4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 795: Hidden data

"Shooting... Shooting!"

Lynn’s perspective is somewhere, with cold air and dark skies, plus dark red earth... and creatures’ screams.

Recently, Lin finally ended the journey of Atlan's history, although in the end, Lin wanted to leave the ball that would communicate with Lin... and continue to ask it some questions, but it still... blew.

But Lynn just let it explode part of it, that is its own part, and the whole crystal is retained.

Therefore, Lin can now continue to observe the history of the crystal, but there is no white space and the ball.

So, Lin continued to let the rest of the Atlanes continue to observe inside, and Lin went to do other things, including: ... put the information of the Ershi position into the nervous system of the star bus.

But after I put it in, I didn’t analyze the information immediately as Lin thought, but I was slowly analyzing it, and it seems that there are some other problems...

So at the time of its analysis, Lin first looked at things here.

In Lin’s vision, a group of creatures wearing white armor are madly pouring ammunition in their hands. Although they now call themselves Mars, Lynn mainly calls them 'American', more than 100 meters in front of them. In addition, there is a large group of gray shadows that are running at high speed.

Those are creatures called rock skins.

They had previously attacked the camp of the Amegen group. Under the attack of the rock skin, Amegen died and injured a lot. Although they successfully repelled the rock skin. But the rock skin soon attacked again.

Under the continuous attack, the Amergen group can no longer hold, so the leader is ready to evacuate, go to other groups to ask for help.

However, the rock skin did not seem to want them to escape, and they launched an attack again when they evacuated.

'boom!琳 heard a loud noise and saw a sudden rise in a lot of smoke. All Amergen members are covered by smoke.

It seems that they are raising their smoke and intend to retreat and escape, but this is not the case.

Lin looked at the side of the rock, and several rock skins that had run in front of him were holding some spherical and canned things and throwing them over Amegen.

At the moment when everything fell on the ground, a lot of smoke was raised, and these smokes were not only thrown into Amiggen, they were still at their feet.

Soon, the whole place was covered in fog.

Lynn feels that the group of Amergen may be quite dangerous, so Lynn contacted a nearby group belonging to ‘Aisha’.

And Aisha’s head has always been inactive. Now I am willing to dispatch troops to take a look.

At the same time, Lin also encountered some other groups. These groups are too far away. They said they would pay attention, but in fact they didn't really look at it. There was also a group who expressed doubts about Lin's identity. Not willing to believe in Lin.

Lin feels that it is a normal mood whether they are willing to accept or suspect. But Lynn’s attention to Mars this time is not for these things.

Lin mainly wants to find some creatures here. It seems that Mars used to have creatures. Lin had this doubt before... And now the doubts should have been confirmed.

The way to confirm doubts... is mainly related to that piece of crystal.

After stopping the self-explosion, Lin began to study some systems inside the crystal. Lin also discovered that there were some ‘hidden materials’ in it.

These materials are not directly spoken by the white space of the Ershi ball, but are hidden in the recording process, and they will be triggered under certain circumstances.

That is what Lynn did on the way to observe history... For example, if he successfully killed the giant tooth shark when he first left by boat, he would see some hidden information.

When you land in the back, you can successfully kill some of the more difficult creatures and see some information. When you lead Atlan to live in the sea, you will have similar opportunities to stimulate hidden information.

But in fact... Lynn has never done anything special from beginning to end. Because these things are mainly to do something dangerous.

Lin has always used various methods to avoid danger, so she did not see any hidden information at all.

And it doesn't have any hints... but now Lin also knows what these hidden materials are by analyzing the crystallization method.

There is a lot of interesting information here, and I asked the Ershi ball that I couldn't ask.

There is a document inside that is about the creatures of Mars.

This information mentions... This seems to be a long time ago, and Mars has some creatures similar to Ershi.

But these creatures... have been gone for a long time, but they leave some traces.

