4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 794: How to interrogate this creature

"Tell me your treasure to tell your secret!"

"Hugh think!"

"Is it? Then I have to pick your brain out..."

"If you dare to do this, you will never see your brain again!"

"My own brain is not invisible."

"Is that right?"


Here is a narrow, dark place. On a metal-shaped wall, a yellow-colored creature is fixed all over the chain.

Standing in front of it is a spider made of metal. Just now, the metal spider continued to ask a lot of questions about this creature.

However, it did not ask for useful information.

"It’s impossible to torture the brain." The metal spider walked aside and poked a button on the ground. The chain on the wall called the brain-like creature opened and it fell. On the ground.

The brain-building monster stood up and stared at the metal spider: "You have been bitten."

At the moment of saying this, it slammed up, but with the bang, the figure of the brains stopped in the air and then fell to the ground again.

Because it has a transparent wall between it and the metal spider, the brain-making blame just didn't seem to notice it.

Once again stood up from the ground, the brain spider stared at the metal spider behind the transparent wall: "You will not be bitten, but it will be faster."

"..." The metal spider ignored it, but poked it on the ground, and suddenly a three-dimensional picture popped up.

Displayed on the screen. It is a collection of various biological information collected by scholars and robbers. There is also research data on split brain. Of course, this information is not only known to scholars and robbers.

They have also been passed on to Maya and the Master. There are obviously many suspicious things in it, such as why the creatures here are affected by the biological information connected to the world.

And why do brain-making monsters specialize in creating split brains that can analyze this information? Through these clues... it is obvious that the brains know what to know.

Then the instructor grabbed one to ask, and of course it was almost impossible to tell it what to say... even if it used death threats it would be useless.

In general, there is no way to make a brainstorm to tell your own secrets, other than directly observing the memory in the brain.

However, it is not easy to observe the brains of brains.

They are different from ordinary creatures and are very clear about the things that happen in their own brains. When necessary, they will also damage the brain structure to prevent the other party from obtaining information.

This skill seems to be the most recent.

In short, letting the brains blame yourself is the best way, but as it was before, the brains refused to answer all the things about splitting.

“Why are we trapped here?”

Just then, another ‘sound’ rang.

There are a few split brains around the trapped brains. They crawled on the ground and climbed to the brain-making monsters. They thought like a cub on the brain-building monster: "When can we leave?" I don't want to stay here..."

"This is our destiny." The brain-speaking monster said, looking at the metal spider on the other side of the wall: "It is screaming at our horror and power, so we want to keep us here. Then we bite us."

"But if I can still move, I will bite it first..." Brainstorming said: "So you don't need to worry."

"..." The split brains did not respond. But the Master has detected that they have a similar 'touch' emotion.

If it is a general random blame here to torture them, I am afraid they will be mad by them.

Even if you don't get mad, you will basically lose the ** you want to continue to ask questions, but the Master thinks there are still some ways to make the brains open.

For example, to make the brain crazy.

In this case, you need a creature like the brain-creating. Of course, it is not another brain-making monster, but a creature that is transported from afar.

This kind of creature...is brought recently by Lin, and it is said to come from a new dream created by a creator. When the new dream is born, it is useless, but it will make most creatures feel extremely irritated. Things are born.

The metal spider walked to the corner of the room, where a metal can was placed, and a pipe was attached to the back of the jar, looking like a wire.

The metal spider took the jar to the front of the brain.

"Do you actually want me to eat something so ugly?" The brain-hunting looked at the jar that the metal spider took, and seemed to be very angry: "There is no brain with a seawater smell."

"This is not for you." The metal spider poked on the ground, suddenly a mechanical arm stretched out of the ground, picked up the can and then retracted into the ground.

After a few tens of seconds, the roof on the head of the brain was opened, and the machine holding the can was stretched out from there, quickly pressing the jar on the head of the brain-creating.

But did not press the middle, the brains are hiding.

‘Hey! The brain-building blame bites on the arm of the robot, and the metal-made arm suddenly bursts, but the robotic arm also slams the can, and presses the jar on the side of the brain-making monster.

"Oh oh oh oh oh! What have you done to me! Do you want to be bitten?" The brains suddenly released a huge amount of brain waves, which felt like a strong storm in the entire room. It continues to echo.

But only lasted for a few seconds.

The brain-creating eyes now close their eyes and enter a state of sleep.

"It seems to have been successful."

In another distant place, the instructor is looking at the brains through the imaging device.

It has succeeded in connecting the brain-making genie into a dream. The jar and brain-making genie are now connected to a distant dream brain through the 'wire', and the brain of this dream is specifically for creating a Prepared for independent space.

If you make a brain monster into a dream, you will be in that space, so that you can make a new 'torture' to the brain-making monster there.

Thinking, the instructor then picked up a jar and put it on his own body, and then entered the dream.

When the instructor opened his eyes, it could see that it was a small place, only 30 meters in diameter, surrounded by silver metal walls.

The brain-creating monster is looking at the front of the instructor with a puzzled look. It seems that he has not noticed that the instructor has come in, and he does not know what will happen next.

And the patriarch has some anticipation of emotion... watch it. (To be continued...)

Ps:ps: Radiation is on sale~ I want to take a vacation~

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