4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 781: Looking for continue

"We are here to look at the sea and the sky. There are earth and stones. And a flying wood."

On a towering rocky mountain, there are three creatures.

These three creatures have been discussing various topics until they feel hungry... They will continue to discuss, and when they are very hungry, they will want to eat something.

They have eaten a lot of things, such as weeds, stones, gravel, etc. According to them, they are trying to open up new senses of taste and find new food.

In the end, they found that these things are actually not edible, which makes them very sad.

Therefore, they decided to look for something more novelty, but after the discussion, they found that there was no result, so they were watching around here, and as a result, they saw something very novel.

"There is no flying wood in this world! No, there are many flying woods in this world. No, the flying wood is only in your heart."


"There are a lot of things here..."

Over the arguing creatures, a flying wood swiftly flies past, on the wood, the creature named ‘scholar’, and its companion's small robbers.

The scholars felt a little nervous when they looked at the creatures on the rocky mountains, because in the memory of scholars, these creatures are very dangerous things.

"They are all over the world." The sound of the robbers sounded: "They are a hindrance."

"I really don't want to meet them."

The scholars operated a wooden aircraft and quickly flew away. It saw that the creatures on the rocky mountains did not catch up. It was a little relieved: "Fortunately, I didn't catch up... Yes, I heard you say this word before. What is the meaning of the five lakes and the sea? I remember the meaning of this word can include a lot of places, why? ?"

"I have also considered this issue." The robbers said: "I think the five lakes refer to the dry lake, the lake full of water, the lake with half water, the lake with fresh water. The salt lake, and the four seas It is the sea, the sea, the sea, and the beach."

“It turned out to be the case.” The scholar said: “This does include a lot of places.”

"Look, your peers are trying to fill up some dry lakes."

The robbers in the scholar's helmet brought up a few pictures, where they can see a large group of virtual people working.

They dig in a wasteland, and after digging it, put a pipe in the pit. A large amount of water is poured out of the pipe, and the pits that are dug are slowly filled up.

“Are they building a lake?” the scholar said: “The situation in their development seems to be quite good.”

"They initially seemed overwhelmed by such a fresh life, but now they are on the right track." The robbers clicked again, and this time the picture appeared in a wider area.

There are a variety of buildings on this area, which, although in different shapes, are connected to each other by transparent pipes. The transparent pipes are filled with green. Looking closely, you can find a lot of plants planted inside.

This environment is like a town. Many imaginary people wear protective clothing or small vehicles to shuttle between buildings.

“It seems that the process of rebuilding civilization is very smooth.” The scholar said: “The general is a role that allows our population to reproduce the glory... but I have always had a question, is there no one here to be a robber?”

“Random creatures can never get rid of the perpetrators.” The roaring worm said: “But the robbers are really rare compared to the past. Do you know why? It’s because they don’t have anything to “get rid of”.”

"You know, the reason why they used to fight the robbers before has a lot to do with their thoughts. They see the vast land, and then after they are free to gallop, they will feel free from the original life. The boredom and depression in the city, while producing extreme superiority and comfort, they are only used as robbers under the influence of various emotions."

"But now, even if they go to be robbers, there is no feeling of getting rid of them, so they will not carry out such behavior. Now when the robbers are basically greedy, they feel that the distribution is not uniform, and of course there are some crazy people. This kind of people is quite small, so your population's 'new world' is also in a very safe state."

“Crazy?” the scholar questioned: “What is that?”

"It's such a thing." The robbers poked again on the screen, and the picture inside showed a virtual person standing on a high slope. Through a transparent helmet, he could see his face full. The scar appears to be a rather 'fierce', and there are still many virtual people around it, as if it were its companions.

The imaginary people are yelling at the sky: "Everyone! We want to stop this civilization full of lies, wars, kills, and sorrows from rebuilding. The powerful fungus has punished us and washed away our sinful world, but they Now I am trying to reproduce the sin on this land! They dare to build lakes here, plant trees, build buildings, and power up the dark earth! This kind of behavior is intolerable! We are going to attack power generation now. Stand and let the light of sin be extinguished in this world!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!" The crowd below cheered.

"Finally, we want to kill the general and let this sinful civilization forever..."

'boom! ’

The words of this imaginary people have not been finished yet. There is a big hole in the helmet and forehead at the same time. It also spurts blood from the high slope.

"This is the leader of the most powerful bandit group in recent times." The robber said: "But recently its den has been discovered, so it was killed like you saw it."

“So is this an outdated news...” the scholar said: “But in what era there was a group of madmen and followers who were equally crazy.”

"They didn't go crazy, they just came out randomly." The robbers said: "It seems that even if you leave, you can't isolate these people."

"I..." The scholar still wants to say something, but it finds that it has reached the target location now.

Scholars and robbers flew over a rocky land, and there was a large pit on the rock. There were a lot of fish bodies in the pit, and it looked like it was a dry lake.

In the dry lake, there are several creatures with white fluff that are slowly crawling.

After the scholar looked at the dangers around him, he operated the aircraft and stopped at the lake, then slowly walked down the dry lake...

"This time it looks more ordinary..."

The creatures that the scholars are looking for this time belong to the kind of 'Maoyu'. They seem to be covered with long hairs, and they are very small, only about 30 centimeters, which looks like a group of very weak creatures.

"That's it, you have to think that they are ordinary, you have to look down on them." The robbers said: "You can't think they are wonderful or not ordinary, or you won't be able to catch them."

"Why... ah!" The scholar just took a step forward. The jade suddenly moved. They suddenly stood up with the short legs hidden in the plush, and then stretched out the forelimbs longer than the legs. .

As the forelimbs stretched, a pair of 'wings' that appeared to be composed of fluff also appeared under the forelimbs, and the group of hairy feathers flapped their wings and fluttered.

At this moment, the whole group of Maoyu flew into the air, their white hair reflected in the sunlight with brilliant brilliance. This wonderful scene was reflected in the eyes of scholars. It looked at these sinister feathers... Living.

"It seems that it has been recruited." The robbers crawled into the scholar's helmet and poked it off, shutting down the external ventilation system. Scholars recovered from the haircut at this time, but those Maoyu have already flown very much. The place is high.

"I just..." The scholars remembered the situation just now. The moment when Mao Yu flew up was really beautiful, but it shouldn't be awkward...

"When they spread their wings, they emit a dust powder that will cause the inhaler to enter a short ‘恍惚’ state.” The robbers said: “Your thoughts have been captured by them at that moment.”

"... Don't worry about this problem first, grab them back!" The scholar quickly took out a small weapon aimed at the group of fleeing jade. With the sound of '砰', a Mao Yu suddenly formed a figure. Hey, fluttering in the air.

This kind of weapon has no lethality, but it can temporarily anesthetize the target, because the robbers say it is best to extract fresh target blood.

The scholar came to the front of the fallen mahogan, and then used a syringe to plunge into the body of the jade as it was last time, extracting its blood.

"The difference between this jade and other jade is not very big." The scholar looked at the nuclear information in the helmet and said: "It can be with other jade..."

"It really can produce hybrids with other Maoyu." The robbers said: "But we catch them not for themselves, but for another thing in their blood."

Said, the robbers pokeed a few times on the screen, and immediately popped up an image.

"This is..." The scholar looked at the creature in the image with surprise: "Is this a sword?"

"Yes, there is still a part of this legendary thing alive." The robbers said: "They will kill most creatures, but they choose to live in the body of this creature. You are not surprised."

"what are you doing?"

Just when the scholar wanted to respond, a sound suddenly sounded behind him. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ past style, ~ hollowing out the burning ~ ~ kyjerry~ monthly ticket~

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