4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 785: Abnormal thing

"Stop! Why do you want to do this! It hurts! You will be sanctioned!"

The beautiful sun shines on the golden beach, and the creature named Scholar is doing something to a small creature in its hands. ●⌒,.

Scholars are slowly piercing the outer shell of a small creature with a needle with a sharp spike, approaching its brain...

This little creature is called a split brain, and with the actions of scholars, it is making a scream of madness.

Of course, this scream is not a real voice, but a brainwave that appears directly in the minds of scholars, so it sounds louder.

"To die! Help! Hurry up and stop, your **** fool!"

"...there is no such thing as it is not completely pierced by the outer shell..." The scholar felt that this thing really made it a headache, but the wonderful thing is that no matter how screaming, the surrounding companions ignored it.

"Their sorrows are very loud, which means that their fear index is too large and is in an abnormal state." The robbers said next to the scholar: "Hurry up and stab it, **** the brain out."

"No, ah!"

In this way, the scholar felt the scream of splitting the brain while slowly piercing the needle into his brain, and then slowly pumping out the contents.

"Ah, ah, ah! Help! I still want to live! I don't want to..."

Even in this process, the creature is constantly sending a strong brainwave, and when its 'sound' slowly dissipates from the minds of scholars, its brain almost all enters the needle.

"You dare to do this kind of thing! We have to punish you! Prepare to die! Welcome the horror!"

At this moment, the scholars found that the split brains gathered on the beach next to them began to climb over it.

They crawled and published threatening words, and soon they all climbed to the feet of scholars.

"What are they going on?" Scholars felt that these things were very strange... They didn't care about their screaming companions before, but now they ran after the scholars had finished their brains.

"Go to death! Feeling pain! Can't move!"

These split brains are gathered at the feet of scholars. They constantly use the small body to hit the scholar's armor, but this has no effect at all...

They seem to be more abnormal than the brain-making monsters. Most of the brain-building genres are only linguistically abnormal, and these things have developed into behaviors that are not normal.

"Don't pay attention to them, I will come back later." Under the suggestion of the robbers. The scholar walked out of the pile and then ran to the aircraft parked next to it.

"Do you want to escape? The **** thing is coming to fight with us! Are you scared? You are not allowed to run away! I will kill you thoroughly!"

Under the words of the splitting brains, the scholars drove the aircraft and quickly flew off the place, and the split brains were still there.

What does these things mean? Scholars watched the beach slowly disappear in its field of vision... it was very puzzled by these creatures.

all in all. It takes a detailed study... but scholars have a feeling of not understanding.

The scholar flew to the surface of the sea with the aircraft, and soon he saw a small island in the distance.

This small island is small, about a hundred meters in diameter, with pure rocks and no plants. However, there are many flying creatures parked on it.

When the aircraft landed, these creatures flew up and the scholars walked off the aircraft and came to the center of the island.

There is a stone in this position, and after the scholar pushes the stone away, there is a channel... below.

"This is a temporary research institute that was established here a long time ago." The robbers said: "Although this is said, everything inside can be used... well, come here."

"It's quite big here..."

The scholar has now reached the depths of the passage, and the robbers jumped from its shoulders and shouted: "Tumble!"

In this moment. The whole place suddenly lit up, and the scholars found that it was filled with a variety of machinery, the style of which was very similar to that it used in the sea of ​​clouds.

"Then move quickly, first inject that brain into the 'analysis slot'."

According to the robbers, the scholar first injected the split brain in the needle into a transparent jar...

After completing the first few steps, the scholar finally opened the imaging device, and suddenly showed a lot of detailed information.

"This can actually do such a detailed analysis..." The scholar looked at the picture in the image and said with some surprise: "Can this memory be seen?"

“You can only see a small part.” The robbers said: “If you want to see the complete memory, you need to connect to the 'dream brain', but you don’t need to look at it now.”

"Look at its brain. It didn't die..."

Listening to the roaring worm, the scholar carefully looked at the image and found that the cells inside were actually active.

The brain that splits the brain has been sucked into a mass by the syringe, and the average creature is sure to die. But its brain cells are not dead... and they are slowly swimming with a tentacle-like structure.

They entangled the tentacles with each other as if they wanted to regroup them. Some were like creatures called 'sponges', but the sponge had no brain and could only combine simple cells.

“You can study them now.”

The robbers poked a few times on the screen, and a lot of data suddenly popped up. More detailed information is described in these data.

The information shows that these brain cells are synthesizing a complete structure little by little. These structures can be divided into ‘main thinking area’, ‘memory area’, ‘body function processing area’, etc...

"Their brains seem complicated."

“In general, the more the brain's brain classification area, the higher the 'intelligence' it has.” The robbers said: “So you know that creatures without 'language zones' usually don't have complex language.”

"Most of the 'split brain' is perfect, but one area is not perfect. This area can be called a 'logical area'." The robbers said: "The flaws in this area explain why they did it before. So many stupid behaviors."

"But they have something special."

The robbers pointed to a piece of the combination that was being combined: "This place has a special role."

The scholar wondered: "It is true that this part... has not been seen in the brains of other creatures. What is the use of this part?"

"It's not quite clear now, I'm going to put it here and continue to analyze." The robbers said: "In the meantime, we are looking for other special creatures, and there are still some organisms whose nuclei need to be studied. Before you leave, you should take some Here's something 'supplement'."


Then, the scholar took a lot of things in the institute, and used some 'systems' to update the armor, and then the scholar left the place, but the research equipment is still running automatically, automatically Researcher.


After this, the scholars continue to go with the robbers to find the remaining creatures, these creatures are very close, so scholars believe that they will be found soon.

...about a dozen or so nights...

"I finally found them all!"

The scholar returned to the institute again, and the needles it now carries are filled with blood and some other substances.

It sat down in the study, and then the blood in the needle was distributed and placed, and then together with the robbers, looked at the research on splitting the brain.

Those cells that were originally scattered have now been combined.

However, compared to the original, this brain appears to be a little smaller, as if some cells were lost during the combination process.

But it still forms a relatively complete part, although there is no viscera to provide nutrients, but the nutrient solution of the jar that holds it can sustain it.

Scholars and robbers also saw...the role of the remaining brain was resolved.

"It seems to be a part for analysis and then presentation." The worm looked at the information and the scholar said: "This means that it can do that."

"This brain is mainly used to analyze the nuclear information of other organisms, but it is not just an analysis. It can also 'present' the things that nuclear information goes through."

The scholar questioned: "What does it mean?"

"You know that the nuclear information of each creature represents everything in it, and it records all the history of the 'ancestors' to the present, and the role of this brain is to show this history in a more realistic situation, which is similar. "Dream", in that dream, it can observe how the creature with this nuclear information grows and evolves... and what kind of environment it touches, what kind of creature..."

"However, nuclear information is generally not as detailed as it is, but there will always be some information. By analyzing the data, it can calculate the current environment and simulate the whole history, and then present this history in its own mind."

“Can it do this?” The scholar was surprised: “So small brain...”

"They have to be together to simulate a complete history." The robbers said: "That's why you see them piled up on the beach, and they can only analyze specific nuclear information..."

"These specific nuclear information is only found in the creatures we found, such as the gnomes that were originally searched for..." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ 激 e107~三皮小子0258~书丿虫~的票票~sf0916

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