4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 784: new friend

It seems like... still alive...

When Lin opened her eyes again, she saw the endless blue sky without any clouds...

Lin is now lying on something that feels very smooth. It seems to be saved... Lin thought about the last thing.

The mad, weak Atyrlan jumped into the water with Lin, and then he kept on rushing to Lin to slay Lin.

However, even if the spirit becomes less normal, it can be found that he can't catch up with Lin, and at this time, Lin can easily kill it.

In fact, this Atlan is indeed weak, and its weak personality is related to body size.

Atlan is usually more than two meters high, and it is only about one meter eight, which can be regarded as a ... ‘dummy’.

And its power is also very weak, usually with a full force and a sword can be cut off, but it only left a deep scar on Lin's shoulder, it was crazy to pull Lin down from the guardrail It is estimated that the power has been used up, and the muscles of the arm have been harmed a lot.

It is estimated that it is often looked down upon by the companions, often being bullied by the companions, so it leads to the 'nervous' character like it, which usually shows weakness, and the key moments will put the former repressed emotions It broke out and started to go crazy.

Sure enough, the individual creatures are very similar, and creatures like the virtual people and the jade dragon have many similar characters.

If there is no leg, the role played by Lynn can easily win it, even without weapons.

However, in the end, Lin did not escape the storm, because Lin and it were all swept in by a whirlpool, and the bag that Lin used to wrap her shoulders and blood loss was also released, with the loss of blood. Lin felt more and more weak, and then fainted.

Now, Lin's character woke up, and apparently did not die, and the wound on the shoulder was no longer bleeding, it can be considered healing.

I feel that the vitality of this body is really strong. Lin also found another ‘surprise’.

Lin is now very close to the location of the Habitat plan. It will take about half a day and night to arrive there... and it would have been dozens of days and nights to get there by boat.

Could it be that the storm pushed Lin to such a close place? This should be unlikely. Lin feels more likely that Lin’s creature is now taking Lin so far.

Lin is riding on a slick creature. This creature is intentionally carrying Lin, and Lin has a little slippery look. It will adjust the body to keep Lin on the back.

Of course, Lin is also very familiar with them. This is a killer whale. More than a dozen dorsal fins can be seen in the nearby sea. This is a big whale.

Can they say that they have made Lin the same kind? But they seem to be more friendly to Atlan.

Lynn has seen some information that killer whales will prey on many species of creatures, but there is nothing to attack the records of Atlanoids, as if inexplicably friendly to creatures such as Atlan.

However, Lynn feels that it is still the same as Lin, because they will take care of the same kind, and for the injured kind, they will be specially attached. Let the injured companion breathe well, and members of the entire group will help feed it to help restore.

Lin is now in this state. Because Lin's body is much smaller than the killer whale, it almost completely out of the sea.

However, Lin’s character can actually breathe in the water, and Lin’s main demand now is food, because Lin feels... quite hungry.

So Lynn turned over her body and rolled into the sea... At the moment Lin was doing this, she was scared by Lynn’s killer whale. Some screams were sent.

After Lin entered the water, Lin found that all the killer whales around were immediately surrounded. Lin noticed that they were constantly making various sounds, as if they were doing a conversation with Lin...

And... Lynn feels that they are indeed caring for Lin, and the killer whale who carried Lin before began to try to hold Lin.

This feeling is really wonderful... but Lynn didn't let it hold it up. Instead, it turned over again, so it didn't take it anymore.

The group of orca whales watched for a while around Lin, as if they noticed that Lin was no problem, they all swam, and a killer whale spewed a lot of food in front of Lin. I know that Lynn is hungry now.

These foods are undigested fish, which is very "disgusting" for Atlan, but unexpectedly does not feel bad when eaten.

After eating, Lin showed a very active appearance in front of them, letting them know that Lin completely recovered. These killer whales began to make another voice. Lynn listened to these sounds with a wonderful feeling...

Seems to be able to understand what they are saying, these voices seem to be 'congratulations'.

So, then Lin swims with them, because they are heading in the same direction as Lin's goal, and Lynn can try to understand them.

As a result, Lin found that they can understand them. Orca can make complex sounds. Although it is not as complicated as Atlan, it can be called a ‘language’.

Moreover, the more you listen to this role, the more you can understand these ‘language’. They have vocabulary that describes various things and can communicate like chat.

It seems that the role of the killer whale tail of this character is not only used to scare the sharks, it seems to have become a member of them.

Obviously it was made by Ershi.

By knowing their language, Lin found that she could make a similar sound, so she could communicate with the killer whale.

They said that they found Lin near a storm, and then saved Lin, and then they always took Lin.

It has been more than a dozen days and nights, although Lin has been in a coma, but because Lin did not die, so she did not drop Lin.

The reason for saving Lin seems to be because Lin is like a cub, but they know that Lin is not exactly the same as them, but decided to take Lin.

In the exchange, Lin feels that their group is somewhat like a dragon in the original small community... and also has a very similar personality.

They value the same kind, and there is no dispute between them. They belong to an individual creature of the 'initial stage'.

When they got along with them, Lin was getting closer and closer to the target point, because the route was not a straight line, so it took more time, but Lin was finally dead and saw how the original settlement of the sea plan was. of.

There seems to be a 'device' that can cook. (To be continued...)

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