These hidden materials have the location of these biological traces, and now Lin has come to this position...

Here is a canyon where you can find traces of water flowing. At the same time, Lin found some things here.

These things are remnants of some creatures, but not the creatures themselves, but some of their manufactures.

When wandering here, Lin can feel that it is something like the 'reactor' like the virtual people...

They used to make something similar here, and then exploded or abandoned, but the remains are still in this place.

It seems that the creatures in this world... may have a similar 'civilization'.

Then, continue to explore here.

After confirming the things of Mars, Lin has to do something else...

In addition to this, Lin also analyzed a lot of other hidden information, and some of the information is dedicated to Lin.

However, does Ersh not think that Lin may not see this information?

The next piece of information is about the stellar bus.


The vision that Lin is now focusing on is in a space like a cave.

Here, Lynn can see that on the dark ground, there are a lot of things like tiny grass growing slowly.

However, these are not grass, but some neural structures... the neural structure of the stellar bus.

Just now, the nervous system of the stellar bus analyzed the information, but Lin did not get the coordinates of the Ershi position.

Instead, something strange happened.

Some organs in the stellar bus began to move, mainly because of some changes in the nervous system. Simply put, the nervous system passed instructions to other organs, and the content of these instructions was to start making a new organ. .

What exactly is this new organ used for? Lin does not know it yet, but according to the feeling, it may be an organ similar to the delivery system.

Lynn can stop it from forming this organ, but Lynn didn't do it.

Lin has mixed her own cells and a lot of micro-arms and other things into the nerves and various organs of the stellar bus, so when the stellar bus does anything, Lin can feel and act on the organs. Take control.

However, the organs of the stellar bus are still largely automatic, unless they are deliberately directed, otherwise the nervous system will automatically command other organs to do various things, as it is now...

Now this new organ initially looks like a plant in one place, but they grow up quickly and slowly fill the entire cave.

It grows very quickly, but Lynn thinks this is not harmful.

Because when it grows, Lynn can also receive some of the feelings in the stellar bus nervous system... it feels like it is growing.

It may be that Lin's stellar bus is still relatively 'young', and its growth has been interrupted by a series of previous events. Now, after receiving the instruction from Ershi, it has continued to grow.

It’s no surprise that new organs will emerge during the growth process. Lynn’s strange reason is that a simple message will allow it to grow...

Maybe the life process of the stellar bus is like this?

It seems that this is indeed the case.

Lin looked at the information hidden by Ershi in the history record... It introduced some of the living conditions of the stellar bus.

The Stellar Bus has a 'young' stage for a long time.

At this stage, the stellar bus can be said to be very... lonely, they have no way to encounter any kind during this period, only to slowly develop and live around the stars.

The duration of this juvenile stage is not fixed. According to the data, it is related to the ecology of the body. The more ecological the stellar bus is, the faster it matures.

However, because of various effects, including the Nether Disaster and some occasional, hostile alien creatures, etc., the ecology cannot be maintained steadily and may be repeated many times.

However, the definition of 'mature' does not say what is going on. In short, it requires a complicated environment.

Stellar bus manufacturing creatures don't use viruses to force evolutionary changes like creators. They are largely self-evolving, and the stellar bus is not necessarily a cell-like creature.

In fact, they don’t refuse, any creature can live on it, and the whole process will be long...

After entering the maturity stage, the stellar bus will grow further. It will receive the same kind of signal and officially enter the stage of communication with the same type.

At this time, it will grow some extra organs and prepare for contact with the same kind...

Lin’s stellar bus did not actually enter the mature stage.

But it can be induced in some ways and early into the maturity stage... this is what Lin is now. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ decided to see the genuine ~ 2476 ~ Thanks ~ o Shangguan Phoenix o ~ 300 ~ Thanks ~ Fucking really cool ~ Rainbow Bear ~ s_ak74 ~ hollowing out the burning ~ sturdy political commissar ~ monthly ticket ~

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