4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 788: Water civilization

When watching this history, Lin felt that time passed quickly.

Because most of them are skipped, even during the trip, Lynn can skip the unimportant part by sleeping.

Lin’s role will still move with the Atlan team during this period, because Lin can also observe the whole process in a short time...

The long-term journey made this group of Atlan feel exhausted. They seemed very united before, but slowly began to argue for various reasons.

But the reason for the dispute is very simple, that is, which direction should go and so on.

Although Lin is nominally guiding them, Lin is not responsible for leading the way. Leading the way is a few Atlan. They say they are very familiar with the nearby waters because they used to do it by boat. A lot of travel.

Although the team is mainly working under the sea, they are still committed to leading the team to a safe place.

But in fact, there is no... because it has not been able to stay where it is.

Because of the difficult roads, these leaders will be complained and suspected first, and many Atlan accused them. In the end, they all became arguing there.

Then, Atlan split into two sides, one side decided not to continue, but to travel to Shanghai to find land life.

On the other hand, it was decided to continue to move deep into the deep sea and find possible places to settle down. The two groups of Atlan went their separate ways. Although they did not have the ability to raise their minds, Lin did not know why it was separate to praise them. Words can be used here.

Lin belongs to the group of Atlan who traveled to the deep sea, and of course the Atlan, which was added to observe the history.

What happened to those who left Atlan, maybe they only have themselves... I know.

As they walked to deeper and deeper waters, the light became darker and darker, but the Atlantians seemed to adapt to this place, not just water pressure, they also looked good in the darker areas. Things.

The journey probably lasted for hundreds of days and nights. What exactly did it reach in Ershi... It was completely unclear. During the trip, a few Atlan died for various reasons.

but. This is not the case.

Moreover, on the road... Lynn also found that the Atlantis are changing rapidly.

They spend more and more time in the water, initially breathing for a thousand seconds, and then this time is slowly extended. It takes thousands of seconds, tens of thousands of seconds, or even a day and night. Of course, they no longer need machines that make oxygen.

Because Atlan didn't even have to go up to breathe.

Lin feels...they are really like the rock...

At some point, this trip finally stopped. Because Lynn and Atlan reached an open area.

This place should be called...the plains of the sea.

Although there are no colorful coral reefs, there are many creatures. There are many arthropods crawling on the ground, while shellfish are gathered under the scattered boulders on the plains.

A large number of fish swam above, and huge cetaceans are chasing them...

It was a very nice place, and it seemed that it was completely unaffected by toxic substances, and the Atlantians decided to settle here.

Life didn't go well at first. They could only dig holes in the sand to hide, try to avoid dangerous creatures and take the opportunity to hunt.

Until the first house was built, Lin and some guards lived there. Then the Atlanes built more houses, and these things can effectively prevent many dangerous creatures from attacking.

At the same time, the number of Atlan has also increased.

Just as their bodies have been strengthened, their reproductive capacity has been strengthened. Atlan can breed in the water, and the breeding cycle is much shorter than before, and the risk is much smaller.

The cubs born are given oxygen by the mother for a while, and the oxygen connection will be disconnected after a while.

The growth rate of the youngsters is also quite fast, and they will soon be able to play their part.

After the arrival of the new force, Atlan began to develop rapidly. Plant the plants in the sea and build houses as before.

Atlan's usual life is to take care of the plants that are kept, and the cubs play near the house. Then the hunter is responsible for swimming to the high places to hunt fish.

There are often large groups of fish passing here, and they are a good target.

Of course there are also dangerous carnivores here, but the Atlans have created some weapons to fight them. On the way against large dangerous creatures, Lynn occasionally helps the Orca group to help them. The conch can also summon them in the sea. .

therefore. Although the various creatures in the sea are still very dangerous, they have not made a big threat to Atlantan's group.

In this way, Atlan developed rapidly under the water, from the first one or two simple buildings to a larger camp, and from the camp to a village, slowly developed into a town.

The 'farmland' in the sea also dyed the entire plain into a green-based color, but there are many other colors mixed in it because of the different types of planting.

Watching them find that time is slowly passing... One year, two years... Lin mainly records the year with the day and night of Ershi.

Lin found that the time she skipped after sleeping became longer and longer, and later she even had the chance to skip a few years of sleep.

This reminds Lin of the time before.

But unlike this, Lin has really missed a lot of interesting things before, and this will not miss...

Slowly, the scale of development of this place can already be called the city.

And the ruler of this city is the Atlan, played by Lynn.

Although most of the time is Lin skipped, in fact, Lin's role is still doing various things during the skip period, and all these things are helping Atlan develop.

Therefore, they naturally made Lin the ‘king’ of this civilization.

At this time, Lynn also saw that the original Atlan had begun to age, and their life here has been shortened a lot, much faster than the aging.

However, a large number of descendants, as well as descendants of future generations, etc., have fully supported this submarine city.

The role played by Lynn does not seem to be old, and the appearance has not changed, so it is also regarded as the true embodiment of the sea **** by all Atlan.

These Atlan, of course, are growing stronger as they develop, and they have also developed a variety of wonderful techniques.

Unlike the land-based Ershi residents, Atlan’s technology is even more...some interesting.

But Lin... didn't see the end. (To be continued.)

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