4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 769: understanding

“Why is there crystallizing here?”

Lin looked at the crystals in her hands, and at the moment Lin was so wonderful, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

After the change, Lin found that the character she played came into a white space. This place feels like...

"When you come here, you have already passed a lot of things in the crystallization."

When Lin thought about it, a voice suddenly rang.

Lynn turned her head and saw that there was a ... sphere in the place where there was no such thing.

This sphere... should be Ershi, and it is similar to the pictures I have seen in the data, but the whole is darker and there is no bright feeling seen on the picture.

But this is obviously normal, and those bright pictures are processed, which is what you usually see on the void.

This Ershi has a diameter of almost ten meters. It appears here for the purpose... seems to be about things about this memory?

It is not a language, but a way similar to brain waves, let Lin know what it means.

"You don't have to try to talk to me, because this is just the content of the record." The Ershi sphere continues to send messages: "Now, coming here means that you have completed the entire record to a certain extent, and then there..."

"Where is this?"

Ershi’s words suddenly stopped, and Lynn found an Atlane appearing here.

This Atlan is the contact with Lin to crystallize into the memory of Atlan, it will appear here... It seems that it is also possible, which also means that it has completed a certain degree of record?

"Ah!" Suddenly. This Atlan saw Lin. It sent a surprised voice: "You...here? Where is it here?"

"It seems to be a record point." Lin said: "What have you been doing before? That is, what role do you play?"

"I..." Atlan snorted a little. Then it talked to Lin about its experience.

It is also like Lin, playing a role, but it plays the role of standing on the opposite side of Lin, is a member of the Order.

It first went to the temple in a confused way, and then accepted the task of the lord there. The task was to announce things about the disaster everywhere in the city and create panic in the city.

Because it also wants to see what the previous things are like, so just do it. Later, it did some other tasks, including a group of religious units to capture the hidden non-believers, and to create something strange.

Strange things are mainly composed of crystals, which are used to welcome the arrival of God.

However, its main task is still fighting. It always runs with a group of squadrons to solve various problems. Once, at night, it also received a mission to go to the city's underground waterway. Released, said to be used to chase the escaped royal family members.

But then it heard that it didn't seem to be successful, so the Order seemed to care very much. Decided to dispatch the fleet to pursue the target.

However, it did not continue to participate, because it received the most important task. The Order decided to call a large army to capture the palace.

Because it is said that the king and many of Atlan in the palace are unbelievers, they will take this opportunity to defeat it and acquire the throne, so that the Order will completely rule the entire city of Atlan.

This task has not yet begun, it has come to a piece of crystal, and then it is here.

"Our previous city was really beautiful..." At the end, Atlan sighed and said: "It is a pity that it is going to be like this... ruin, why is this? We should have been able to develop well, It’s all because of things like gods, they always have to do strange things."

It seems that this Atlan is very 'sentimental'. Does it play the role of the church? Lin thinks this seems very interesting. I don’t know if Lin’s story will be suspended or will continue when Lin wakes up. What? And if it dies, will it affect the crystallization outside?

Lin has an idea that may allow more Atlan to connect in and they can play different roles.

"When you come here, you have already passed a lot of things in the crystallization." When Lin thought about it, the middle ball in the middle of the ball spoke again, it seems to be before the repetition.

After listening to the repeated words, Lynn heard what she hadn't said before.

"Next, this record has a long content." Ershi said: "It can extend a lot of 'story', but the necessary content is not very long. After completing the necessary content, come back here, you can Hold the crystal at any time to imagine, and then you can enter and exit this place at any time. Be careful not to use this method as a way to escape death and danger."

After that, the ball was gone.

Lin feels... this seems to be a... ‘game’, and Lin actually did a similar ‘game’ in her dreams, and the maker of this game should be Ershi itself.

Of course, its purpose should not be the game, but to let the contact crystallizer through the records to understand something.

"In this case, then I will go back first." Atlan said: "I care about the next thing..."

Said, it disappeared.

Lin also intends to leave the crystal with the crystal, but after Lin said this according to the statement of the Ershi ball... It seems that there is no effect.

The surrounding scenery is exactly the same.

Is this something going wrong?

"You are special." When Lin was puzzled, the ball of Ershi suddenly appeared again, and said to Lin: "You are a special goal, so you need to treat it specially."

It turned out to be... It seems like what it wants to say, so let Lin be here? It seems that Lin is very special. It is not Atlan who can understand Atlan's record.

"You should already know, what kind of creature I am." Ershi said: "I knew you earlier, although you should not know me, but you know one of my... companions. ”

"I learned about it from it, so I think you might find my place through it, but as you can see... now I am not here."

"I am in a very remote place, although I want to see you once, but I can't explain my position here because it may be dangerous."

"So I put this record in here, and specially arranged a character you can play in it... You can know some history of our world and know many creatures through this role."

"Some creatures are in different eras, but in this historical record, these creatures occasionally appear at the same time, because it is a pity to show only the creatures of an era."

"I know a lot of your things through that companion, so I specially prepared this record for you. If you want to know me and know my position, you can find it here."

"But the discovery process is not simple, because of their relationship, you should already know them, those 'false gods', these things are quite dangerous... but they are not good at many things, so I think they can't find them here. My location, only you can."

"But if you fail too many times, you will not know where I am. Maybe we will have a chance to meet in the future, but it will be a long time later..."

"When you have new progress, I will tell you more information."

After that, the Ershi ball disappeared. Then, Lin tried it with crystallization and found that she could return to the original place, then say...

It seems that this role-playing is not a strange thing, but is it specially prepared for Lin?

It said that it had long known that Lynn would come, so it said that it had a connection with the star bus that Lynn encountered... Lin did not know about it.

Maybe they have contacted it in secret, or the star bus could have known the location and condition of another companion.

After all, it seems that they may not encounter a companion in this state of life for a long time, so they have special contact methods. In fact, Lin and the stellar bus do not communicate a lot. After all, it quickly crashed into brains. The last death.

And it seems to give a lot of information to Ershi.

Ersh thinks that Lynn can find it, it should be related to the Atlan, who lives in the stellar bus.

After all, the Star Bus has lived in a lot of Atlan. They lived on the stellar bus for a long time. Later, they built a refuge under the ground. Ershi thought that Lin could find it through the group of Atlan, so it stayed specially. Let's know that this crystal... let Lin know.

It seems that it really wants to know Lin, and Lin wants to see it.

This star bus of Ershi... gives Lin a different feeling from the star bus.

To put it simply, it is to compare ‘mature’. Of course, in terms of size, it is bigger than that.

However, its brainwave has a more mature feeling. Lin feels that it knows a lot of things, so the reason why this role-playing is so complicated is mainly because I don't want micro-machines to know where it is through this...

But what makes Lin feel wonderful is that Ershi seems to know Lin's character. It knows that Lin wants to see its history and the creatures.

Is this what the Star Bus told it? Still have other reasons...

If this is the case, then continue to play it like this. Lin also wants to try what role they will play if they let other Atlan come.

Maybe they are all playing a role in the city, only Lin can leave the city of Atlan and explore.

Anyway, I want to know about it... (to be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~liuening~ professional soy sauce 30 years ~ mango heroes ~ darkildat ~ maple demon month ~ monthly ticket ~

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