4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 787: Location of the Habitat Project

"We will build an underwater civilization here!"

Here is the area under the ocean that seems to be quite rich in biology. Large pieces of coral make up the colorful undersea jungle, where various creatures shuttle, and in all of this... there is a stone building .

The building is more than 20 meters high and has a square structure as a whole. There are some strange creatures wandering around the building.

However, compared to Lin, they are biased towards 'normal'.

"I didn't expect that you would come here to guide us. This is great."

Now, in front of Lynn is a creature that should be called 'Atlantic'.

Before Lin and the group of killer whales came to this place, they soon discovered the first ‘settlement’ of the Habitat plan. Here, there are already a lot of Atlan.

These Atlan... have indeed completed the changes in the 'aquatic form', but they are very different from Lin.

First of all, they still retain most of Atlan's appearance, and their limbs are still there. At first glance, they don't change much. Only when they are close can they see their changes...

These Atlan's fingers and toes have become longer than the original, and there is a structure that can be called ‘蹼’. The original Atlan movement in the water is very slow, but it is much faster now.

At the same time, their body hairs have completely disappeared. In addition to their heads, their skin has become smoother, much like a marine life...

However, they are not considered to be 'pure' marine life.

Like whales, these marine Atlanes do not have the ability to breathe underwater, they regularly in the air to take oxygen.

But their respiratory organs have undergone great changes, each of which can store long-term oxygen, and there are some differences when they eat.

According to them. They are able to eat in the water, there are other ways to get rid of excess water in the body, but also to adapt to deeper water pressure.

It has to be said that they change very quickly. They should be like 'rocks', which are rapidly changing their shape under the influence of microorganisms.

The Atlantians think that their ancestors are like this from the water to the land.

This is a very vague statement about this, and Lin thinks that they will be like rock skin. If you live here for a long time, it will continue to change.

Now their appearance is basically unchanged, but the following generations should continue to change...

When they saw Lin, they all thought that Lynn was the messenger of the sea god, but they also knew Lin, knowing that the role played by Lin was the king’s child, so they felt that Lin came to 'lead. 'their.

So, Lynn joined them easily, and Lynn has lived here... three days and nights.

Lin is now slowly swimming on the coral grove, followed by a ‘guard’ by Lynn. It has been here to protect Lin.

After all, they still regard Lin as a member of the royal family. In addition, there are several guards swimming around. Apart from them, other Atlan is carrying out the construction project of 'underwater civilization'.

There are more than sixty Atlans in this group, which is more than what Lin thought before. It includes a Atlan that connects from outside to experience history.

This location is far from the sea island city of Atlan, but it is still unclear whether it will be affected by the disaster.

After all, I don’t know what the intensity of the disaster is...

just now. The Atlantis are mainly around a building activity.

The building is said to have been here long ago, and it is evidence that their ancestors were sea creatures.

This building is really wonderful. The whole is made of a structure similar to coral bones. Although it is somewhat damaged, it was repaired by the Atlan.

But there is no Atlan living in it, the building is mainly used to place a variety of food.

They want to grow food here as if they were on the ground, and even want to raise a variety of fish creatures and then add buildings. Slowly transform this into a submarine city.

Their way of life... Let Lin think of the Snapdragons that live in the water, so Lynn feels that she can... ‘guide’ them.

In this way, Lin played the role of this place, and as the leader of this group of Atlan, how to live under the water.

Although Lin and they look different. But none of them doubts what Lin will doubt. Lin finds that they are quite obedient, and it feels like the elite.

So, Lin told them the methods of living the underwater creatures in the past, but they didn't say too much detail, and most of them let them develop themselves.

And their own comprehension is also very powerful.

In order to plant in larger areas, they migrated to the edge of the coral reef, and at the edge they went further and were vast...the seabed wasteland.

On top of the wilderness, they plant a large number of marine plants, which are called Atlas by water... It seems that they are not very famous.

However, there is nothing special about it... The roots of the marine plants are only used for fixation. They basically absorb nutrients from the water, so the Atlanes collect the 'fertilizer' in the coral reef. 'on.

These fertilizers include things such as corpses, and under their efforts, water vegetables have also grown steadily.

As long as it grows up, the water vegetables are basically foods that can be eaten directly. Before this group of Atlan is more inclined to eat, the method of making cooked food is mainly to use crystal.

They brought quite a lot of crystals here, but slowly they all began to prefer to eat directly... but this group of Atlan did not leave crystals for use, they are still trying to use crystallization to make some devices.

For example, Lynn advises them on oxygen generators so that they can stay in the water all the time, without having to swim to the surface.

Of course, they also use some methods to store oxygen under water, but these methods are not long-term, it is better to directly produce oxygen.

Their crystallization does not directly produce oxygen, but it can be used as a power source for mechanical devices...

During this period of residence, Lin also found that it seems to be very good, not only has coral reefs with huge resources, but also few dangerous sea creatures are close, only some of them are no more carnivorous than Atlanta.

The most dangerous one... is that Lynn sees a large group of creatures called 'pre-killing whales' approaching here. Although the name of the killer whales has this name, it is quite different from the real killer whales. They are all black. The length is about half of the killer whale.

Of course, it is also a carnivorous creature, and the attack of these creatures... has led to the death of several Atlan.

After that, the Atlantians discovered the importance of the number of groups who thought they needed more offspring.

As a result, they began to grow in the number of populations.

This Lin also suggested, but they seem to be unwilling to start. This kind of thing is basically half-pushing, I don’t know why...

But now it is different.

From this time on, Lin also found that the process of observing history seems to be 'accelerated'.

For example, when Lin’s character wakes up and wakes up, he will find that time has passed several days and nights, and the surrounding things have certainly developed several days and nights.

The aquatic Atlanya here is very normal to Lin. In their understanding, Lin did not sleep for a few days and nights, but in these days and nights, she was doing things according to Lin's ‘character’.

Seeing this, Lin feels that the history has developed to the 'stability' stage, so Lin will now automatically skip the time when nothing special happens, so that this group of Atlan development can be observed at a rapid speed.

Later, Lin found that, as Lin thought, this time, she would skip some time every time she sleeps, and basically there is no important thing in these times.

It’s not necessarily important to happen when Lynn wakes up... so it’s not quite sure how to skip the time.

However, Lynn also found that all important things will not be missed.

After a certain time I woke up, I found out that the Atlanes were cheering and they managed to create something.

Something that can be called 'mechanical'.

Although these machines are relatively simple, they do not need to go to the sea to get oxygen...

Then, Lin skipped some time after this, and Atlantians are keen to study mechanical technology, but...

Once, when Linde woke up, something big happened.

It feels like an unusually strong explosion occurred in the distance. This place suddenly trembles like an earthquake.

The jungle of coral here collapses, but the main problem is not earthquakes.

Shortly after the shock... A lot of dust and toxic substances floated from a distance, and these substances quickly covered this place.

Many creatures have left, and the rest have died here.

And Atlan, it belongs to the group that left.

Their plants could no longer be planted, and there was no way to maintain their lives here, so they took the rest of their resources and started to go elsewhere in the ocean, and decided to find another place to build the city.

This is obvious... it is a disaster.

It feels like an island explosion, which has affected a large area of ​​the sea nearby.

Therefore, the Atlantians have not found a suitable place to live for a long time.

They can only rely on the way to capture some creatures that are very strong, but can provide very few nutrients as food.

During this journey, the Atlans slowly moved to the deep sea area, and in the process... there were many things. (To be continued...)

Ps: Thank you ~o day 1994 ~ up to zero ~ river crab can not eat ~ sands broken music ~ monthly ticket ~

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