may lead to incomplete memory.


Lin suddenly noticed that there was a gleaming thing in the half of the fish that was eaten. This seems to be like the crystal outside... (to be continued).

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