4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 782: New brain

"what are you doing?"

To be precise, this is not a voice, but a ‘talk’ that appears directly in the head.

When the scholar turned his head, he saw a yellow-based creature standing at a distance of more than thirty meters away.

"Sure enough, I still have this kind of hunch..." Looking at this creature with the name "brains", the scholar raised his weapon and said to the robbers: "What do you think should be done?" ?"

The worming road "killed it."

"What?" The scholar whispered to the robbers: "You can't just attack, it must have a lot of similars nearby, should..."

The robbers said: "Take it."

"You at least say the reason, why should you just attack it?" The scholar whispered: "I feel that I should delay it when I say something useless, and slowly move on the plane..."

"You have been saying so quietly all the time! I want to bite you when I am noisy!" The brain-building monster seems to be angry: "You must answer my question before I jump ten times, otherwise it will not Not being bitten."

Even so, the brain-building monster stood still and did not ask questions.

"We? It knows you are here too..." The scholar said quietly: "Do we really have to kill it?"

"You have two choices." The robbers said: "Slaughter it, or do what you just said, and having a choice leads to some unpredictable and inevitable result."

"... well, I chose it myself." The scholar looked at his brainless mind and hesitated a little. He immediately ran forward, jumped onto the aircraft, and quickly started the engine.

‘嗡...’ With the rotating propeller, the aircraft slowly rose from the ground.

The brain-creating genius has been motionless on the ground, so it is staring at the aircraft and rising to the sky, and at the moment when the aircraft stops rising and flies in one direction, it suddenly moves.

"You dare to do this kind of thing that will make you regret!" Brainstorming sends brainwaves. While chasing the scholar's aircraft path below: "You will be bitten sooner or later! You realize!"

The scholar looked at it and immediately speeded up the speed of the aircraft, slowly making the brains farther and farther away. After the aircraft flew out of the rock, it could not be seen.

“It feels quite dangerous.” The scholar looked at the distant position and made a sigh of relief, then slowed down the speed of the aircraft slightly, and then asked the robbers: “Where should the next target be?”

"The next goal is closer here." The robber said: "On the beach of one of the four seas."

After the talk, the worms poked the picture of the helmet. The appearance of a creature is shown above.

"This creature..." The scholar looked at the creature in the picture and questioned: "Is it a connection with... making brains."

"Yes, you know." The robbers pointed at the creatures in the picture and said, "They do have connections."

This creature looks a bit similar to a brain-building monster. It has an olive-shaped body and a large mouth, except that its entirety is transparent, and the outer shell is crystal-like and shiny.

Through the transparent outer casing, you can see that there is a structure like a brain inside, and it also has no standing limbs. It is used to move six soft tentacles.

"Except for the brain, their internal organs are transparent, so they generally can't be seen." The robbers said: "These creatures don't live very much, but they are made by brain-making monsters."

"You know. Brain-making monsters used to produce a special kind of 'split brain', which is mainly made by swallowing the brains of various creatures and mixing them with some special materials. The reason for this is called 'brain-making', this split brain was useful before, but then there is no special effect, even if their neurological state does not look normal... they rarely make such things. ......"

The robbers pointed to the biological path of the picture: "Recently, there are many 'split brains' created by the brain-creating geeks. However, the 'split brains' that have been created now have a big difference, they used to be only Being able to constantly send out brain waves is not a 'complete' creature. They are now like a normal creature."

"I suspect that the brains are using their 'treasures', turning the otherwise useless split brain into something that looks more normal. Our next goal is to find it and understand why they make it. Normal things."

"Yes? This is really special." The scholar looked at the picture and said: "But this seems to be somewhat different from the original purpose. The original purpose was not to find a creature that might have been affected by anything else?"

“These are also likely to have been affected.” The robbers said: “This is the case with brain-making monsters. They may have some additional influences outside of the two factors of self-evolution and creator influence. We have to study these things. ... look. They are there."

The scholar's aircraft had already flown to a beach at this time, and the scholar saw at first glance that there was a lot of shiny things on the beach.

"There shouldn't be a lot of brains here?" A little bit lower, scholars can see that it is a bunch of 'split brains' that I have just seen.

However, scholars dare not land, but are paying attention to the jungle next to the beach.

"There will be no brains here." The robbers said: "Because these things will be abandoned when they are born, they will not take care of them. They are self-reliant here."

"It seems like you already know them." The scholar slowly landed the aircraft on the beach, a certain distance from the pile of shiny objects.

"Since you understand them, why do you want to find them specifically?"

"These are the results of long-distance observations, and have not been observed at close range." The robbers said: "Catch one now."

"There should be no danger..." The scholar slowly walked over and walked to the side of the split split brain. He immediately reached out and grabbed one, then quickly turned and ran to the distance, and looked at the piles. The split brain did not seem to catch up.

"It seems that there is no danger." The scholar opened his hand and looked at the creature in his hand: "What should I do now? Take it..."

"killed it."

The robbers say so. Welcome to you)

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