4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 780: Ocean journey


The battle in the deep sea is very dull, and only Lin can hear the bubbles, and there are some collision sounds. △¢,

But in front of you you can see a spectacular sight... Blood spreads in the sea, two giants are fighting in the sea, and the creature called the giant tooth shark is now almost the same as the other side of the food.

Its caudal fin has been bitten, and there are also many wounds on the body. It can't swim and it struggles to sink into the deep sea.

The whale creature, which is known as the Weiweitan, slowly follows the sinking giant tooth shark. It seems to watch the other party slowly die, and from time to time make up one or two, but not completely kill each other.

It feels like it's tormenting it.

While observing the hunting, Lynn was thinking about a lot of things. The appearance of Leviathan whales made Lin more wondering where the words that were originally in my thoughts came from.

Lin is not without doubt. Lin guessed that she would connect herself with other creatures. In fact, Lin’s journey in the void is also looking for everything about herself. Lin believes that there are some kinds of dream creatures and themselves. There are a lot of similarities, such as floating island hosts, and Lynn wants to try to understand themselves through them when they study them.

Now, Lin found that she could find more things about herself in Ershi.

But I still can't know too much information right now, just let Lin feel very... wonderful, just to find Ershi may know more.

When thinking about it, Lin looked at the two creatures and almost fell to the invisible place.

In this case, look at the past. Don't worry about being attacked...because it has such a large chunk of food. It is unlikely that the small creatures will be hunted again.

Thinking about it. Lin swam out of the cave and swam to the place where the Leviathan whales and the giant tooth sharks sank. After a while, they could see the seabed.

The huge shark's body was lying on the seabed covered with white sand, where the Leviathan whale was tearing the shark's meat.

There are already a lot of fish around, they are constantly eating the shreds of shark meat, and the Leviathan whales don't care about the little creatures, they keep eating the big parts.

Whales cannot breathe underwater. It may not want to breathe a sigh of relief. After seeing it in the distance for a while, Lin turned to go to the ‘target’.

Although I want to see it for a long time, I will hurry to the place where I plan to go, because it took a long time to take a boat here, so it will take a long time to travel.

Far from the eating place of the Leviathan whales, Lin found that the surroundings seemed to be getting more and more desolate, like the desert under the sea, where the horizons were all over the vast sand, and almost no creatures were seen.

It seems that there are no creatures observed here. Thinking, Lin will swim up. You can continue to move forward when you can see the sea.

In this position, I can still see some creatures. In addition to wanting to know more creatures, Lin also wants to know if their names will be familiar with Lin, such as 'Leviathan'. Linda’s name.

...but this name did not appear after this...

At least, during this period did not appear... Lin's journey in the sea lasted for ten days and nights, and Lin slowly approached the target between the alternation of swimming and rest.

During this time, Lynn saw many creatures, but none of them had that name.

Even so, the journey was very colorful, and now there is a group of fish called 鲷 鲷 on the head of Lin.

They make up a huge fish school, which attracts some other carnivorous creatures to pay attention to them and prepare for a down attack.

Now, Lynn is paying attention to them.

However, Lynn didn't want to catch them, but to pay attention to the water above them. There was a big object floating there.

It should be the bottom of a ship.

This ship should be the ship of Atlan, why is it here? The king should only have a long-distance team, so this ship may have been escaped from other non-romantic Atlan.

But the time of the disaster has not yet arrived, why did Atlan escape? Lynn slowly passed through the flute group and swam to the side of the boat, barely showing her head and looking at the boat.

Didn't see Atlan, at least this angle could not be seen, but Lin saw the side of the guardrail on the ship sprinkled the net ladder, and hesitated a little, and Lin climbed up the net ladder.

Although this body advances quickly in the water, it is quite hard to rely on the hand to climb in places where there is no water.

Fortunately, the ship was not very tall, and Lin quickly climbed to the edge of the ship's guardrail and then looked inside the boat...

There wasn't an Atlan on the boat. Lynn also saw wooden barrels, weapons and other things scattered on the ground, and some shoes were being thrown on the side of the guardrail, as if they had encountered anything that jumped into the sea.

There may be some leftover food on board...

Lin thought about climbing up the boat, and the speed of moving on the boat with the strength of the caudal fins and hands was really... quite slow.

But it was slowly moved to the entrance of the cabin, because it is not easy to prey under water now. Lin’s character has always been hungry, and it would be much better if he could get the food here.

Lynn moved into the cabin.

The layout of the ship is very similar to the one that Lin had taken before, so the food should be stored in the same place.

Lin quickly found this place, the door of the storage room was open, there was a lot of bags of food inside, a bag of food had been opened, and Lynn saw several fruits scattered outside.

It seems that the problem of food is not for the time being, and then Lin feels that I can adjust the direction of the ship so that I can take the ship to the target.

However, this body is very inconvenient to move on the ship. In short, it is necessary to confirm whether the ship is also a crystallization power. If it is, it is better to operate...


Suddenly, Lynn heard a voice and saw that the pile of food bags had moved and climbed out of Atlan.

It saw Lin at this moment and suddenly stopped.

"This is not legendary... Am I dreaming? Yes, I must be dreaming..."

It has been in a state of self-talk and ignorance, and Lynn looked carefully and found that Atlan was bruised and bruised, and her mental state was very tired.

Lynn thinks it is attacked and then hides in this place, so... (to be continued...)

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